The Times investigates UK policy interference by tobacco companies and third parties


An article published by The Times today details its investigation into how tobacco companies attempt to influence science and public health policy, using tactics such as funding favourable research and running astroturf campaigns. It spells out how tobacco companies are linked to third-party organisations, some of which they established, and how in turn those third parties promote industry-funded science and advocate for policies in the industry’s best interests.

TobaccoTactics Managing Editor Raouf Alebshehy is quoted in the article:

These incidents [are] the latest examples of the industry’s long history of using third parties and front groups, funding and publishing its own research, and attempting to manipulate science.”

You can read more on TobaccoTactics about some third parties mentioned in the article:

Researchers at Bath TCRG have carried out our own analysis into industry influence into policy making in the UK for the UK Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2023. The report  pointed to a lack of transparency across government and a range of unnecessary interactions between government officials and tobacco companies. The authors highlight the continuing need to protect UK health policy from tobacco industry interference.

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