British American Tobacco Uganda

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British American Tobacco Uganda (BATU), a subsidiary of British American Tobacco (BAT), is the main tobacco company in the country, representing an estimated 85% of Uganda’s tobacco market.1 In 2013, BATU contracted 18,000 tobacco farmers and produced 16.8 million kilos of tobacco.2
Evidence shows that BAT has violated its own International Marketing Principles in Uganda and Africa, along with Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, its voluntary agreements with governments, and in some cases existent tobacco control legislation. The TobaccoTactics profiles below detail the findings of recent research, which reveals inconsistencies between how BAT ought to behave and how the company has been, and is currently, behaving in Africa in general and Uganda specifically:

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  1. World Health Organisation, Tobacco Control Economics, Tobacco Free Initiative, Country Profile: Uganda, 2012
  2. J. D’Souza, British American Tobacco Uganda, Submission by British American Tobacco Uganda Limited on the Tobacco Control Bill 2014, 14 April 2014