European Travel Retail Confederation
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The European Travel Retail Confederation (ETRC) is a pan-industry association lobbying for the interests of the duty free and travel retail industry in Europe, and is in receipt of tobacco industry funding.
Tobacco Companies are Members
ETRC is registered on the EU transparency Register under the section “In-house lobbyists and trade/professional associations”.1 The register reveals that ETRC counts four tobacco companies, Philip Morris, British American Tobacco, Imperial Tobacco and Japan Tobacco International, as corporate members (See Image 1, highlight is ours).
Lobbying on the Tobacco Products Directive
ETRC’s entry in the Transparency Register suggests that it identified the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) as a key piece of legislation, with the entry documenting that the ETRC, its member associations and companies made submissions to the 2010 public consultation on the revision of the TPD.1
These submissions were specifically related to proposals that could lead to a ban on the display of tobacco products in duty free retail outlets.
Prior to that, ETRC participated in a stakeholder meeting on 20 October 2010 organised by DG SANCO (the department within the European Commission responsible for public health) on the Impact Assessment study prepared by RAND Europe, which was to inform the Commission’s Impact Assessment of the TPD.2