New Tobacco Tactics page on endgame policies and industry interference
A new page on Tobacco Tactics summarises the policy options for a tobacco ‘endgame’.
It details attempts by the tobacco industry and its allies to interfere with or undermine proposed policies in Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK.
Related resources on this topic are linked from the page.
See also:
G. Hartwell, AB. Gilmore, M C I . van Schalkwyk, M. McKee, Sunak’s smoke-free generation: spare a thought for the tobacco industry, BMJ, 2023; 383 :p2922 doi:10.1136/bmj.p2922
M. McKee, N.S. Hopkinson, New Zealand reverses landmark tobacco controls, BMJ 2023; 383 :e078799 doi:10.1136/bmj-2023-078799