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Created in 1952, Unitab is the European association of tobacco growers. As of 2014, the following national tobacco growers associations were listed as members:
- Belgium: Fédération Nationale des Planteurs de Tabac
- France: Fédération Nationaledes Producteurs de Tabac
- Germany: Bundesverband Deutscher Tabakpflanzer eV
- Greece: Confédération Panhellénique des Unions de Coopératives Agricoles
- Hungary: Magyar Dohanytermelok Orszagos Szovetsege
- Italy: Unione Italiana del Tabacco
- Poland: Polski Zwiazek Plantatorow Tytoniu et Krajowego Zwiakku Plantatorow Tytoniu
- Portugal: Associacão dos Produtores de Tabaco
- Spain:Federacion Nacional de Cultivadores de Tabaco
- Switzerland: Swiss Tabac
Links to the Tobacco Industry
Financially Supported by the Tobacco Industry
Unitab is funded by members’ fees. In addition, Unitab’s website states (as of 2014) that “most of UNITAB’s external actions are financed, additionally, by external incomes (gifts and subsidies), showing the corporate logos of British American Tobacco Italia, Imperial Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International (JTI), and Philip Morris Italy1 (See Image 1).
Co-founder of Tobacco House
Unitab was one of the co-founders of Tobacco House,23 a pan-European lobbying collaboration set up in 1999 by actors across the entire tobacco supply chain, including tobacco manufacturers (notably Philip Morris), whose objective it was “To restore the legitimacy and credibility of the entire tobacco sector and become a reasonable and constructive partner of the European Institutions…”4
Tobacco House was involved in lobbying against the original 2001 TPD.5
Part of Philip Morris International’s “3rd Party Coalition”
Leaked internal documents from Philip Morris International (PMI) have revealed that Unitab’s TPD lobbying activities were part of a larger, comprehensive and well-financed PMI campaign to block certain policy options that were particularly threatening to the tobacco industry.6 As part of its campaign, PMI mobilised what it referred to as a “3rd party coalition7 of seemingly independent interest groups that could add weight and credibility to pro-tobacco arguments. Importantly, PMI considered this third party involvement “key to success” in their efforts to undermine the TPD.8
Unitab, together with EFFAT and Fetratab, were earmarked by PMI to garner political support for pro-tobacco views from non-health Commissioners and Commission departments.9 Image 2 shows a slide from a leaked PMI presentation outlining the involvement of this three-party coalition as part of the company’s strategy to oppose the TPD. It was intended that the collation would seek meetings in the second half of 2011 with the Cabinet of EU President Barroso, and Cabinets of EU Commissioners across several jurisdictions, e.g. Trade (Hahn) , Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion (Andor), Agriculture (Cioloş), and Health (Dalli).8
Lobbying Against the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
In November 2009, François Vedel, the Secretary General of UNITAB , wrote to the European Commission President José Manuel Barroso to warn that the “upcoming FCTC Conference on Tobacco Control of the Parties (November 15-20, 2010) represents a threat to the Europe 2020 Strategy goals.”
Vedel argued that because the Convention proposed to “prohibit or restrict the use of additives in cigarettes”, this would “lead to the abandonment of tobacco growing in the EU, without any improvement whatsoever of the public health, while alternative solutions exist to meet public health protection objectives without destroying employment on rural areas.”
The letter warned that if the EU Tobacco Products Directive was revised, “the sustainability of several regions and of hundreds of thousands of workers will be put in danger.” 10
Vedel also noted that several MEPs, including Paolo de Castro, supported this stance.
Lobbying against the EU Tobacco Products Directive
Unitab also lobbied fiercely against the EU Tobacco Products Directive(TPD), a piece of legislation that regulates the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco in the EU, and came into force in May 2014 following a 5-year long review marred with controversy and delay.6 In 2011, Vedel was quoted as saying that tighter tobacco rules would benefit the mafia:
“If I was in the mafia I would be investing in this business because some of the best-known brands will have limited access to the markets new rules are introduced and the smokers will simply use contraband.”11
- See EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision and TPD: Tobacco Control Measures for more information on this legislation.
Of the various tobacco control measures proposed in the TPD, Unitab appears to have most strongly objected to the ingredients ban and plain packaging (which was later omitted from the TPD proposal),6 and to a lesser degree the EU snus sales ban.
Arguments against the TPD Echo Industry Arguments
The main arguments Unitab used to oppose the TPD mirrored classic arguments Transnational Tobacco Companies (TTCs) have used to oppose unwanted regulation for decades. These included:
- Plain packaging will increase illicit tobacco trade;1213
- Plain packaging will result in lower EU prices for leaf tobacco, leading to significant job losses;1213
- Packaging simplification will result in automatisation of the processing industry, leading to further job losses;13
- Plain packaging will result in competition no longer being on the level of brands (i.e. the tobacco manufacturers), but shift to the tobacco processing industry;14
- There is a need to add sugar without losing the flavour of European tobacco. An ingredients’ ban would result in the end of European tobacco and an increase in imported tobacco;1214
- Lifting the ban of snus will provide an additional outlet for European tobacco.12
Lobbying Non-Health Departments of the Commission: Agriculture, Trade, Budgets and Finance
Documents released under freedom of information (FOI) legislation confirm that Unitab, in collaboration with EFFAT and Fetratab and separately, lobbied non-health Commissioners and their Cabinets as early as March 2010 (when the revised TPD was in the early drafting stages):
- In March 2010, following the appointment of the Barroso II Commission, the coalition of Unitab, EFFAT and Fetratab approached the new Commissioner for Agriculture (Dacian Cioloş), expressing their hope that the Commissioner would agree to meet with them to listen to tobacco growers’ concerns, although the TPD was not mentioned specifically. 15. A meeting with the Commissioner’s Cabinet was arranged for 27 April 2010, although no minutes have been released.16
- In November 2010, ahead of the public consultation on the TPD review, Unitab wrote a letter to President Barroso and several non-health EU Commissioners, enclosing a report by Nomisma that claims that the proposed TPD measures would have a negative socio-economic impact on EU tobacco growing regions.171819
- In April 2011, Unitab hosted a diner/debate on the future of small tobacco-growing farms, targeted at European Commission staff, Members of European Parliament, and representatives of the Permanent Representations to the EU. A member of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Agriculture was invited, but there is no record to suggest they accepted. 20
- Consistent with PMI’s strategy (Image 2), Unitab, EFFAT, and Fetratab met with senior staff of the Commission’s DG Trade on 8 September 2011 to express their opposition to the ingredients ban and plain packaging.14 In regard to the former, they voiced their concern about a ban on sugar as additive, but “they could however agree to the ban of menthol and candy ingredients/cigarettes”.
- In the same month, PR company C& I (Communications and Institutions) arranged a meeting between Unitab and its partners with the Cabinet of the Agriculture Commissioner,21 who reported that “The representatives of the tobacco business repeated their usual requests and arguments” on plain packaging, the ingredients ban, and the snus sales ban.12
- In June 2012, Unitab unsuccessfully tried to invite the Commissioner for Agriculture to attend Unitab’s 33th Conference which was to be held in October that year.2223
- In October 2012, ahead of the adoption of the TPD proposal by the College of Commissioners, the coalition wrote to Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn, stressing the “potential negative social and employment implications” of the proposed TPD, claiming that it “would result into a heavy cost that would hit hard precisely some of the most vulnerable EU regions”,13 and claiming that these consequences have not been included in the TPD’s Impact Assessment.
- In October 2013, in response to the TPD vote in the Parliament earlier that month, Unitab, EFFAT and Fetratab wrote to the Wine Alcohol and Tobacco Unit in the Commission’s department responsible for Agriculture (DG AGRI), to challenge the Parliament’s decision to have a positive list of authorised additives to be developed by the Commission. 24
EU Transparency Register
Unitab has been listed on the EU Transparency register since April 2012. It disclosed that its 2013 EU lobbying budget was between €50,000- €100.000million.25
In view of Unitab’s active role in opposing TPD measures, this figure seems conservative and may not include all lobbying costs Unitab incurred. For example, a report by Corporate Europe Observatory shows that Unitab’s 2011 disclosed lobbying budget of €75,000 failed to include €800,000 it had paid PR firm C&I to lobby on its behalf.26
TobaccoTactics Resources
- Plain Packaging
- Third Party Techniques
- EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision
- Fetratab
- Industry Interference and the 2001 EU Tobacco Products Directive
- A list of all pages relevant to the Tobacco Products Directive