Mueen Afzal
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Mueen Afzal joined British American Tobacco (BAT) Pakistan (also known as the Pakistan Tobacco Company (PTC)) in 2003 and became Chairman and Non-Executive Director in 2007. 1 He was replaced in April 2019 by Zafar Mahmood.2
Afzal was also on the Board of Directors of the Murree Brewery Company Limited in Pakistan, until 2017.3
Afzal joined the Civil Service in 1964 and has held numerous government positions until his retirement in 2002, including:45
- Secretary General, Finance and Economic Affairs to the Government (1999 – 2002)
- Finance Secretary, Government of Pakistan (1996 – 1998)
- Health Secretary, Islamabad (1995 – 1996)
- Economic Minister in the Pakistan Embassy, Washington, DC, USA (1987 – 1990)
- Finance Secretary, Baluchistan (1981-1984)
- Finance Secretary, Punjab (1984-1986)
Revolving Door
Afzal’s subsequent position at PTC after serving as a Civil Servant for nearly four decades is an example of the Revolving Door.
The revolving door is the term used to describe instances where politicians or civil servants take up positions as consultants for the private sector (such as tobacco companies) where their area of former public service can conceivably serve the interests of the private company. Similarly, the revolving door also refers to former private sector employees that accept positions in the Government where they have the power over regulations in the sector that they once worked in.The revolving door can be viewed as a violation of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control’s Article 5.3 which aims to protect public health policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry.
Links to the Tobacco Industry
Mueen Afzal became a member of the British American Tobacco Pakistan’s office in 2003. Since then, he took on several coordination roles at this organisation. 6