All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group (APCRG)

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The purpose of the All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group (APCRG) “is to promote debate and understanding of corporate social responsibility within Parliament”.1 APCRG was known as the “Associate Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group” until 2013.2

The Group was founded in 2001 led by Baroness Sally Greengross and supported by Business in the Community. In March 2009, the Group decided that it should welcome Associate (non-Parliamentary) members.1

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

Associate members of the APCRG include the following tobacco companies:3


The group’s secretariat is provided by Central Lobby Consultants (CLC),4 who also act as the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Food and Health Forum.5

[NB This group is different from the All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Governance Group (APPCGG) which has tobacco company sponsorship.]

Relevant Link

All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group (APCRG) website

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  1. abAll-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group, Homepage, undated, accessed July 2020
  2. Associate Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group, Homepage, undated, archived 22 November 2012, accessed July 2020
  3. All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group, Associate members of APCRG, undated, accessed July 2020
  4. All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group, About us, undated, accessed July 2020
  5. All Party Parliamentary Food and Health Forum, homepage, last updated December 2017, accessed July 2020