Anne Katrine Mevlig

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Anne Katrine Mevlig was Manager Corporate Affairs at Philip Morris International (PMI) Denmark up to August 2014.1 She started working for PMI in April 2011.

Lobbying on the EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision

Leaked internal PMI documents reveal that Ms Mevlig lobbied Danish Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to take a pro-tobacco position whilst the 2001 EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision (TPD) was being revised.2
A detailed account of a meeting with MEPs outlines that Ms Melvig (whose name is abbreviated as ‘AKM’ in the documents) directly lobbied MEPs Jens Rohde and Morten Messerschmidt (see Picture 1).3

Picture 1: Snapshot from Philip Morris International (PMI) leaked document which was leaked in September 2013

Revolving Door

From November 2002 to August 2005, Ms Mevlig was the political assistant to Jens Rohde MEP (at that time member of Danish Parliament).1
Mr Rohde is one of the MEPs that PMI had an ongoing contact with,3 and who tabled several pro-tobacco amendments to the TPD proposal in May 2013.4
To read more about PMI’s campaign to derail the TPD revision, including its strategy to “activate MEPs”, click here

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  1. abLinkedin profile A.K. Melvig undated, accessed January 2015
  2. Philip Morris International, Copy of new Transparency Register. Lists of Consultants and their expenses, from internal Philip Morris International documents leaked in September 2013
  3. abPhilip Morris International, AAA Master File. Background information and meeting details of most MEPs by country, from internal Philip Morris International documents leaked in September 2013
  4. R. Goebbels, ITRE Committee Amendments 21-280 Draft Opinion on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related products, 28 May 2013