General Disclaimer


Our purpose

TobaccoTactics aims to provide an overview of people, issues and groups working to shape the agenda on tobacco control and public health, with a particular focus on the role of the tobacco industry. It is a project of the Tobacco Control Research Group (TCRG) at the University of Bath.

Our funders

Some of the research for TobaccoTactics was funded by Cancer Research UK Limited and Bloomberg Philanthropies. This work has previously received funding from The New Venture Fund, Smokefree South West, and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Knowledge Exchange Opportunities scheme.

TCRG is a partner in the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use (BI) and is part of the STOP network.

STOP is a global tobacco industry watchdog whose mission is to expose the tobacco industry tactics that undermine public health. Comprised of a network of academic and public health organisations, STOP researches and monitors the tobacco industry, shares intelligence to counter its tactics, and exposes its misdeeds to a global audience. STOP is funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies as part of the BI.

For more information, visit

These funders have had no input into the research or its conclusions. They are not responsible for any of its content or publication, nor do they necessarily endorse it.

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Although we work to rigorous standards and adhere to a strict referencing policy, there is no undertaking by either or the University of Bath that any part of this site is accurate, complete or up to date. You use this site at your own risk, and for guidance only.

None of the authors, contributors, sponsors, administrators, sysops, or anyone else connected with or the University of Bath will be responsible for the appearance of any material considered defamatory, offensive, inaccurate, unlawful or misleading, nor will they be responsible for your use of the information contained in these web pages, or the pages TobaccoTactics links to.

TobaccoTactics retains the right to invite and accept contributing editors at its discretion.

Right of Reply relies on contributors to provide information and data in good faith. All content is monitored by the managing editors. There is a Right of Reply procedure to complain about information considered to be misrepresenting any person or organisation at this website.

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