David Bernick

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David Bernick was Senior Vice President and General Counsel of Philip Morris International (PMI) from March 2010 to June 2012.1

Worked on Next Generation Products

When Bernick left, PMI’s then Chief Executive Officer Louis Camilleri, was quoted as saying that: “I wish to take this opportunity to both acknowledge David’s accomplishments and thank him wholeheartedly for the significant value he has brought to Philip Morris since he joined us in March 2010. His contributions to the function he leads and to numerous Philip Morris strategic priorities, not least of which included the invaluable insights and creative work on our Next Generation Products, will endure for years to come.”2

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  1. C. Sullivan, Bernick: Paul Weiss Poaches Former Philip Morris GC From Dechert, Bloomberg Law, 3 May 2016, accessed October 2017
  2. Y. Kriegler, Philip Morris turns to Kraft as general counsel resigns, The Lawyer, 21 February 2012, accessed October 2017