Centre for Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking (COREISS)

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The Centre for Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking (COREISS) is a private registered company based in Auckland, New Zealand. It was established in June 2018 by Dr. Marewa Glover, with a grant from the tobacco industry-funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW).1 FSFW calls itself an independent scientific organisation aimed at “accelerating the end of smoking,” but is solely funded by tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI). COREISS is one of multiple “Centres of Excellence” set up with Foundation funding as hubs for research on tobacco control and harm reduction.

The stated aim of COREISS is to focus on reducing tobacco-related harms among indigenous peoples worldwide.23


COREISS Director, Dr Marewa Glover, describes herself as “an indigenous behavioral scientist who has worked on reducing harms from smoking for over 25 years.”4 She is a former chair of End Smoking NZ (2009-18), a charitable trust that lobbies for tobacco harm reduction, and was a Professor of Public Health at Massey University (2016-2018) and Director of the Centre for Tobacco Control Research at the University of Auckland (2006-2015). She has a PhD in Behavioural Sciences and is the Tobacco Section Editor of the Harm Reduction Journal56 Glover is also a scientific advisor to the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organisations (INNCO), organising committee member of the Global Forum on Nicotine7 and associate member of the New Nicotine Alliance (NNA).8

As of October 2020, the COREISS website “About Us” section listed only Glover, with no details of any other staff, directors, partners or advisory board.2 NZ Companies Office records show that COREISS Limited was previously named Amoss Limited until February 2018. It was first registered as a New Zealand company in July 2005 by Glover and Stephen Piner. The company is categorised as “Scientific research institution operation – except university”.9 Piner’s LinkedIn profile states that he became Director of Operations at COREISS in July 2018.10

Set Up with Tobacco Industry-Linked Funding

On 30 May 2018, COREISS was awarded a US$978,449 grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW), whose purpose is to “fund scientific research designed to eliminate the use of smoked tobacco around the globe”.11 The Foundation’s tax documents reveal that COREISS was its third largest grantee in 2018.1 FSFW President, Derek Yach, described the opening of the NZ Centre of Excellence with Dr Glover, “a world-renowned tobacco control expert”, as a personal highlight in the Foundation’s 2019 annual report.121314 The Foundation’s 2017 launch video also contains footage and interviews from New Zealand,15 including with Glover in her former role as chair of End Smoking NZ.16

Since then COREISS has continued to be awarded more than US$1.7m annually from the Foundation.

In 2019, COREISS received nearly US$1.8 million (figures rounded) in funding from FSFW, according to FSFW 2019 tax return. An additional US$7.3m was committed by FSFW in future funding.1718

The funding pledge was maintained. The 2020 FSFW tax return showed COREISS spent just over US$1.1m of a US$1.8m grant for that year. A further US$3.1m was committed for the future.19 In 2021 COREISS received a further US$410,104 from FSFW.20

COREISS’s website does not disclose the amount of the grant awarded by the Foundation, only a disclaimer that it receives funds from it and that it is “fully independent”.21 FSFW’s tax documents show that US$489,225 of a total US$978,449 was awarded to COREISS in the 2018 calendar year.1

  • For more information on other Foundation for a Smoke-Free World grant recipients, see our page on its grantees.

In August 2019, according to press reports, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health warned district health boards that it preferred them not to work with COREISS22 – a move Glover has described as blacklisting23 and part of a wider harassment campaign akin to a “public lynching”.24

Also in 2019, it was reported that Glover had put in a funding bid for “millions more” from the FSFW to fund COREISS.25

In July 2020, Glover published a paper with Pooja Patwardhan, a director of a UK based private company, also funded by FSFW: the Centre for Health Research and Education.2627

Critics: “Co-optation of Indigenous Culture”

Marewa Glover has been criticised by the NGO, Hāpai Te Hauora Māori Public Health and a group of Indigenous public health experts from New Zealand, Canada, the US and Australia for indirectly accepting tobacco industry money.28

Writing in Tobacco Control, the indigenous health leaders argued that the tobacco industry would “use the Foundation to meet its agenda which is in stark contrast to the health and well-being agendas of Indigenous peoples” and that “co-optation of Indigenous culture” must be resisted. They added that the tobacco industry has a history of exploiting and appropriating Indigenous culture to sell and promote commercial tobacco. They also asserted that the debate around newer nicotine and tobacco products and their potential to improve Indigenous health should be led by Indigenous peoples and not be influenced by organisations linked to the tobacco industry. They contended:

By serving the interests of PMI, the Foundation is complicit in commercial tobacco use and the associated absolute and disproportionate tobacco-related harms to Indigenous peoples.28

Hāpai Te Hauora, which holds New Zealand’s national tobacco control contract, told Radio NZ that while it respects Glover’s expertise on Maori smoking cessation, it had no choice but to cut ties to COREISS due to the Centre’s source of funding.22

Glover has strongly refuted accusations by some critics that COREISS has acted as “a mouthpiece” for Philip Morris International (PMI) and the tobacco industry. In September 2019, she consulted lawyers over comments made by the Public Health Association (PHA) of New Zealand’s chief executive,29 which resulted in a formal unreserved apology and retraction being issued by PHA.30 Glover remains resolute that her Centre is neither compromised,29 nor influenced by its Foundation funding, arguing that the bylaws of its benefactor as “an independent nonprofit organisation” ensures it has “complete autonomy” from PMI.31

Furthermore, the COREISS website states:

The research produced by the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, the contents, selection and presentation of facts, as well as any opinions expressed on the Centre’s website, or in its presentations and publications are the sole responsibility of the Centre and its authors and under no circumstances shall be regarded as reflecting the position of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Inc.21

COREISS Reports and Government Submissions 2019

In its first 20 months of operation between May 2018 and December 2019, COREISS published two research papers, one illustrated essay booklet, one flyer and four submissions to government inquiries related to smoking and e-cigarettes in New Zealand, the Philippines and Greenland. Its submission to the Philippines Government in December 2019 argued that electronic nicotine devices “should not be taxed initially, or a tax relative to risk could be considered” and that “[it] is important that the acceptability of the products is not undermined by unnecessary restrictions on the nicotine levels or the flavours.”32

Quantifying Māori Spend on Tobacco, Alcohol and Gambling

The first FSFW-funded COREISS output was an externally-commissioned report, published in May 2019 and entitled “Quantifying Māori spend on tobacco, alcohol & gambling”.33 This report summarised the tobacco, alcohol and gambling tax burden of the Māori population. Glover has long argued that tobacco tax increases unfairly target Māori and Pasifika groups,3435 “take money from the poor”,34 do not work,36 and push smokers to the illicit market.34

New Zealand Health Select Committee Hearing: Argued Against Ban on Smoking and Vaping in Cars

In August 2019, Glover presented COREISS’s submission “Do We Really Need Another Law? The cost to New Zealand of banning smoking in cars”37 to a Health Select Committee hearing on a proposed Smoke Free Environments (Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles Carry Children) Amendment Bill.

In her oral evidence, Glover described the Bill as “extreme”, “punitive” and “discriminatory”, given the much higher smoking rates of Maori and Pasifika groups (32.7% and 23.2% compared with the national average of 12.5% regular adult smokers).3839

Banning smoking in cars, she told the committee, would do nothing to protect children and “was a waste of time”; money could be better spent on cessation programmes to help parents stop smoking. She argued that exposure to secondhand smoke was “far greater in the home” compared with “fleeting” time spent in cars.3840 She also dismissed one MP’s question about toxins building up in enclosed spaces such as cars:

“That’s junk science that the toxins are first of all harmful and that they build up. As I said there’s no evidence that nicotine or the particles in cigarette smoke, the residue delivers any ill health to anybody… obviously it’s damaging for the person who’s smoking. But ah, it’s, as I say in my submission, the dose makes the poison. Children are not in the car all day long every day.”41

Glover added that “what gets missed is that our bodies heal, so even if we are temporarily exposed, we heal from that”.29 Her statement was criticised by some Committee members, one of whom described it “outrageous”, as well as other public health experts at the hearing.38 According to Glover:

the scientific studies have not proven that exposure to cigarette smoke in the car causes disease, it’s not a causal relationship and most of the studies it’s actually exposure in the home that the association is with. And in tobacco control we have extrapolated that out to exposure in the car, so the evidence is not there for that. So I really urge you to… basically I say, “show me the evidence””.41

Glover told the Committee that: “In tobacco control over 35 years, we have exaggerated the effects deliberately to scare people off smoking.”38

Glover’s views are at odds with other public health officials. “Children are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of secondhand smoke due to their smaller lungs, higher respiratory rate and immature immune systems,” NZ Associate Health Minister, Jenny Salesa had said when she first announced the Bill in February 2019, arguing it was important to safeguard their health, with Māori and Pasifika children most vulnerable to secondhand smoke in vehicles.40 In October 2019, Salesa dismissed Glover’s controversial stance against the ban “as her opinion”, reiterating that the Government was standing up for children’s rights.29

“Vaping Has No Health Effects on Bystanders”

Glover also told the Health Select Committee that she believed that vaping in cars poses no risk:38

Vaping has no health effects on bystanders, so it’s a totally different animal. You know, the smoke is, there’s gas, there’s actual particles and vapour is, uh it evaporates very quickly, it’s not carrying any of those particles at all that are toxic. And there is minimal nicotine residue. The whole third-hand, fourth-hand, fifth-hand smoke thing is made up to scare people off smoking, there is no associated harm with nicotine residue on things. So I think you know if we really want people to stop smoking in cars, why ban those alternatives? …” 41

Glover’s comments also run contrary to the WHO’s January 2020 advisory on e-cigarette second-hand emissions, as well as other scientific evidence. In January 2020, WHO stated that e-cigarettes, also known as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) “expose non-smokers and bystanders to nicotine and other harmful chemicals. …The aerosols in ENDS typically contain toxic substances, including glycol which is used to make antifreeze. ENDS pose risks to users and non-users.”424344454647


Following the hearing, Glover’s non-disclosure of COREISS’s tobacco industry-linked funding was also criticised by some commentators.4849

Published Booklet Written by Academic with Ties to the Tobacco Industry

In October 2019, COREISS produced a short booklet titled, “Preventing risk of smoking-related disease among adults versus preventing initiation to vaping: Simplistic lifeboat thinking not applicable”. It featured a cartoon drawn by Glover and an essay by harm reduction advocate Carl V Philips, whose research has been funded by the tobacco industry, included a USD$1.5million grant from the U.S. Smokeless Tobacco Company and further funding from British American Tobacco. In their booklet’s disclosure statement, Glover and Philips wrote that “…neither PMI nor the Foundation exercises any influence over the presentation of our findings, and they will not be aware of this paper until it is published”.31

Submission to Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) Government: “Adopt a Harm Reduction Approach”

In December 2019, COREISS published a submission to Greenland’s Ministry of Health draft parliamentary Act on tobacco products and non-smoking environments (the Smoking Act).50

Written by Marewa Glover and also posted on the Foundation’s website, COREISS’s submission recommended that the Government of Greenland (the Naalakkersuisut) adopt a harm reduction approach to reduce the extremely high (60%) tobacco smoking prevalence among Greenland’s indigenous Kalaallit Nunaat people.

Noting the government’s public health programme (Inuuneritta) goal to cut smoking to 40% of the adult population, Glover argued “this figure could quickly be achieved by allowing smokers in Kalaallit Nunaat access to any or all of the greatly risk-reduced alternatives to smoking that now exist”. She gave examples of how smokeless tobacco products, such as snus, have led to dramatically reduced rates that make traditional tobacco control measure rates look “shockingly slow”.50

She added that Greenland “has the chance to leapfrog over the inefficient tobacco control methods of the past by adopting a tobacco harm reduction approach today”.50 Greenland, which is a self-governing autonomous Danish dependent territory, is not a party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), a global treaty that aims to reduce the demand and supply of tobacco.51

Similar to COREISS’s December 2019 submission to the Philippines Government (see below), its Greenland submission included a section on “Understanding the anti-vaping hysteria” which referred to “anti-vaping lobbyists” as deliberately exaggerating teenage vaping prevalence. Glover stated that “Kalaallit Nunaat specific research should be encouraged to identify locally effective approaches”.50

The COREISS Greenland submission made no mention of whether Glover consulted local indigenous groups, researchers or politicians, which would be consistent with COREISS’s pledge in 2018 “that indigenous worldviews will underpin the research methods”.52 Authors cited in the submission include harm reduction advocates Carl V Phillips and Harry Shapiro (the latter is a staff member of Knowledge Action Change) as well as the Foundation’s Derek Yach.5053

Submission to Philippines Government: “No Unnecessary Restrictions on ENDS and HTPs”

In December 2019, COREISS published a submission to a Philippines Congressional Joint Committee inquiry into Regulating Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Heated Tobacco Products. This submission heralded harm reduction as the solution to helping the country achieve its stated goal of reducing smoking prevalence to 15% by 2022. In her submission to the House of Representatives committees on Trade and Health, Glover wrote:

I strongly recommend that the Philippines Government adopt a harm reduction approach to tobacco smoking. Relative risk regulation that encourages people who cannot quit smoking to switch to risk-reduced alternatives such as vaping or using tobacco heating devices or oral nicotine pouches could cause smoking rates to plummet.”54

Arguing that “regulation rather than a ban is needed”, Glover appealed to the Government not to ban flavours or impose any “unnecessary restrictions” on nicotine levels.54

Despite the COREISS pledge “that indigenous worldviews will underpin the research”,52 its Philippines submission54 did not contain references to the country’s numerous indigenous communities that make up nearly 12% of the Philippines population, among them some of the poorest and most disadvantaged sectors of society.55

Submission to New Zealand Government on “Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill”

In April 2020, Glover published a submission to the New Zealand Government in response to its consultation on the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill.56 In her submission, Glover argued that there would be a “disproportionately negative impact of the proposed Bill on groups with higher smoking and vaping rates, such as Māori, Pacific and lower socioeconomically disadvantaged groups”.56 She argued that the policy was based on a colonialist  “denormalization” of tobacco, which was inconsistent with Maori perspective.

In addition to arguing against many of the proposals for increased controls over e-cigarette manufacturers and retailers, Glover also said that the ban on Swedish style snus should be overturned.56

Opposed tobacco endgame 

In 2021, Glover published a submission to the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan consultation in her capacity as Director of COREISS. The submission opposed the proposed tobacco endgame policies in New Zealand.57 See Tobacco Industry Interference with Endgame Policies. 

Global Forum on Nicotine: Committee Member and Speaker

Glover sits on the Programme Organising committee of the Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN), an annual conference held in Warsaw, Poland since 2014. The forum is run by London-based Knowledge Action Change Limited (KAC), which is headed by Professor Gerry Stimson. At the 2018 GFN conference, Glover received an Outstanding Advocate award from the International Network of Nicotine Consumer Organizations (INNCO), another FSFW grantee. She is also listed as “scientific adviser” to INNCO.7

Speaker at Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum 2018-2020

Marewa Glover, in her capacity as Director of COREISS, was a speaker at the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum. This annual tobacco industry-funded networking forum was held in August 2018 in London and in September 2019 in Washington. She was listed as both as a keynote speaker and panellist at the latter event.5859 In 2020, the event was held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Glover was again listed as a keynote speaker.60

Speaker at Asia Harm Reduction Forum

After setting up COREISS, Glover spoke at two Asia Harm Reduction Forum events, alongside several other international speakers and panellists who have also received Foundation for a Smoke-Free World funding.61 The first Forum was in the Philippines capital Manila in November 2018, which was held at the same time as legislators were drawing up laws on e-cigarettes.62

Glover spoke about “The New Zealand Approach to Tobacco Harm Reduction”.61 She also spoke at the 2019 event held in Seoul in August.63

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  1. Robertson, A. Joshi, T. Legg, et al., Exploring the Twitter activity around the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Tobacco Control Published Online First: 11 November 2020, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055889


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  1. abcFoundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2018 Tax Return, 13 May 2019, accessed May 2019
  2. abCenter of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, Home, undated, accessed January 2020
  3. Center of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking , Kaupapa – Our purpose, COREISS website, undated, accessed May 2019
  4. Center of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, Tangata – Our People, COREISS website, undated, accessed February 2020
  5. Marewa Glover, LinkedIn profile, undated, accessed January 2020
  6. M. Glover, A Ban on Smoking and Vaping in Cars Will Have Racist Consequences, Filter, 5 March 2019, accessed February 2020
  7. abGlobal Forum on Nicotine, Programme Committees, GFN website, undated, accessed February 2020
  8. New Nicotine Alliance, Associates, NNA website, undated, accessed February 2020
  9. NZ Companies Office, COREISS LIMITED (1666882) Registered, Companies Register, archived 14 January 2020, accessed January 2020
  10. Steve Piner, LinkedIn profile, undated, accessed January 2020
  11. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Smoke Free World Awarded Grants: COREISS Limited, FSFW website, saved 16 January 2020, accessed January 2020
  12. FSFW, Financials, saved 31 October 2019
  13. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Annual Report 2018, FSFW website, archived 31 October 2019
  14. T Legg, S Peeters, P Chamberlain & A Gilmore, The Phillip Morris-funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World: tax return sheds light on funding activities, The Lancet, 2019; 393: 2487-2488
  15. Attention Era Media, A Billion Dollar Foundation, Attention Era website, undated, archived May 2018, accessed January 2020
  16. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, The Vision: Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, YouTube, September 2017, accessed January 2020
  17. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2019 Tax Return, 15 May 2020, accessed May 2020
  18. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, HST and Other Approved Grants, FSFW website, undated, accessed October 2020
  19. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2020 Tax Return, 17 May 2021, accessed May 2021
  20. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2021 Tax Return, 16 May 2022, accessed May 2022
  21. abCenter of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, Disclaimer, COREISS website, undated, archived January 2020, accessed October  2020
  22. abG Espiner, Gloves off: Smoking researcher shunned over Philip Morris funding, RNZ, 27 August 2019, accessed February 2020
  23. M Glover, Twitter, 27 January 2020
  24. JF Etter, The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World after 2 years, Presentation at E-Cigarette Summit 14 November 2019, E-Cigarette Summit website, undated, accessed January 2020
  25. RNZ Morning Report, Anti-smoking campaigner defends funding from tobacco giant, RNZ, 22 August 2019, accessed February 2020
  26. M. Glover, P. Patwardhan, K.Selket, Tobacco smoking in three “left behind” subgroups: indigenous, the rainbow community and people with mental health conditions, Drugs and Alcohol Today, 1 July 2020, ISSN: 1745-9265
  27. Foundation for a Smoke Free World, FSFW-sponsored publications that are publicly available, undated, accessed July 2020
  28. abA. Waa, B. Robson, H. Gifford, et al., Foundation for a Smoke-Free World and healthy Indigenous futures: and oxymoron?, Tobacco Control, 2020;29:237-240, doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054792
  29. abcd1 News, Marewa Glover hits back after being labelled mouthpiece for tobacco companies, TVNZ, August 2019, accessed February 2020
  30. Public Health Association, Sign Up to our newsletters, PHA website, undated, accessed January 2020
  31. abM. Glover & C.V. Phillips, Preventing risk of smoking-related disease among adults versus preventing initiation to vaping. Simplistic lifeboat thinking not applicable, COREISS website, 2019, archived October 2019, accessed December 2019
  32. Center of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, ENDS, COREISS website, December 2019, accessed January 2020
  33. Center of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, Publications, COREISS website, undated, archived 9 January 2020, accessed January 2020
  34. abcT. Kupenga, Tobacco Tax ‘beyond tipping point’- Dr Marewa Glover, Te Ao Maori News, 6 January 2019, accessed May 2019
  35. PR Newswire Asia, New Zealand’s Leading Tobacco Control Expert Questions Budget Tobacco Tax Increase, Asia One, 31 May 2019, accessed June 2019
  36. S. Collins, Public health professor Marewa Glover claims tobacco tax rise racist towards Maoris, NZ Herald, 30 May 2016, accessed May 2019
  37. M. Glover, Do We Really Need Another Law? The cost to New Zealand of banning smoking in cars, COREISS website, archived 6 September 2019, accessed January 2020
  38. abcdeZ. Small, MPs aghast over tobacco researcher Marewa Glover’s claim ‘bodies heal’ from secondhand smoke, Newshub, 21 August 2019, accessed January 2020
  39. Health Promotion Agency, Facts & figures, Smokefree NZ website, undated, accessed January 2020
  40. abJ. Ensor, Researcher says banning smoking in cars discriminatory to Māori, Newshub, 20 August 2019, accessed December 2019
  41. abcHealth Select Committee, Smoke-free Environments (Prohibiting Smoking in Motor Vehicles Carrying Children) Amendment Bill (21 August 2019), HSC Facebook, 20 August 2019, accessed February 2020
  42. WHO, E-cigarettes: how risky are they?, WHO website, 20 January 2020, accessed January 2020
  43. C Khachatoorian, P Jacob III, NL Benowitz, et al, Electronic cigarette chemicals transfer from a vape shop to a nearby business in a multiple-tenant retail building, Tobacco Control, 2019;28:519-525, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054316
  44. C. Crist, Vaping residue can transfer between rooms, Reuters, 10 September 2018, accessed January 2020
  45. US Surgeon General, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General, Office on Smoking and Health (US), 2006, accessed January 2020
  46. K. M Mason, The Burden of Disease from Second-hand Smoke in New Zealand, Environmental Health Indicators Programme, Massey University, 2016, accessed January 2020
  47. K.M. Mason, Burden of disease from second-hand smoke in New Zealand, New Zealand Medical Journal, 129(1432): 16-25
  48. J. Moir, Speaker to look into conflict of interest in law submissions, Stuff, 23 August 2019, archived 25 September 2019, accessed December 2019
  49. The Southland Times, When Big Tobacco likes the cut of your jib, what does that tell you?, Stuff, 26 August 2019, accessed January 2020
  50. abcdeM. Glover, Reducing Smoking-related Morbidity and Mortality in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland): A submission on the Naalakkersuisut Ministry of Health draft parliamentary Act on tobacco products and non-smoking environments (the Smoking Act), COREISS website, 2019, accessed February 2020
  51. Campaign for Tobacco Free-Kids, Greenland Summary, Tobacco Control Laws website, last updated 1 January 2019, accessed January 2020
  52. abCenter of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, researcher launches international research centre focused on indigenous smoking, Medianet, 21 August 2018, accessed 22 January 2020
  53. F. Riahi, S. Rajkumar, D. Yach, Tobacco smoking and nicotine delivery alternatives: patterns of product use and perceptions in 13 countries, F1000Research, 2019, 8:80. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.17635.2
  54. abcCentre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking, Regulating Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Heated Tobacco Products: A submission to the Philippines government, COREISS website, 2019, accessed January 2020
  55. Minority Rights Group, World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, MRG website, June 2019, accessed January 2020
  56. abcM. Glover, Vaping Amendment Bill Submission by Dr Glover, COREISS website, 1 April 2020, accessed October 2020
  57. M. Glover, Submission on Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan Discussion Document, 31 May 2021, accessed December 2023
  58. Global Tobacco Networking Forum Marewa Glover – Director of the Centre of Research Excellence on Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking, GTNF website, undated, accessed January 2020
  59. Global Tobacco Networking Forum 2019 Agenda, GTNF website, undated, archived 23 September 2019, accessed January 2020
  60. Global Tobacco Networking Forum, 2020 Agenda, GTNF website, undated, accessed October 2020
  61. abAsian Harm Reduction Forum, Program Rundown, AHRF website, November 2018, accessed December 2019
  62. SouthEast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance, US-FDA proposes restrictions on menthol cigarettes and e-cigarettes, SEATCA website, November 2018, accessed September 2018
  63. 2nd Asia Harm Reduction Forum, Speakers, AHRF website, August 2019, accessed January 2020