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Consultants in Public Affairs (CIPA) is a public affairs agency hired to monitor the decision making process in Brussels in the mid-1990s. Its managing director until 2014 was Brendan Halligan, now in his early 80s.

Links to the tobacco industry

According to the documents in the tobacco archives, Halligan was often present at CECCM meetings in the 1990s on CIPA’s behalf.1 CECCM is the acronym for the Confederation of European Community Cigarette Manufacturers is a European Union lobbying organisation funded and controlled by the tobacco industry. It promotes what it calls “reasonable and workable tobacco regulation” in the EU.2
Halligan held the following positions3:

For more, see the page on Brendan Halligan.

“…Indirect Lobbying Counter-Action on our Behalf”

In December 1993, when the European Parliament adopted a Motion for Resolution on Health Education in Schools, CECCM director asked CIPA to monitor the tabling of amendments “in case any of them should call for indirect lobbying counter-action on our behalf”.5

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  1. See for instance ‘Correspondence concerning John C. Luik’, 1992, accessed May 2019, and minutes of CECCM meetings and of its Freedom to Smoke committee, see CECCM page
  2. ‘What is CECCM?’, undated, accessed May 2019
  3. SEAI website SEAI Board, undated, accessed March 2012
  4. B.Halligan,Brendan Halligan, undated,accessed May 2019
  5. John Lepere, Letter fro CECCM to B. Halligan at CIPA, 13 December 1993, accessed May 2019