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CORESTA is an industry association founded in 1956, ruled by French law. Its purpose is to promote international cooperation in scientific research relative to tobacco. It is based in Paris, France.1
CORESTA is the acronym for the Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco.
Every major worldwide tobacco company and tobacco industry affiliated organisation is a member. CORESTA’s membership was 24 when it was first set up, growing to 117 by 1976 and now stand at 180 full members.
Full members are organisations (companies, institutes, laboratories, other tobacco related associations) having R&D activities related to tobacco, whether in the plant field (agronomy, breeding, phytopathology) or in the fields of manufacturing, chemistry, metrology, or materials (cigarette paper and filters).1
The current 180 full members originate from 44 countries. Their geographical spread is as follows:
- Europe 56%
- Asia 16%
- USA/Canada 18%
- Latin America 6%
- Africa 3%
- Oceania 1%
CORESTA organises yearly meetings in which scientific papers are presented, along with reports and the results of studies and surveys.1