Ronald van Tuijl

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Ronald van Tuijl has been the Intellectual Property Trademarks Director at Japan Tobacco International (JTI) since 2012.12

International Trademark Association (INTA)

Van Tuijl has played an active role in the International Trademark Association (INTA), a global association that promotes and protects rights of trademark owners.3 INTA has regularly lobbied governments across the world on tobacco issues, including anti-counterfeiting and plain packaging.4
Van Tuijl has served on INTA’s Board of Directors at least since 2011,56 and has held several key positions including Secretary (2014),7 President Elect (2015),8 and President (2016).9 Throughout his term as President, van Tuijl focused his work on promoting stricter anti-counterfeiting laws and enforcements with governments and members all over the world.10 which has actively opposed tobacco control measures in Europe.

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  1. World Intellectual Property Review, Ronald van Tuijl: the view from the top, 21 May 2015, accessed November 2018
  2. R. van Tuijl, LinkedIn Profile, undated, accessed November 2018
  3. International Trademark Association, What is INTA, undated, accessed November 2018
  4. World Trademark Review, Supporting innovation and growth for the global trademark community, 29 March 2017, accessed November 2018
  5. INTA, 2011 Board of Directors, archived 13 July 2011, accessed November 2018
  6. INTA, 2017 Board of Directors, archived 28 June 2017, accessed November 2018
  7. INTA, 2014 Board of Directors, archived 1 July 2014, accessed November 2018
  8. INTA, 2015 Board of Directors, archived 27 August 2015, accessed November 2018
  9. INTA, 2016 Board of Directors, archived 1 August 2016, accessed November 2018
  10. Furthermore, he has called for plain packaging restrictions to be either rejected or repealed, saying that INTA is concerned that the ‘’plain packaging legislation affecting the tobacco industry could trigger regulations across other sectors of consumer goods’’.11
    At the end of his Presidency, van Tuijl commented that tobacco plain packaging is the second biggest challenge for INTA. He stated ‘’I strongly believe that this is not a tobacco use, but more of a trademark and brand issue with the potential to affect multiple industries.’’12

    Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law (BMM)

    Van Tuijl also represents JTI on the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law (BMM),13Beneluxvereniging voor Merken- en Modellenrecht, JT International SA, undated, accessed December 2018