Michael Prideaux

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Michael Prideaux was Director for Corporate and Regulatory Affairs (CORA) at British American Tobacco (BAT) until his retirement on 30 June 2012.1

Involvement with BAT

Prideaux had worked for BAT over 23 years, 14 of which had been as a Management Board member. The press release announcing his retirement recognised his long history of involvement with the company:1

“Throughout the 1990s, as Director of Group Public Affairs, Michael had a key role in managing the challenges posed by financial services and then preparing British American Tobacco for life as a publicly quoted tobacco company. The 2000s saw Michael addressing British American Tobacco’s reputation, representing the Company in numerous TV interviews, transforming CORA’s priorities, with an increasing focus on regulation, and building alliances with third parties.”1

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  1. abcBAT website, Management Board retirement and appointments, British American Tobacco News release of 21 November 2011, accessed January 2020