Plain Packaging Opposition in Scotland

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In September 2013, the Scottish Government announced that it would press ahead with plans to introduce Plain Packaging, with a public consultation in 2014 and then potentially to introduce legislation later that year or 2015.
At the time, the then Scottish Minister for Public Health, Michael Matheson, said: “The evidence is clear, plain packaging is an effective way to prevent the uptake of smoking among young people which is key to achieving our vision.”1
The tobacco industry response against the Scottish Government has mirrored its tactics in England and Australia:

* Scotland Plain Packaging: Scaremongering over Illicit Tobacco

* Scotland Plain Packaging: Legal Threats

* Will O’Reilly

More Information on Plain Packaging

Rest of United Kingdom

* Plain Packaging in the UK

* Plain Packaging Opposition in the UK: 2012 Consultation


* Plain Packaging in Australia

* Australia: Funding Think Tanks and Hiring Independent Experts

* Australia: Smuggling and illicit trade threats


* BAT Funded Lobbying Against Plain Packaging

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  1. Scottish Government,Tobacco plain packaging, 7 September 2013, accessed February 2014