Katie Perrior

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Katie Perrior is director of iNHouse Communications and ex-head of the campaign by Boris Johnson to become Mayor of London. 1
She is also an ex-media director for the Stockholm Network. At the Network she worked with Tim Evans, who is now at the Economic Policy Centre and was a signatory to the Letter to the Editor of the Telegraph. 2

Worked for Philip Morris on Campaign Against the Tobacco Display Ban

Documents leaked to the SmokinGate website reveal that iNHouse and Katie Perrior acted as advisers to Philip Morris on its UK campaign against the tobacco display ban. 3

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  1. iNHouse Communications, Meet the Team, iNHouse Website, Accessed January 2012
  2. Stockholm Network, Annual Report 2005-06, ISSU, Accessed January 2012. Evans was at the time Director of Development.
  3. SmokinGate, Philip Morris in Secret Cooperation With a British Health Minister, 20 December 2011, Accessed January 2012