Professor Paul Dobson

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Paul Dobson is a Professor of Business Strategy and Public Policy and is head of the Norwich Business School at the University of East Anglia.12
Dobson is “a leading international authority on retail competition, supply chain relations, and pricing strategy” and has “advised numerous national and international organisations” on such matters.
In 2012, Dobson and his colleague Arvind Yadav produced a report “Packaging in a market economy: The economic and commercial role of packaging communication” on behalf of the British Brands Group (BBG). This report was subsequently cited as evidence against plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK plain packaging consultation submission of Imperial Tobacco.
The BBG is “a membership organisation dedicated to championing brands in the UK.” It vehemently opposes the introduction of plain packaging for tobacco products. The BBG does not disclose who its members are.

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  1. P. Dobson, A. Yadav, Packaging in a market economy: The economic and commercial role of packaging communication, 28 June 2012, accessed April 2013
  2. Paul Dobson, People: Prof Paul Dobson, Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia, accessed April 2013