Law Firms Archives - TobaccoTactics The essential source for rigorous research on the tobacco industry Fri, 07 Feb 2020 10:21:26 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Law Firms Archives - TobaccoTactics 32 32 LALIVE Fri, 07 Feb 2020 10:21:55 +0000

LALIVE (formerly known as Lalive Budin & Partners) is a law firm based in Switzerland, with offices in Geneva, Zurich, and Doha (Qatar). One of the firm’s areas of expertise is ‘Investment Arbitration’. Relationship with the Tobacco Industry LALIVE has worked for Philip Morris International (PMI). 2010-2016: Represented Tobacco Company in Lawsuit Against Uruguay In […]

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LALIVE (formerly known as Lalive Budin & Partners) is a law firm based in Switzerland, with offices in Geneva, Zurich, and Doha (Qatar).1
One of the firm’s areas of expertise is ‘Investment Arbitration’.2

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

LALIVE has worked for Philip Morris International (PMI).34

2010-2016: Represented Tobacco Company in Lawsuit Against Uruguay

In 2010, LALIVE was one of three law firms that represented PMI in its lawsuit against the government of Uruguay for allegedly breaching the 1991 Switzerland-Uruguay Bilateral Investment Treaty by introducing tobacco policies affecting tobacco packaging and trademarks.35 LALIVE laywers who worked on the case included Veijo Heiskanen, Franz Stirnimann, and Samuel Moss.6 The case was dismissed in 2016.5

2009: Prepared Report Arguing Against Tobacco Plain Packaging

In July 2009, two years before Australia became the first country to introduce the mandatory requirement for the plain packaging of tobacco products, PMI commissioned LALIVE to prepare a report summarising alleged legal concerns with this tobacco policy. The result was a report titled ‘Why Plain Packaging is in Violation of WTO Members’ International Obligations under TRIPS and the Paris Convention”,4 which claimed that plain packaging was a severe breach of intellectual property (IP) rights, and warned that those countries imposing this measure would expose themselves to World Trade Organisation (WTO) dispute settlement proceedings.
LALIVE’s report was used by PMI to undermine legitimate independent evidence on plain packaging and lobby decision makers in the Netherlands78, Australia, and the the UK against plain packaging. The report was also cited by other tobacco industry-funded research on plain packaging, including a paper written by law firm Bird and Bird LLP.9
LALIVE’s report was one of many third-party reports opposing plain packaging. Specifically it was used to voice one of the tobacco industry’s main arguments against plain packaging – that the policy breached IP rights.

Other Affiliations


In 2012, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) criticised LALIVE for making money by pitting corporations against governments, whilst at the same time running e-learning courses on investment arbitration for UNITAR, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research.10 In September/October 2016, LALIVE and UNITAR ran the course ‘Introduction to Investment Arbitration’.11

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Relevant Link

LALIVE’s website


  1. LALIVE, The Firm, undated, accessed October 2017
  2. LALIVE, Areas of Practice, undated, accessed October 2017
  3. abFTR Holding S.A. (Switzerland), Philip Morris Products S.A. (Switzerland) and Abal Hermanos S.A. (Uruguay), Request for arbitration under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, from Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada website, 19 February 2010, accessed October 2017
  4. abLALIVE, Why Plain Packaging is in Violation of WTO Members’ International Obligations under TRIPS and the Paris Convention, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 23 July 2009, Bates no. JB2818, accessed October 2017
  5. abC. Olivet, A. Villareal, Who really won the legal battle between Philip Morris and Uruguay?, The Guardian, 28 July 2016, accessed October 2017
  6. Request for Arbitration FTR Holding SA, Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, 19 February 2010, Italaw online database, accessed October 2010
  7. Unknown, RE: plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 6 October 2009, Bates no: JB0513, accessed October 2017
  8. Unknown, plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 28 September 2009, Bates no: JB3818, accessed October 2017
  9. P. Johnson, Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products, European Intellectual Property Review 2012, 34(7):461-470
  10. Corporate Europe Observatory, Chapter 3: Legal vultures: Law firms driving demand for investment arbitration, 27 November 2012, accessed October 2017
  11. UNITAR, UNITAR and International Law Firm LALIVE Offer Online Course on Introduction to Investment Arbitration, July 2016, accessed October 2017

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Plain Packaging in the UK: TCRG Research on Policy Opposition 2011-2013 Tue, 04 Feb 2020 22:08:24 +0000 Background The UK’s 2011 decision to consider introducing plain tobacco packaging precipitated a lengthy and hotly contested public and political debate which lasted until the policy’s implementation in May 2016. Research from the Tobacco Control Research Group published in BMJ Open in 2016 investigated which organisations opposed plain packaging in the three years around the […]

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The UK’s 2011 decision to consider introducing plain tobacco packaging precipitated a lengthy and hotly contested public and political debate which lasted until the policy’s implementation in May 2016.
Research from the Tobacco Control Research Group published in BMJ Open in 2016 investigated which organisations opposed plain packaging in the three years around the 2012 consultation: 2011-2013.
The research asked who are these organisations, what sector are they from, are they linked to ‘big tobacco’ and what kinds of actions did they take to oppose the policy’s introduction? The research also asked what can be learned from this case study about tobacco companies’ attempts to overcome Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC). This article requires governments to “protect” tobacco control policies “from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry.”

Research Findings: Opposition links to global tobacco companies

Setting aside tobacco and tobacco packaging manufacturers, the study identified 109 organisations which opposed, or helped oppose, plain packaging in the UK between 2011 and 2013. The study found that:

– Of these, 43 actively opposed the policy themselves and rarely declared a conflict of interest or any association with tobacco companies when undertaking opposition activities;

– 39 facilitated tobacco companies’ opposition activities – for example, explicitly lobbying on their behalf or producing research for them.

  • Between them, the 82 organisations:

– Undertook 60% of the 404 opposition activities identified in the study, including 88% of research activities and 78% of public communications; and

– Backed up tobacco companies’ extensive lobbying activities via correspondence and meetings with government officials and ministers.

  • Tobacco industry-funded campaigns also generated 98% of opposition postcard and petition submissions to the UK’s 2012 consultation
  • In these activities, opposition organisations replicated and promoted tobacco companies’ main arguments against plain packaging – intellectual property, evidence, smuggling, the nanny state and costs to businesses.
  • Organisations which actively opposed plain packaging rarely reported any relationship with tobacco companies transparently. Of 150 public communications activities undertaken by those organisations, less than one in five acknowledged the link. In contrast, research consultancies and university academics commissioned by tobacco companies to facilitate opposition were almost always transparent in reporting that relationship; and yet, active organisations who promoted tobacco industry commissioned research in lobbying correspondence and press releases frequently failed to report its funding source.

Lessons for Policy

Opposition organisations’ high prevalence of financial links with tobacco companies and accompanying low levels of transparency created a misleading impression of diverse and widespread opposition to plain packaging. This opposition posed a risk to plain packaging in the UK and, ultimately, is highly likely to have played a part in delaying implementation of the policy between 2011 and 2016.
Countries which are party to the FCTC should strengthen their implementation of Article 5.3 by systematically requiring conflict of interest declarations from all organisations participating in political debates on tobacco control. This key measure will reduce the opportunity of tobacco companies to use their resource advantage to fund third party opposition to tobacco control policies.

Funding sources for the research

This research was funded by Cancer Research UK and the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies.

Table 1 – 82 organisations with financial links to global tobacco companies who contributed to opposing plain packaging in the UK 2011-13

Colour code: Tobacco company members or have received tobacco company donations; Tobacco company clients; Core or campaign funding.
Information on organisations’ lobbying, research, public communications and mass recruitment activities undertaken to oppose plain packaging can be accessed by clicking on the headers of the table.

Alliances Commissioned Experts Third Party Campaigns Tobacco Industry Associations
Intellectual Property Business Associations

Research Consultancies

Retail and Wholesale Business Associations

Tobacco Manufacturing Business Associations

General Business Associations


  • Alan Zimmerman, City University of New York66
  • Professor James Heckman, University of Chicago67
  • Laurence Steinberg, Temple University Philadelphia68
  • Professor Martin Cave, London School of Economics69
  • Professor Stephen Nowlis, Washington University70
  • Professor Ernesto Savona and Dr Francesco Calderoni at Transcrime71
  • Professor Alfred Kuss, University of Berlin72
  • Professor Jonathan Klick, University of Pennsylvania and Erasmus University73
  • Professor Timothy Devinney, University of Technology, Sydney7475
  • Professor Richard Mizerski, University of Western Australia76
  • Professor Daniel Gervais, Vanderbilt University77
  • Professor Peggy Chaudhry, Villanova School of Business
  • Professor Ravi Dhar, Yale University787980
  • Hands Off Our Packs81
Retail and Wholesale Business Associations

Public Relations Firms

General Rights Organisations

Think Tanks

Law firms

  • Bird & Bird LLP118
  • Lord Hoffman, Centre for Commercial Law Studies119
  • Herbert Smith LLP120
  • Lalive121
  • Powell Gilbert LLP122
Media Companies

  • Asian Media and Marketing Group123

TobaccoTactics Resources

TCRG Research


  1. LALIVE, The Firm, undated, accessed October 2017
  2. LALIVE, Areas of Practice, undated, accessed October 2017
  3. abFTR Holding S.A. (Switzerland), Philip Morris Products S.A. (Switzerland) and Abal Hermanos S.A. (Uruguay), Request for arbitration under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, from Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada website, 19 February 2010, accessed October 2017
  4. abLALIVE, Why Plain Packaging is in Violation of WTO Members’ International Obligations under TRIPS and the Paris Convention, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 23 July 2009, Bates no. JB2818, accessed October 2017
  5. abC. Olivet, A. Villareal, Who really won the legal battle between Philip Morris and Uruguay?, The Guardian, 28 July 2016, accessed October 2017
  6. Request for Arbitration FTR Holding SA, Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, 19 February 2010, Italaw online database, accessed October 2010
  7. Unknown, RE: plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 6 October 2009, Bates no: JB0513, accessed October 2017
  8. Unknown, plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 28 September 2009, Bates no: JB3818, accessed October 2017
  9. P. Johnson, Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products, European Intellectual Property Review 2012, 34(7):461-470
  10. Corporate Europe Observatory, Chapter 3: Legal vultures: Law firms driving demand for investment arbitration, 27 November 2012, accessed October 2017
  11. UNITAR, UNITAR and International Law Firm LALIVE Offer Online Course on Introduction to Investment Arbitration, July 2016, accessed October 2017
  12. European Union, The Anti-Counterfeiting Group, EU Transparency Register, 12 February 2015, accessed December 2015
  13. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc, EU Transparency Register, 01/2014-12/2014, accessed June 2015
  14. British Brands Group, Packaging of tobacco products. Response to European Commission consultation – the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, 3 December 2010, accessed March 2015
  15. Action for Smoking and Health, The smoke filled room: How big tobacco influences health policy in the UK, 2010, accessed January 2014
  16. European Union, British American Tobacco, EU Transparency Register, 4 May 2016, accessed July 2016. (Archived by WebCite® at
  17. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc., EU Transparency Register, 4 April 2016, accessed July 2016
  18. EU Transparency Register, , Financial Year 01/2012 – 12/2012, accessed 25 March 2014
  19. Markenverband, Unsere Mitglieder, Markenverband Website, undated, accessed July 2013
  20. MARQUES, Members, undated, accessed August 2013
  21. Centre for Economics and Business Research,

  22. Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK

    , March 2013, accessed June 2016

  23. Centre for Economics and Business Research, Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK – Addendum to the report for Philip Morris Ltd, August 2013, accessed June 2016
  24. Compass Lexecon, Summary assessment of Plain Tobacco Packaging: a systematic review Annex 2, May 2012, accessed June 2016
  25. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers: Potential impact on retailers from the introduction of plain tobacco packaging, February 2011
  26. Deloitte, Tobacco packaging regulation: An international assessment of the intended and unintended impacts, May 2011, accessed June 2016
  27. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers Plain packaging and channel shift, June 2011
  28. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a display ban and/or a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 2 September 2008, accessed June 2016
  29. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 29 June 2012, accessed June 2016
  30. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to the UK Department of Health Consultation on the Future of Tobacco Control, September 2008, accessed June 2016
  31. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of consumer survey evidence relevant to the UK Department consultation on the future of tobacco control – Supplemental Report, June 2009, accessed June 2016
  32. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to DG SANCO’s Proposal to Increase the Size of Health Warnings on Tobacco Packaging, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  33. KPMG, Project Star 2012 Results, April 2013, accessed June 2016
  34. KPMG, Illicit tobacco in Australia – 2013 half year report, October 2013, accessed June 2016
  35. LECG, A critical review of the literature on generic packaging for cigarettes, November 2008, accessed June 2016
  36. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in Australia: A simulation exercise, February 2010, accessed June 2016
  37. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in UK: a simulation exercise, Annex 2, Philip Morris International’s input to the public consultation on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, November 2010, accessed June 2014
  38. London Economics, The role of packaging imagery on consumer preferences for experience goods: A consumer behavioural experiment, January 2012, accessed June 2016
  39. London Economics, An analysis of smoking prevalence in Australia, Final, November 2013, accessed June 2016
  40. Populus, Cigarette packaging survey, July 2012, accessed June 2016
  41. Populus, UK Plain Packaging Poll – Petrol Retail Association Members, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  42. Populus, Law enforcement survey, May 2014, accessed June 2016
  43. Deputy Chief Executive, National Association of Retired Police Officers, Response to email enquiry regarding funding of Povaddo survey of members, 17 June 2014
  44. Povaddo, National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) Survey, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  45. Price Waterhouse Coopers, Illegal tobacco – counting the cost of Australia’s black market, February 2012
  46. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, The Tobacco Products Directive: Potential economic impact – potential effects of plain packaging, April 2013
  47. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers: Final Report, January 2013
  48. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers –Wave 2 Final Report, September 2013, accessed June 2016
  49. R. Darwall, Selecting the evidence to fit the policy: An evaluation of the Department of Health’s consultation on standardised tobacco packaging, January 2013, unavailable online
  50. SKIM Consumer Research, The impact of standardised packaging on the illicit trade in the UK, summarised in SKIM conducted UK study about tobacco buying behavior for Philip Morris International, no date
  51. Visuality and Rural Shops Alliance, The effects of standardised tobacco packaging on retail service in the UK, September 2012
  52. Abbreviated Accounts for WOR Consultancy Limited, Year Ended 31 March 2013
  53. Will O’Reilly, Letter to The Cambs Times, 2 August 2013
  54. D. Campbell, BAT admits bankrolling newsagents’ tobacco campaign, The Guardian, 28 April 2011, accessed April 2012
  55. Petrol Retailers Association, Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry: Tobacco Smuggling; Written Evidence submitted by the Petrol Retailers Association, August 2013, accessed May 2014
  56. Tobacco Retailers Alliance website, About the Tobacco Retailers Alliance, 26 October 2015, accessed November 2015
  57. Scottish Wholesale Association, Supplier Members, 4 July 2012, Accessed December 2014
  58. ITPAC response to Scottish Government’s consultation on electronic cigarettes and strengthening tobacco control in Scotland, undated, accessed November 2015
  59. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, Over 5,500 people are employed in the UK by TMA member companies, TMA website, 24 July 2012, accessed November 2015
  60. Philip Morris, Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP 2012 Investor CDP 2012 Information Request, 2012, accessed July 2016
  61. ICC UK, Council Members, accessed December 2015
  62. National Asian Business Association, Email response to funding inquiry, received 26 August 2014
  63. Altria, Engaging with others, accessed July 2014
  64. National Foreign Trade Council, Board of Directors, 26 February 2013, accessed May 2014
  65. TransAtlantic Business Council, TABD Members, 24 September 2014, accessed July 2015
  66. US Council of International Business, List of USCIB Members, USCIB website, last updated 18 June 2013, accessed 26 June 2013
  67. P. Chaudhry, A. Zimmerman, The Impact of Plain Packaging on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  68. J. Heckman, Report of James J Heckman UK Plain Packaging Consultation Annex 4, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  69. L. Steinberg, Adolescent decision making and the prevention of underage smoking, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  70. M. Cave, ‘Better regulation’ and certain tobacco control measures, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  71. R. Dhar and S. Nowlis, Report on the consumer behaviour and decision-making of cigarette smokers, December 2010, accessed June 2016
  72. E. Savona & F. Calderoni, Transcrime, Plain packaging and illicit trade in the UK, May 2012, accessed June 2013
  73. A. Kuss, Comments concerning Annex 2 “Elicitation of subjective judgements of the impact of smoking of plain packaging policies for tobacco products” of the IA No. 3080 “Standardised packaging for tobacco products”, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  74. J. Klick, Report of Dr Jonathan Klick, Appendix A, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  75. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  76. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products (Updated to 2012), June 2012, accessed June 2016
  77. R. Mizerski, Plain Cigarette Packaging as a Remedy to Reduce Smoking, June 2011, accessed June 2016
  78. D. Gervais, Analysis of the compatibility of certain tobacco product packaging rules with the TRIPS Agreement and the Paris Convention, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  79. Smokers’ Rights Organisations

The post Plain Packaging in the UK: TCRG Research on Policy Opposition 2011-2013 appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

Felula Tue, 04 Feb 2020 16:21:03 +0000 Felula SA is a Luxembourg-based law consultancy set up by Serge Estgen. Relationship with the Tobacco Industry In 2014, Felula consulted for Philip Morris International (PMI) on the EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision. TobaccoTactics Resources Philip Morris EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision ReferencesHide↑LALIVE, The Firm, undated, accessed October 2017↑LALIVE, Areas of Practice, undated, accessed October […]

The post Felula appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

Felula SA is a Luxembourg-based law consultancy set up by Serge Estgen.

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

In 2014, Felula consulted for Philip Morris International (PMI) on the EU Tobacco Products Directive Revision.126

TobaccoTactics Resources


  1. LALIVE, The Firm, undated, accessed October 2017
  2. LALIVE, Areas of Practice, undated, accessed October 2017
  3. abFTR Holding S.A. (Switzerland), Philip Morris Products S.A. (Switzerland) and Abal Hermanos S.A. (Uruguay), Request for arbitration under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, from Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada website, 19 February 2010, accessed October 2017
  4. abLALIVE, Why Plain Packaging is in Violation of WTO Members’ International Obligations under TRIPS and the Paris Convention, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 23 July 2009, Bates no. JB2818, accessed October 2017
  5. abC. Olivet, A. Villareal, Who really won the legal battle between Philip Morris and Uruguay?, The Guardian, 28 July 2016, accessed October 2017
  6. Request for Arbitration FTR Holding SA, Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, 19 February 2010, Italaw online database, accessed October 2010
  7. Unknown, RE: plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 6 October 2009, Bates no: JB0513, accessed October 2017
  8. Unknown, plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 28 September 2009, Bates no: JB3818, accessed October 2017
  9. P. Johnson, Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products, European Intellectual Property Review 2012, 34(7):461-470
  10. Corporate Europe Observatory, Chapter 3: Legal vultures: Law firms driving demand for investment arbitration, 27 November 2012, accessed October 2017
  11. UNITAR, UNITAR and International Law Firm LALIVE Offer Online Course on Introduction to Investment Arbitration, July 2016, accessed October 2017
  12. European Union, The Anti-Counterfeiting Group, EU Transparency Register, 12 February 2015, accessed December 2015
  13. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc, EU Transparency Register, 01/2014-12/2014, accessed June 2015
  14. British Brands Group, Packaging of tobacco products. Response to European Commission consultation – the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, 3 December 2010, accessed March 2015
  15. Action for Smoking and Health, The smoke filled room: How big tobacco influences health policy in the UK, 2010, accessed January 2014
  16. European Union, British American Tobacco, EU Transparency Register, 4 May 2016, accessed July 2016. (Archived by WebCite® at
  17. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc., EU Transparency Register, 4 April 2016, accessed July 2016
  18. EU Transparency Register, , Financial Year 01/2012 – 12/2012, accessed 25 March 2014
  19. Markenverband, Unsere Mitglieder, Markenverband Website, undated, accessed July 2013
  20. MARQUES, Members, undated, accessed August 2013
  21. Centre for Economics and Business Research,

  22. Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK

    , March 2013, accessed June 2016

  23. Centre for Economics and Business Research, Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK – Addendum to the report for Philip Morris Ltd, August 2013, accessed June 2016
  24. Compass Lexecon, Summary assessment of Plain Tobacco Packaging: a systematic review Annex 2, May 2012, accessed June 2016
  25. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers: Potential impact on retailers from the introduction of plain tobacco packaging, February 2011
  26. Deloitte, Tobacco packaging regulation: An international assessment of the intended and unintended impacts, May 2011, accessed June 2016
  27. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers Plain packaging and channel shift, June 2011
  28. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a display ban and/or a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 2 September 2008, accessed June 2016
  29. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 29 June 2012, accessed June 2016
  30. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to the UK Department of Health Consultation on the Future of Tobacco Control, September 2008, accessed June 2016
  31. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of consumer survey evidence relevant to the UK Department consultation on the future of tobacco control – Supplemental Report, June 2009, accessed June 2016
  32. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to DG SANCO’s Proposal to Increase the Size of Health Warnings on Tobacco Packaging, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  33. KPMG, Project Star 2012 Results, April 2013, accessed June 2016
  34. KPMG, Illicit tobacco in Australia – 2013 half year report, October 2013, accessed June 2016
  35. LECG, A critical review of the literature on generic packaging for cigarettes, November 2008, accessed June 2016
  36. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in Australia: A simulation exercise, February 2010, accessed June 2016
  37. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in UK: a simulation exercise, Annex 2, Philip Morris International’s input to the public consultation on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, November 2010, accessed June 2014
  38. London Economics, The role of packaging imagery on consumer preferences for experience goods: A consumer behavioural experiment, January 2012, accessed June 2016
  39. London Economics, An analysis of smoking prevalence in Australia, Final, November 2013, accessed June 2016
  40. Populus, Cigarette packaging survey, July 2012, accessed June 2016
  41. Populus, UK Plain Packaging Poll – Petrol Retail Association Members, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  42. Populus, Law enforcement survey, May 2014, accessed June 2016
  43. Deputy Chief Executive, National Association of Retired Police Officers, Response to email enquiry regarding funding of Povaddo survey of members, 17 June 2014
  44. Povaddo, National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) Survey, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  45. Price Waterhouse Coopers, Illegal tobacco – counting the cost of Australia’s black market, February 2012
  46. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, The Tobacco Products Directive: Potential economic impact – potential effects of plain packaging, April 2013
  47. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers: Final Report, January 2013
  48. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers –Wave 2 Final Report, September 2013, accessed June 2016
  49. R. Darwall, Selecting the evidence to fit the policy: An evaluation of the Department of Health’s consultation on standardised tobacco packaging, January 2013, unavailable online
  50. SKIM Consumer Research, The impact of standardised packaging on the illicit trade in the UK, summarised in SKIM conducted UK study about tobacco buying behavior for Philip Morris International, no date
  51. Visuality and Rural Shops Alliance, The effects of standardised tobacco packaging on retail service in the UK, September 2012
  52. Abbreviated Accounts for WOR Consultancy Limited, Year Ended 31 March 2013
  53. Will O’Reilly, Letter to The Cambs Times, 2 August 2013
  54. D. Campbell, BAT admits bankrolling newsagents’ tobacco campaign, The Guardian, 28 April 2011, accessed April 2012
  55. Petrol Retailers Association, Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry: Tobacco Smuggling; Written Evidence submitted by the Petrol Retailers Association, August 2013, accessed May 2014
  56. Tobacco Retailers Alliance website, About the Tobacco Retailers Alliance, 26 October 2015, accessed November 2015
  57. Scottish Wholesale Association, Supplier Members, 4 July 2012, Accessed December 2014
  58. ITPAC response to Scottish Government’s consultation on electronic cigarettes and strengthening tobacco control in Scotland, undated, accessed November 2015
  59. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, Over 5,500 people are employed in the UK by TMA member companies, TMA website, 24 July 2012, accessed November 2015
  60. Philip Morris, Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP 2012 Investor CDP 2012 Information Request, 2012, accessed July 2016
  61. ICC UK, Council Members, accessed December 2015
  62. National Asian Business Association, Email response to funding inquiry, received 26 August 2014
  63. Altria, Engaging with others, accessed July 2014
  64. National Foreign Trade Council, Board of Directors, 26 February 2013, accessed May 2014
  65. TransAtlantic Business Council, TABD Members, 24 September 2014, accessed July 2015
  66. US Council of International Business, List of USCIB Members, USCIB website, last updated 18 June 2013, accessed 26 June 2013
  67. P. Chaudhry, A. Zimmerman, The Impact of Plain Packaging on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  68. J. Heckman, Report of James J Heckman UK Plain Packaging Consultation Annex 4, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  69. L. Steinberg, Adolescent decision making and the prevention of underage smoking, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  70. M. Cave, ‘Better regulation’ and certain tobacco control measures, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  71. R. Dhar and S. Nowlis, Report on the consumer behaviour and decision-making of cigarette smokers, December 2010, accessed June 2016
  72. E. Savona & F. Calderoni, Transcrime, Plain packaging and illicit trade in the UK, May 2012, accessed June 2013
  73. A. Kuss, Comments concerning Annex 2 “Elicitation of subjective judgements of the impact of smoking of plain packaging policies for tobacco products” of the IA No. 3080 “Standardised packaging for tobacco products”, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  74. J. Klick, Report of Dr Jonathan Klick, Appendix A, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  75. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  76. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products (Updated to 2012), June 2012, accessed June 2016
  77. R. Mizerski, Plain Cigarette Packaging as a Remedy to Reduce Smoking, June 2011, accessed June 2016
  78. D. Gervais, Analysis of the compatibility of certain tobacco product packaging rules with the TRIPS Agreement and the Paris Convention, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  79. Smokers’ Rights Organisations

The post Felula appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

Clifford Chance Mon, 03 Feb 2020 11:55:00 +0000 Clifford Chance is an international law firm, based in London (UK). Working for the Tobacco Industry An article in The Independent in September 2011 revealed that Philip Morris International (PMI) had used the services of Clifford Chance in September 2009 to make an anonymous Freedom of Information (FOI) request on PMI’s behalf. PMI was seeking […]

The post Clifford Chance appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

Clifford Chance is an international law firm, based in London (UK).

Working for the Tobacco Industry

An article in The Independent in September 2011 revealed that Philip Morris International (PMI) had used the services of Clifford Chance in September 2009 to make an anonymous Freedom of Information (FOI) request on PMI’s behalf. PMI was seeking to force Stirling University to reveal confidential details of its research involving thousands of children aged between 11 and 16 about their attitudes towards smoking and cigarette packaging.129
It was also reported that whilst lodging the FOI request, Clifford Chance had attempted to keep the identity of its client confidential.130 Under the Scottish Freedom of Information Act a third party must name the client it is working on behalf of, in this case PMI.
Previously secret internal tobacco industry documents suggest that Clifford Chance has acted as a long-standing legal consultant to the industry since the mid-1970s, and that clients included Philip Morris,131 the Tobacco Advisory Council132 and British American Tobacco. 133
Furthermore, Clifford Chance was one of the signatories to the 1988 “Joint Legal/Profession Privileged Defence Agreement”, an agreement between tobacco industry lawyers to cooperate and share information to prepare and defend any product liability cases against a tobacco company.134


  1. LALIVE, The Firm, undated, accessed October 2017
  2. LALIVE, Areas of Practice, undated, accessed October 2017
  3. abFTR Holding S.A. (Switzerland), Philip Morris Products S.A. (Switzerland) and Abal Hermanos S.A. (Uruguay), Request for arbitration under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, from Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada website, 19 February 2010, accessed October 2017
  4. abLALIVE, Why Plain Packaging is in Violation of WTO Members’ International Obligations under TRIPS and the Paris Convention, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 23 July 2009, Bates no. JB2818, accessed October 2017
  5. abC. Olivet, A. Villareal, Who really won the legal battle between Philip Morris and Uruguay?, The Guardian, 28 July 2016, accessed October 2017
  6. Request for Arbitration FTR Holding SA, Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, 19 February 2010, Italaw online database, accessed October 2010
  7. Unknown, RE: plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 6 October 2009, Bates no: JB0513, accessed October 2017
  8. Unknown, plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 28 September 2009, Bates no: JB3818, accessed October 2017
  9. P. Johnson, Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products, European Intellectual Property Review 2012, 34(7):461-470
  10. Corporate Europe Observatory, Chapter 3: Legal vultures: Law firms driving demand for investment arbitration, 27 November 2012, accessed October 2017
  11. UNITAR, UNITAR and International Law Firm LALIVE Offer Online Course on Introduction to Investment Arbitration, July 2016, accessed October 2017
  12. European Union, The Anti-Counterfeiting Group, EU Transparency Register, 12 February 2015, accessed December 2015
  13. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc, EU Transparency Register, 01/2014-12/2014, accessed June 2015
  14. British Brands Group, Packaging of tobacco products. Response to European Commission consultation – the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, 3 December 2010, accessed March 2015
  15. Action for Smoking and Health, The smoke filled room: How big tobacco influences health policy in the UK, 2010, accessed January 2014
  16. European Union, British American Tobacco, EU Transparency Register, 4 May 2016, accessed July 2016. (Archived by WebCite® at
  17. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc., EU Transparency Register, 4 April 2016, accessed July 2016
  18. EU Transparency Register, , Financial Year 01/2012 – 12/2012, accessed 25 March 2014
  19. Markenverband, Unsere Mitglieder, Markenverband Website, undated, accessed July 2013
  20. MARQUES, Members, undated, accessed August 2013
  21. Centre for Economics and Business Research,

  22. Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK

    , March 2013, accessed June 2016

  23. Centre for Economics and Business Research, Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK – Addendum to the report for Philip Morris Ltd, August 2013, accessed June 2016
  24. Compass Lexecon, Summary assessment of Plain Tobacco Packaging: a systematic review Annex 2, May 2012, accessed June 2016
  25. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers: Potential impact on retailers from the introduction of plain tobacco packaging, February 2011
  26. Deloitte, Tobacco packaging regulation: An international assessment of the intended and unintended impacts, May 2011, accessed June 2016
  27. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers Plain packaging and channel shift, June 2011
  28. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a display ban and/or a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 2 September 2008, accessed June 2016
  29. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 29 June 2012, accessed June 2016
  30. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to the UK Department of Health Consultation on the Future of Tobacco Control, September 2008, accessed June 2016
  31. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of consumer survey evidence relevant to the UK Department consultation on the future of tobacco control – Supplemental Report, June 2009, accessed June 2016
  32. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to DG SANCO’s Proposal to Increase the Size of Health Warnings on Tobacco Packaging, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  33. KPMG, Project Star 2012 Results, April 2013, accessed June 2016
  34. KPMG, Illicit tobacco in Australia – 2013 half year report, October 2013, accessed June 2016
  35. LECG, A critical review of the literature on generic packaging for cigarettes, November 2008, accessed June 2016
  36. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in Australia: A simulation exercise, February 2010, accessed June 2016
  37. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in UK: a simulation exercise, Annex 2, Philip Morris International’s input to the public consultation on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, November 2010, accessed June 2014
  38. London Economics, The role of packaging imagery on consumer preferences for experience goods: A consumer behavioural experiment, January 2012, accessed June 2016
  39. London Economics, An analysis of smoking prevalence in Australia, Final, November 2013, accessed June 2016
  40. Populus, Cigarette packaging survey, July 2012, accessed June 2016
  41. Populus, UK Plain Packaging Poll – Petrol Retail Association Members, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  42. Populus, Law enforcement survey, May 2014, accessed June 2016
  43. Deputy Chief Executive, National Association of Retired Police Officers, Response to email enquiry regarding funding of Povaddo survey of members, 17 June 2014
  44. Povaddo, National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) Survey, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  45. Price Waterhouse Coopers, Illegal tobacco – counting the cost of Australia’s black market, February 2012
  46. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, The Tobacco Products Directive: Potential economic impact – potential effects of plain packaging, April 2013
  47. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers: Final Report, January 2013
  48. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers –Wave 2 Final Report, September 2013, accessed June 2016
  49. R. Darwall, Selecting the evidence to fit the policy: An evaluation of the Department of Health’s consultation on standardised tobacco packaging, January 2013, unavailable online
  50. SKIM Consumer Research, The impact of standardised packaging on the illicit trade in the UK, summarised in SKIM conducted UK study about tobacco buying behavior for Philip Morris International, no date
  51. Visuality and Rural Shops Alliance, The effects of standardised tobacco packaging on retail service in the UK, September 2012
  52. Abbreviated Accounts for WOR Consultancy Limited, Year Ended 31 March 2013
  53. Will O’Reilly, Letter to The Cambs Times, 2 August 2013
  54. D. Campbell, BAT admits bankrolling newsagents’ tobacco campaign, The Guardian, 28 April 2011, accessed April 2012
  55. Petrol Retailers Association, Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry: Tobacco Smuggling; Written Evidence submitted by the Petrol Retailers Association, August 2013, accessed May 2014
  56. Tobacco Retailers Alliance website, About the Tobacco Retailers Alliance, 26 October 2015, accessed November 2015
  57. Scottish Wholesale Association, Supplier Members, 4 July 2012, Accessed December 2014
  58. ITPAC response to Scottish Government’s consultation on electronic cigarettes and strengthening tobacco control in Scotland, undated, accessed November 2015
  59. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, Over 5,500 people are employed in the UK by TMA member companies, TMA website, 24 July 2012, accessed November 2015
  60. Philip Morris, Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP 2012 Investor CDP 2012 Information Request, 2012, accessed July 2016
  61. ICC UK, Council Members, accessed December 2015
  62. National Asian Business Association, Email response to funding inquiry, received 26 August 2014
  63. Altria, Engaging with others, accessed July 2014
  64. National Foreign Trade Council, Board of Directors, 26 February 2013, accessed May 2014
  65. TransAtlantic Business Council, TABD Members, 24 September 2014, accessed July 2015
  66. US Council of International Business, List of USCIB Members, USCIB website, last updated 18 June 2013, accessed 26 June 2013
  67. P. Chaudhry, A. Zimmerman, The Impact of Plain Packaging on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  68. J. Heckman, Report of James J Heckman UK Plain Packaging Consultation Annex 4, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  69. L. Steinberg, Adolescent decision making and the prevention of underage smoking, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  70. M. Cave, ‘Better regulation’ and certain tobacco control measures, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  71. R. Dhar and S. Nowlis, Report on the consumer behaviour and decision-making of cigarette smokers, December 2010, accessed June 2016
  72. E. Savona & F. Calderoni, Transcrime, Plain packaging and illicit trade in the UK, May 2012, accessed June 2013
  73. A. Kuss, Comments concerning Annex 2 “Elicitation of subjective judgements of the impact of smoking of plain packaging policies for tobacco products” of the IA No. 3080 “Standardised packaging for tobacco products”, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  74. J. Klick, Report of Dr Jonathan Klick, Appendix A, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  75. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  76. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products (Updated to 2012), June 2012, accessed June 2016
  77. R. Mizerski, Plain Cigarette Packaging as a Remedy to Reduce Smoking, June 2011, accessed June 2016
  78. D. Gervais, Analysis of the compatibility of certain tobacco product packaging rules with the TRIPS Agreement and the Paris Convention, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  79. Smokers’ Rights Organisations

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Bird and Bird LLP Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:14:00 +0000 Background Bird & Bird LLP is an international commercial law firm with offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, as well as close ties with firms in other parts of the world. According to its website, the company employs 1100 lawyers in 28 offices. Tobacco Industry Links In 2011 Bird & Bird included Philip […]

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Bird & Bird LLP is an international commercial law firm with offices in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, as well as close ties with firms in other parts of the world. According to its website, the company employs 1100 lawyers in 28 offices.137

Tobacco Industry Links

In 2011 Bird & Bird included Philip Morris International (PMI) among their clients, providing expert legal advice to the company on plain packaging legislation (see below).

Bird & Bird and Plain Packaging

Philip Morris International Consult Bird & Bird

Image 1, Bird & Bird reflect on the importance of the Marlboro brand, September 2011

The UK Government indicated in March 2011 that it intended to consult on plain tobacco packaging. In light of this, in September 2011, PMI commissioned Bird & Bird to produce a paper which analysed the policy of plain tobacco packaging ‘with a view to the United Kingdom’s obligations under international trademark law’.138 The expressed purpose of the report was for PMI to share it with ‘external stakeholders’.
In the report, Bird & Bird’s conclusion was that:

“Our assessment is that plain packaging would violate certain trademark provisions in the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) and the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. This would put the United Kingdom in breach of its international treaty obligations, exposing it to dispute resolution proceedings and sanctions within the framework of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).”138

Bird & Bird defined trademarks as ‘wordmarks’ and ‘logos, devices, colours, combinations of colours and shapes’. Using PMI’s Marlboro ‘rooftop’ branding as an example, they explain the importance of these trademarks to the public (see Image 1).138
The report further emphasises that: “A trade mark is also a guarantee of quality so a customer will always know that that he will getting a consistent high quality product when he buys a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.”
The bones of Bird and Bird’s argument as presented in their advice to PMI is that a trademark confers a positive right to its owner, meaning that they have the right to use it. By contravening this right they claim that plain packaging renders trademarks ‘meaningless’. Specifically, Bird and Bird claim that plain packaging violates Articles 15(4) and 20 of the TRIPs Agreement139, and Article 7 of the Paris Convention.140

PMI Use Bird & Bird Report to Lobby UK Intellectual Property Office

On 25 June 2012, part way through the 2012 UK consultation on plain packs, PMI emailed officials at the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) and appended the Bird & Bird report. The email followed a meeting with the IPO the previous week where PMI had taken the opportunity to “discuss the current consultation on plain/standardised packaging of tobacco products. We appreciated the time to discuss the various considerations from a trade, legal and illicit trade perspective.” 141 A follow up internal IPO email indicates that the Bird and Bird paper was read by an IPO official – the email refers to Bird & Bird’s conclusions regarding plain packaging being in contravention of international agreements – and suggests forwarding the document to the Department of Health.142

Bird & Bird Publish Further Research on Plain Packaging

In 2012, the year after Bird & Bird produced their report for PMI, Phillip Johnson, of Bird & Bird, published a paper on plain packaging in the journal European Intellectual Property Review. The paper was entitled ‘Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products’.143
The paper cites other tobacco industry legal reports: Daniel Gervais’ report for Japan Tobacco International 144 and Lalive’s report for PMI.145 It was also critical of Andrew Mitchell and Tania Voon’s work on plain packaging which favours the public health case supportive of the policy.146
Johnson’s paper concluded that plain packaging was likely to “offend international laws”: specifically TRIPS139 and Paris140 and went on to suggest that a plain packaging law for cigarettes would have wider ramifications for trademark law:

“The outcome of the debate, however, will extend far beyond the tobacco industry as it will lead to authoritative interpretations of numerous provisions in intellectual property treaties; accordingly, what is decided my fundamentally affect the future of trade mark law.”

Image 2: Plain Speaking, Bird & Bird ITMA Review Cover Story, Dec 2011-Jan 2012

Image 3: Pack Attack, Bird & Bird article on plain packaging in ITMA Review, March-April 2013

The paper included a statement regarding PMI’s connection with the underlying work:

“This paper is based on research conducted by the author together with Bird and Bird LLP on behalf of Philip Morris International in relation to potential plain packaging law proposals. However, no payment was received for writing this article and the views reflected herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of Philip Morris International.”

Bird & Bird Partner Publishes Opinion Pieces on Plain Packs

At the end of 2011, Katharine Stephens, Partner at Bird & Bird LLP, published an article in ITMA Review: The Journal of the Institute of Trademark Attorneys (ITMA). (Image 2)147 Stephens, who acknowledges the preceding work for PMI138 concludes that:

“…if the UK Government were to propose plain packaging for cigarettes, there would be a very considerable fight over the trade mark aspects of such proposals. The tobacco companies’ position would be that the imposition of plain packaging measures would put the UK in breach of its international obligations; their arguments would appear to be compelling.”

As well as arguing the tobacco industry were likely to win on plain packs, the article also raised the familiar industry spectre of the ‘slippery slope’:

“However, I will allow myself one question of a general nature: if cigarettes are today’s target, what will be tomorrow’s? Will another Government want to bring in a similar measure to ban the use of trade marks on alcoholic drinks or fatty foods?”

In Spring 2013, Stephens published a second article in ITMA Review. (Image 3)148 This article also took the view that, despite the defeat of the tobacco industry in an Australian Court, plain packaging was unlikely to be successful in the UK. Again, the article acknowledged previous work for PMI:

“While this article is based on research conducted for Philip Morris International, the opinions expressed are the author’s own.”

ITMA (since 2016 renamed as CITMA – The Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) were mentioned in PMI’s leaked anti-plain packaging “Action Plan” as a way to engage with the Intellectual Property Office on plain packs. ITMA were also identified by PMI as media messengers.

Countering the Rights Argument

The positive rights argument has been disputed by other legal experts, including Andrew Mitchell,149 and Mark Davison.150151152153
The rights argument was ultimately rejected by the Australian High Court,154 the UK High Court155 and the UK Court of Appeal,156 who agreed with the UK Government that trade marks only confer negative rights – meaning that owners merely have the right to prevent others from using them: “In my judgment the Regulations amount to a control of use, not an expropriation of property.” 157

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  1. LALIVE, The Firm, undated, accessed October 2017
  2. LALIVE, Areas of Practice, undated, accessed October 2017
  3. abFTR Holding S.A. (Switzerland), Philip Morris Products S.A. (Switzerland) and Abal Hermanos S.A. (Uruguay), Request for arbitration under the rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, from Physicians for a Smoke Free Canada website, 19 February 2010, accessed October 2017
  4. abLALIVE, Why Plain Packaging is in Violation of WTO Members’ International Obligations under TRIPS and the Paris Convention, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 23 July 2009, Bates no. JB2818, accessed October 2017
  5. abC. Olivet, A. Villareal, Who really won the legal battle between Philip Morris and Uruguay?, The Guardian, 28 July 2016, accessed October 2017
  6. Request for Arbitration FTR Holding SA, Philip Morris Products S.A. and Abal Hermanos S.A. v. Oriental Republic of Uruguay, 19 February 2010, Italaw online database, accessed October 2010
  7. Unknown, RE: plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 6 October 2009, Bates no: JB0513, accessed October 2017
  8. Unknown, plain packaging, Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, 28 September 2009, Bates no: JB3818, accessed October 2017
  9. P. Johnson, Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products, European Intellectual Property Review 2012, 34(7):461-470
  10. Corporate Europe Observatory, Chapter 3: Legal vultures: Law firms driving demand for investment arbitration, 27 November 2012, accessed October 2017
  11. UNITAR, UNITAR and International Law Firm LALIVE Offer Online Course on Introduction to Investment Arbitration, July 2016, accessed October 2017
  12. European Union, The Anti-Counterfeiting Group, EU Transparency Register, 12 February 2015, accessed December 2015
  13. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc, EU Transparency Register, 01/2014-12/2014, accessed June 2015
  14. British Brands Group, Packaging of tobacco products. Response to European Commission consultation – the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, 3 December 2010, accessed March 2015
  15. Action for Smoking and Health, The smoke filled room: How big tobacco influences health policy in the UK, 2010, accessed January 2014
  16. European Union, British American Tobacco, EU Transparency Register, 4 May 2016, accessed July 2016. (Archived by WebCite® at
  17. European Union, Philip Morris International Inc., EU Transparency Register, 4 April 2016, accessed July 2016
  18. EU Transparency Register, , Financial Year 01/2012 – 12/2012, accessed 25 March 2014
  19. Markenverband, Unsere Mitglieder, Markenverband Website, undated, accessed July 2013
  20. MARQUES, Members, undated, accessed August 2013
  21. Centre for Economics and Business Research,

  22. Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK

    , March 2013, accessed June 2016

  23. Centre for Economics and Business Research, Quantification of the economic impact of plain packaging for tobacco products in the UK – Addendum to the report for Philip Morris Ltd, August 2013, accessed June 2016
  24. Compass Lexecon, Summary assessment of Plain Tobacco Packaging: a systematic review Annex 2, May 2012, accessed June 2016
  25. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers: Potential impact on retailers from the introduction of plain tobacco packaging, February 2011
  26. Deloitte, Tobacco packaging regulation: An international assessment of the intended and unintended impacts, May 2011, accessed June 2016
  27. Deloitte, Alliance of Australian Retailers Plain packaging and channel shift, June 2011
  28. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a display ban and/or a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 2 September 2008, accessed June 2016
  29. Europe Economics, Economic analysis of a plain packs requirement in the UK, A report for Japan Tobacco International, 29 June 2012, accessed June 2016
  30. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to the UK Department of Health Consultation on the Future of Tobacco Control, September 2008, accessed June 2016
  31. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of consumer survey evidence relevant to the UK Department consultation on the future of tobacco control – Supplemental Report, June 2009, accessed June 2016
  32. Keegan & Company LLC, Analysis of Consumer Survey Evidence Relevant to DG SANCO’s Proposal to Increase the Size of Health Warnings on Tobacco Packaging, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  33. KPMG, Project Star 2012 Results, April 2013, accessed June 2016
  34. KPMG, Illicit tobacco in Australia – 2013 half year report, October 2013, accessed June 2016
  35. LECG, A critical review of the literature on generic packaging for cigarettes, November 2008, accessed June 2016
  36. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in Australia: A simulation exercise, February 2010, accessed June 2016
  37. LECG, The impact of plain packaging of cigarettes in UK: a simulation exercise, Annex 2, Philip Morris International’s input to the public consultation on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC, November 2010, accessed June 2014
  38. London Economics, The role of packaging imagery on consumer preferences for experience goods: A consumer behavioural experiment, January 2012, accessed June 2016
  39. London Economics, An analysis of smoking prevalence in Australia, Final, November 2013, accessed June 2016
  40. Populus, Cigarette packaging survey, July 2012, accessed June 2016
  41. Populus, UK Plain Packaging Poll – Petrol Retail Association Members, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  42. Populus, Law enforcement survey, May 2014, accessed June 2016
  43. Deputy Chief Executive, National Association of Retired Police Officers, Response to email enquiry regarding funding of Povaddo survey of members, 17 June 2014
  44. Povaddo, National Association of Retired Police Officers (NARPO) Survey, November 2012, accessed June 2016
  45. Price Waterhouse Coopers, Illegal tobacco – counting the cost of Australia’s black market, February 2012
  46. Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, The Tobacco Products Directive: Potential economic impact – potential effects of plain packaging, April 2013
  47. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers: Final Report, January 2013
  48. Roy Morgan Research, Impact of Plain Packaging on Small Retailers –Wave 2 Final Report, September 2013, accessed June 2016
  49. R. Darwall, Selecting the evidence to fit the policy: An evaluation of the Department of Health’s consultation on standardised tobacco packaging, January 2013, unavailable online
  50. SKIM Consumer Research, The impact of standardised packaging on the illicit trade in the UK, summarised in SKIM conducted UK study about tobacco buying behavior for Philip Morris International, no date
  51. Visuality and Rural Shops Alliance, The effects of standardised tobacco packaging on retail service in the UK, September 2012
  52. Abbreviated Accounts for WOR Consultancy Limited, Year Ended 31 March 2013
  53. Will O’Reilly, Letter to The Cambs Times, 2 August 2013
  54. D. Campbell, BAT admits bankrolling newsagents’ tobacco campaign, The Guardian, 28 April 2011, accessed April 2012
  55. Petrol Retailers Association, Home Affairs Select Committee Inquiry: Tobacco Smuggling; Written Evidence submitted by the Petrol Retailers Association, August 2013, accessed May 2014
  56. Tobacco Retailers Alliance website, About the Tobacco Retailers Alliance, 26 October 2015, accessed November 2015
  57. Scottish Wholesale Association, Supplier Members, 4 July 2012, Accessed December 2014
  58. ITPAC response to Scottish Government’s consultation on electronic cigarettes and strengthening tobacco control in Scotland, undated, accessed November 2015
  59. Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association, Over 5,500 people are employed in the UK by TMA member companies, TMA website, 24 July 2012, accessed November 2015
  60. Philip Morris, Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP 2012 Investor CDP 2012 Information Request, 2012, accessed July 2016
  61. ICC UK, Council Members, accessed December 2015
  62. National Asian Business Association, Email response to funding inquiry, received 26 August 2014
  63. Altria, Engaging with others, accessed July 2014
  64. National Foreign Trade Council, Board of Directors, 26 February 2013, accessed May 2014
  65. TransAtlantic Business Council, TABD Members, 24 September 2014, accessed July 2015
  66. US Council of International Business, List of USCIB Members, USCIB website, last updated 18 June 2013, accessed 26 June 2013
  67. P. Chaudhry, A. Zimmerman, The Impact of Plain Packaging on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  68. J. Heckman, Report of James J Heckman UK Plain Packaging Consultation Annex 4, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  69. L. Steinberg, Adolescent decision making and the prevention of underage smoking, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  70. M. Cave, ‘Better regulation’ and certain tobacco control measures, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  71. R. Dhar and S. Nowlis, Report on the consumer behaviour and decision-making of cigarette smokers, December 2010, accessed June 2016
  72. E. Savona & F. Calderoni, Transcrime, Plain packaging and illicit trade in the UK, May 2012, accessed June 2013
  73. A. Kuss, Comments concerning Annex 2 “Elicitation of subjective judgements of the impact of smoking of plain packaging policies for tobacco products” of the IA No. 3080 “Standardised packaging for tobacco products”, August 2012, accessed June 2016
  74. J. Klick, Report of Dr Jonathan Klick, Appendix A, June 2012, accessed June 2016
  75. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  76. T. Devinney, Analysis of Consumer Research Evidence on the Impact of Plain Packaging for Tobacco Products (Updated to 2012), June 2012, accessed June 2016
  77. R. Mizerski, Plain Cigarette Packaging as a Remedy to Reduce Smoking, June 2011, accessed June 2016
  78. D. Gervais, Analysis of the compatibility of certain tobacco product packaging rules with the TRIPS Agreement and the Paris Convention, November 2010, accessed June 2016
  79. Smokers’ Rights Organisations

The post Bird and Bird LLP appeared first on TobaccoTactics.
