All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group

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The remit of the All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group (APPSSG) is to “highlight the concerns of the smaller retailer (as distinct from large multiples) and to draw attention to their social as well as economic role.”1


Ruth George, the Labour Member of Parliament (MP) for High Peak in Derbyshire, was appointed Chair of the APPSSG in November 2017.2
Former APPSSG Chairs have included Priti Patel (who lobbied as Chair against plain packaging), Jim Dowd3, and Simon Danczuk.4

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

The Secretariat of the APPSSG is jointly run by the Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) and the National Federation of Retail Newsagents, which both receive or have received tobacco industry funding.56

TobaccoTactics Resources

* All-Party Parliamentary Group on illicit trade

* All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping (E-Cigarettes)

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  1., Of All-Party Groups as at 4 July 2014, accessed September 2014
  2. L. Wells, All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group Appoints new chair, Talking Retail, 15 November 2017, accessed December 2017
  3. House of Commons All-Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, High Street Britain: 2015, 2016, accessed December 2017
  4. J. Wood, New chair for All Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, Forecourt Trader, 25 July 2014, accessed December 2017
  5. Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups (as at 30 July 2015), All-Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, 30 July 2015, accessed December 2017
  6. Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups (as at 15 February 2017), All-Party Parliamentary Small Shops Group, 15 February 2017, accessed December 2017