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Key Points Mexico is a country in North America, covered by the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for the Americas. It has a population of over 127.5 million with current smoking prevalence of 19% amongst the population aged 20 and over. Mexico ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004. It […]

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Image source: Luis Barrios/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Key Points

  • Mexico is a country in North America, covered by the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for the Americas.
  • It has a population of over 127.5 million with current smoking prevalence of 19% amongst the population aged 20 and over.
  • Mexico ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004. It has not joined the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.
  • The Mexican tobacco market is dominated by the big transnational tobacco companies, particularly Philip Morris International and British American Tobacco.
  • Recent tobacco industry tactics in Mexico include the use of third parties; the targeting of youth with marketing for newer nicotine and tobacco products, particularly on social media; and corporate social responsibility, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mexico significantly reduced smoking prevalence between 2002-2009, in the years around ratification of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC).123 However, between 2009 and 2016 there was no further progress. This may be explained by ongoing industry interference, such as on price and tax; the introduction and rapid growth of flavour capsule cigarettes; as well as challenges involved with implementation of Mexico’s main tobacco control law.34 In more recent years, Mexico has redoubled its efforts, passing a major amendment to its tobacco control law in 2021 which significantly increased compliance with the WHO FCTC.5 Mexico now has some of the most comprehensive tobacco control regulation in the world.56

Tobacco Use in Mexico

In 2022, the population of Mexico was over 127.5 million.7 According to the 2021 National Health and Nutrition Survey on COVID-19 (ENSANUT), prevalence of current smoking in the Mexican population aged 20 and over was just over 19%. There is significant difference between males and females, with nearly 30% of men reporting current smoking compared to around 9% of women. Prevalence of current smoking amongst Mexican youth aged from 10 to 19 was less than 5%, with 7.5% of males in this age range smoking compared to less than 2% of females.8

There were an estimated 48,400 deaths attributable to smoking in 2019, accounting for 6.6% of all mortality in Mexico that year.9 A study published in 2021 estimated the total cost of tobacco use to the Mexican economy at US$8.2 billion per year. US$5.1 billion is spent on treating diseases associated with tobacco use – equivalent to 9.3% of the annual health budget. The US$1.9 billion that Mexico receives in revenue from the tobacco industry covers just 38% of the burden of tobacco use.10

Since 2008, Mexico has prohibited sale, distribution and promotion of any product that resembles a cigarette, which has been applied to e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (see section “Roadmap to Tobacco Control”).1112 Even so, in the 2021 ENSANUT survey, current use of e-cigarette by adults aged 20 and over was 1.6% (2.5% for males; 0.7% for females). Amongst youth aged 10 to 19, prevalence was slightly higher, at 1.8% (2.4% for males; 1.1% for females).8 A 2022 survey by the National Commission Against Addictions estimated that five million Mexicans between the ages of 12 and 65 had used e-cigarettes at some point, with 975,000 being current users.13

Tobacco in Mexico

Market share and leading brands

In 2022, market research company Euromonitor International estimated the Mexican tobacco market to be worth nearly 89 billion Mexican pesos (US$4.5 billion), mostly accounted for by cigarette sales.14 The market is dominated by the big transnational tobacco companies (TTCs), particularly Philip Morris International (PMI) and British American Tobacco (BAT), and to a much lesser extent Japan Tobacco International (JTI). Between them, these three companies accounted for virtually all legal cigarette sales in 2022. PMI is the market leader with just over 60%, followed by BAT with just under 36%. JTI’s share was 4%.15

As of 2022, the top six brands in Mexico were all manufactured by either PMI or BAT. By far the most popular cigarette was PMI’s premium brand Marlboro, with a market share of over 48%. This was followed by BAT’s mid-range cigarette Pall Mall, with under 22%. All other brands had a share of less than 10%.16

The use of flavour capsule cigarettes is particularly high in several Latin American countries, including Mexico, where their share of the market has risen year on year since 2012.17 Although they were only introduced in 2011, flavour capsule cigarettes accounted for nearly 28% of the cigarette market in 2022 – amongst the highest proportions in the world.318 Research has shown that flavour capsules increase the appeal of cigarettes and stimulate a desire to try them, particularly amongst young people.1819

Tobacco farming and child labour

Tobacco growing in Mexico has fallen considerably since 1980, when it produced nearly 94,000 tonnes of leaf, to under 7,000 tonnes in 2010 (see Figure 1). However, in 2010 production started to increase again, rising to over 15,000 tonnes by 2012, since when the figure has remained roughly stable.20

Figure 1: Mexican tobacco production, 1961 to 2020.21 Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization/Our World in Data | CC BY

Similarly, in 1980 the harvested area was 42,000 hectares, falling to 4,000 hectares in 2010, but up to 7,000 in 2020.20

A series of exposés in the 1990s revealed widespread use of child labour on Mexico tobacco farms, as well as the use of banned agrochemicals and poor living and working conditions for tobacco pickers. While the industry claims much has changed since then, an investigation by The Guardian in 2018 found children working on seven out of the ten farms the report visited in the state of Nayarit, Mexico’s main tobacco growing region. The farms featured in the investigation were supplying PMI, BAT and Universal Leaf Tobacco.22

Tobacco and the economy

Mexico is a net exporter both of tobacco leaf and cigarettes. According to UN Comtrade, it exported approximately US$7.1 million in raw tobacco in 2022, compared to around US$2.4 million in imports.2324

A 2021 report on the impacts of tobacco tax, published by the Center of Research on Food and Development (CIAD), which bases its calculations on the Secretariat of Economy’s Online Tariff Information System, puts the figure for cigarette exports in 2019 at close to US$180 million, compared to imports of over $10 million.25 This corresponds to customs data from Descartes Datamyne, which put cigarette exports for 2020 at over $168 million, compared to imports of US$10.7 million.26 However, the Comtrade figure for cigarette exports in 2020 is much lower.27 No import data is available on Comtrade for that year.

According to the CIAD report, seventy per cent of Mexican cigarette exports served the Canadian market, 15% the Colombian market, and 11% Central American markets.25 Customs data also indicates these are the main export destinations for cigarettes manufactured in Mexico.26

The CIAD report also states that the tobacco industry is a relatively small sector of the Mexican economy, employing just 0.1% of the national workforce in 2018.25

Illicit trade

In a 2021 study which measured the Mexican illicit tobacco trade using two methodologies, illicit cigarettes accounted for 8.8% of total consumption based on an analysis of discarded packs, and 7.6% based on a survey of smokers. Both results are significantly lower than the figure of 16.6% which is widely publicised by the tobacco industry.28 While the figures obtained via both methodologies represent an increase from previous estimates of illicit cigarette consumption – 0.5% in 2009 and 2.7% in 2015 – they are lower than the global average and lower than the figure for other countries in Latin America such as Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.2930 A previous study also found wide geographical variation across the country: for example, in Hermosillo, Sonora, just 0.3% of total cigarette consumption was illicit, while in León, Guanajato, the figure was as high as 27.5%.29

There is also an illegal e-cigarette market. Between January 2021 and June 2022, Mexican authorities seized over 60,000 devices, suspending the activities of nearly 180 retail outlets.31

Tobacco and the environment

Mexico produces around 40 billion cigarettes annually. This consumes between 109 and 205 billion litres of water and between 73 and 114 million kilowatts of energy. It also generates CO2 emissions of between 20,000 and 29,000 tonnes. Around 55 million cigarette butts are discarded every day in Mexico, at an estimated cost of close to US$140 million annually.32

Roadmap to Tobacco Control

Mexico was the first country in the Americas to ratify the WHO FCTC in 2004.2 However, it has not joined the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products.33

In 2008, The General Law on Tobacco Control came into force, containing most of the provisions established in the WHO FCTC.34 However, it left some significant loopholes. While smoking was completely prohibited indoors in primary and secondary schools, and in federal government facilities, workplaces and other buildings with public access were permitted to provide designated smoking areas. Similarly, the law banned most forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, but made an exception in cases where it was aimed exclusively at adults.35 Some stricter regulation was introduced at subnational level. For example, Mexico City passed its own 100% smokefree law in February 2008 and in the following years 14 states followed suit.3637

In 2021, the Mexican Senate unanimously approved a key amendment to the 2008 General Law, which banned smoking in all enclosed public spaces and workplaces, as well as banning all forms of tobacco advertising.5 A further update, which came into force in January 2023, extended smoke-free legislation even to open-air environments where there may be public gatherings, such as parks, beaches and restaurant terraces. It also bans the display of tobacco products in all retail outlets.63839 With these two measures, Mexico made important progress towards full compliance with the WHO FCTC.5

Mexico has taken a tough stance on newer nicotine and tobacco products. Since 2008, there has been a ban on any product that resembles a cigarette.404142 Regulators have applied this law to e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs), but it has been contested by both retailers and tobacco companies.1140 In 2020, the government banned imports of e-cigarettes and HTPs, bringing customs law into line with existing health regulations.43 Though a decree published by the Secretariat of Economy in July 2021 created an exception for HTPs, this was reversed by a new presidential decree in October of the same year.4445

Finally, on World No Tobacco Day in May 2022, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed a decree imposing a total ban on “circulation and marketing” of e-cigarettes and HTPs. This effectively makes the import and sale of these products illegal in Mexico.4046

For more details, please see the following websites:

Tobacco Industry Interference in Mexico

Tobacco industry tactics in Mexico include the use of third parties; the targeting of youth with marketing for newer nicotine and tobacco products, particularly on social media; and corporate social responsibility, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Use of third parties

Tobacco companies often lobby via industry and trade associationsthink tanksfront groups and other third parties, including public relations (PR) companies and professional lobbyists.

In Mexico, the Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana (COPARMEX) is an employers’ union, which brings together businesses of all sizes and from all sectors.47 In 2021, Philip Morris International (PMI) listed COPARMEX as one of the business and trade organisations in which it held a leadership role.48

In May 2022, Mexico held a public consultation on an update to its revised tobacco control law, regarding proposals to completely ban the display of tobacco products at points of sale, and to further restrict designated smoking areas to limited open-air environments.38 COPARMEX’s submission to the consultation argued that cost of implementing these measures would be high and adversely impact the owners of small businesses; that the proposals violated the right to free trade; and that they would fuel the growth of the illicit trade.49

The National Tobacco Industry Council (CONAINTA) – of which PMI, BAT and JTI are all members – also opposed these measures, arguing that they would have a negative impact on the national economy, including on tobacco growing communities; that they violated consumer rights; and that they would endanger jobs and investment.50 In 2023, the president of CONAINTA warned that there would be a “storm” of legal appeals against the updated tobacco control law.51

Controversial marketing: targeting youth

The tobacco industry has long seen young people as a vital target market; tobacco use generally starts in adolescence. According to the 2016-7 National Survey of Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption, the average age of initiation for daily tobacco consumption in Mexico was less than 20 years old.52

Mexican media have documented tobacco companies targeting young people with marketing for newer nicotine and tobacco products via social media. From around 2018, industry hashtags – such as #FuturoSinHumo (“#SmokeFreeFuture”) and #EligeElCambio (“#ChooseChange” – both PMI) and #vypefriends and #govype (both BAT) began to appear on posts by popular Mexican actors, influencers, comedians and others.5354 Products such as PMI’s HTP IQOS and BAT’s e-cigarette Vype (since rebranded as Vuse) featured visibly in this content, though often company sponsorship was not made explicit.53

Even before the General Law on Tobacco Control was amended in late 2021, it prohibited tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship in all but three circumstances: in adult magazines, in adult-only establishments, or in personal correspondence to adults via post. It also specifically prohibited the online marketing of tobacco products.35 According to a lawyer at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, “these products must comply with the General Law on Tobacco Control, which clearly establishes a near-total ban on this publicity.”53

A 2022 study on exposure to e-cigarette advertising and the social acceptability of e-cigarette use in Mexico identified online advertising as one of the channels of exposure most significantly associated with a higher likelihood of perceiving e-cigarettes as socially acceptable.55 According to a researcher at the National Institute of Public Health – one of the authors of the study – the industry’s aim is the “renormalization” of nicotine consumption amongst young people.53

The tobacco industry has also sponsored motorsports in Mexico. In the 2022 Mexico City Grand Prix, held in October, the McLaren cars displayed BAT’s Vuse branding – in an apparent violation of the comprehensive ban on e-cigarettes brought in just months beforehand.56 Motorsport sponsorship is a longstanding and well-documented promotional strategy aimed at young people, particularly boys and young men.57

Corporate social responsibility

Tobacco companies often use corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives to enhance their public image and corporate reputation.

In 2018, PMI’s local subsidiary Philip Morris México (PMM) set up a partnership with a local start-up, Eco Filter, which uses biotechnology to recycle cigarette butts.5358 This partnership involves clean-up and collection initiatives which target young people, with events taking place at concerts, parks and universities. Eco Filter also delivers presentations to young people in which it displays PMI logos, and has used the social media hashtag and PMI slogan #FuturoSinHumo.5359 Eco Filter states that it does not promote PMI’s products or encourage nicotine consumption amongst young people.53

In 2021, Eco Filter opened a new factory in Guadalajara, Jalisco, with support from PMM.5860 It will process waste from PMM’s manufacturing facility near Guadalajara, as well as cigarette butts from the street.6162

Both PMI and BAT carried out extensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic. In May 2020, PMI donated electric beds, vital signs monitors and ventilators to a hospital in Guadalajara. PMI also donated money for personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals, and meals to a public welfare institution.63 BAT joined a programme called UNIR y DAR (“UNITE and GIVE”) with other local companies in Nuevo León, where BAT México is headquartered. As part of an initiative called #RespiraNL, these companies made donations for PPE.64 BAT also provided food supplies in Guadalupe, Nuevo León.65

There are also CSR initiatives on child labour in Mexico. For example, since 2001 BAT has run a programme called “Florece” (meaning “Blossom” or “Flourish” in English), which provides day centres for the children of workers in the tobacco fields of Nayarit.6667

Tobacco Tactics Resources

TCRG Research

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  1. World Health Organization, WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2003
  2. abUnited Nations, Chapter IX Health, 4. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, treaty record and status, accessed February 2023
  3. abcL. Zavala-Arciniega, L.M. Reynales-Shigematsu, D.T. Levy et al, Smoking trends in Mexico, 2002-2016: before and after the ratification of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2020, Tobacco Control, 29(6), 687–691, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055153
  4. L.M. Reynales-Shigematsu, H. Wipfli, J. Samet et al, Tobacco control in Mexico: A decade of progress and challenges, Salud Publica Mex. 2019;61:292-302. doi: 10.21149/9360
  5. abcdOrganización Panamericana de la Salud, La reforma a la Ley General de Control de Tabaco en México implementa ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco y emisiones, press release, 17 December 2021, accessed August 2023
  6. abW. Grant, México endurece sus leyes antitabaco con la prohibición total de fumar en lugares públicos, BBC News, 15 January 2023, accessed February 2023
  7. World Bank, Population, total – Mexico, The World Bank Data, 2021, accessed August 2023
  8. abT. Shamah-Levy, M. Romero-Martínez, T. Barrientos-Gutiérrez et al, Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2021 sobre COVID-19. Resultados nacionales., Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, 2022
  9. M.B. Reitsma, P.J. Kendrick, E. Ababneh et al, Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Lancet 2021; 397: 2337–60. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01169-7
  10. A. Palacios, B. Llorente, L. Reynales et al, ¿Por qué aumentar los impuestos al tabaco?, Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, 2021, accessed August 2023
  11. abL. Cruz-Jiménez, I. Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L. Zavala-Arciniega et al, Heated tobacco product use, its correlates, and reasons for use among Mexican smokers, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 232, 2022, 109283, doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109283
  12. I. Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L. Cruz-Jiménez, K. Gallegos-Carrillo et al, Aceptabilidad de diferentes propuestas de regulación de los Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina (SEAN) entre consumidores de nicotina en México, Salud Publica Mex. 2023 Jan 2; 65(1 ene-feb): 36–45. doi: 10.21149/12896
  13. Laura Lucía Romero Mireles, Utilización de vapeadores, problema de salud pública, Gaceta UNAM, 30 May 2022, accessed August 2023
  14. Euromonitor International, Market Sizes 2017-2022, accessed May 2023 (paywall)
  15. Euromonitor International, Company Shares 2017-2022, published May 2023 (paywall)
  16. Euromonitor International, Brand Shares 2017-2022, published May 2023 (paywall)
  17. Euromonitor International, Cigarettes by Standard/Menthol/Capsule 2012-2022, published May 2023 (paywall)
  18. abC. Kyriakos, M. Zatonski, F. Filippidis, Marketing of flavour capsule cigarettes: a systematic reviewTobacco Control, 2023;32:e103-e112, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-057082
  19. G. Grilo, L.P. Lagasse, J.E. Cohen et al, “It’s all About the Colors:” How do Mexico City Youth Perceive Cigarette Pack Design, International Journal of Public Health, Vol 66, 2021, doi: 10.3389/ijph.2021.585434
  20. abUN Food and Agriculture Organization, Tobacco Production, 1961 to 2020, Our World in Data, 2022, accessed February 2023
  21. UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Tobacco production, 1961 to 2020, Our World in Data, undated, accessed March 2023
  22. N. Lakhani, Mexico: children toil in the tobacco fields as reforms fail to fix poverty, The Guardian, 27 June 2018, accessed February 2023
  23. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
  24. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
  25. abcL. Huesca, H. Sobarzo, L. Llamas, A general equilibrium analysis of the macroeconomic impacts of tobacco taxation, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, 18 May 2021, accessed February 2023
  26. abDescartes Datamyne™ global trade analysis, accessed September 2023 (paywall)
  27. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
  28. B. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, L.M. Reynales Shigematsu, M. Stoklosa et al, Measuring the illicit cigarette market in Mexico: a cross validation of two methodologies, Tobacco Control, 2021, 30:125-131. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055449
  29. abB. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, L.M. Reynales Shigematsu, El consumo de cigarros ilícitos en México. Una estimación robusta y transparente para apoyar la toma de decisiones, The American Cancer Society, 2019, accessed February 2023
  30. B. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, M.A. Rodriguez, L.M. Reynales, Measuring illicit cigarette consumption with tobacco surveillance data: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey for Mexico, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2018, 16(Suppl 1):A132. doi: 10.18332/tid/84167
  31. Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios, Cofepris avanza en aseguramientos de vapeadores y suspensión de establecimientos, Gobierno de México, 12 July 2022, accessed February 2023
  32. Salud Justa, Tabaco, una amenaza para nuestro planeta, 2022, accessed February 2023
  33. United Nations, Chapter IX Health, 4. a Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, UN Treaty Collection, 2023, accessed May 2023
  34. Secretaría de Salud, Comisión Nacional Contra las Adicciones, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, The Union, Tabaquismo en la Ciudad de México: información para tomadores de decisión, undated, accessed February 2023
  35. abEstados Unidos Mexicanos – Presidencia de la República, Ley General para el Control del Tabaco, Diario Oficial de la Federación, 30 May 2008, accessed February 2023
  36. E. Crosbie, E.M. Sebrié, S.A. Glantz, Strong advocacy led to successful implementation of smokefree Mexico City, Tobacco Control, 20(1), 64–72, doi: 10.1136/tc.2010.037010
  37. Comunicación Diálogo y Conciencia S.C., México a nada de ser 100% libre de humo de tabaco y emisiones, Códice S.C., 7 December 2021, accessed February 2023
  38. abAnimal Político, La Secretaría de Salud busca prohibir la exhibición de cigarros y productos de tabaco; el sector privado ve golpe a la economía, 23 August 2022, accessed April 2023
  39. A.I. López, Ley antitabaco: ¿en qué lugares no se puede fumar en México?, El País, 17 January 2023, accessed February 2023
  40. abcTobacco Control Laws, Legislation by Country: Mexico,  website, updated 23 January 2023, accessed August 2023
  41. Global Tobacco Control, Policy Scan: E-cigarettes, Mexico, website, updated May 2022, accessed August 2023
  42. Global Tobacco Control, Policy Scan: Heated Tobacco, Mexico, website, updated May 2022, accessed August 2023
  43. The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Mexico Bans Import of E-Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products, 24 February 2020, accessed February 2023
  44. Expansión, México aprueba la importación y venta de los dispositivos calentadores de tabaco, 19 July 2021, accessed April 2023
  45. WHO FCTC Secretariat, Mexico prohibits the import of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products, undated, accessed April 2023
  46. D. Rodríguez, Illegal and dangerous: Mexico bans vaping, El País, 1 June 2022, accessed February 2023
  47. COPARMEX, ¿Quiénes Somos?, COPARMEX website, 2023, accessed April 2023
  48. Philip Morris International, Participation in Business and Trade Associations 2021, PMI website, accessed April 2023
  49. COPARMEX, Letter to National Commission for Regulatory Improvement Restricting, undated, accessed April 2023
  50. A. Alegría, Cambios al reglamento sobre tabaco ponen en riesgo inversiones: Conainta, La Jornada, 20 December 2022, accessed April 2023
  51. El Universal, Habrá lluvia de amparos contra ‘censura’ a tabaco,, 13 January 2023, accessed April 2023
  52. Secretaría de Salud, Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco 2016-2017: Reporte de Tabaco, Dirección de Encuestas, 2017, accessed February 2023
  53. abcdefgS. Rincón, Los influencers de la nicotina: así enganchan las tabacaleras a los jóvenes, Proceso, 1 June 2020, accessed February 2023
  54. Sin Fuero, Tabacaleras Violan la Ley al Usar a Influencers para Enganchar Jóvenes, 25 March 2021, accessed April 2023
  55. I. Barrientos-Gutierrez, K. Gallegos-Carrillo, L. Cruz-Jimenez et al, Exposure to e-cigarette advertising and provaping websites, and the social acceptability of their use among nicotine users. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2022 May 10;46:e87. doi: 10.26633/RPSP.2022.87
  56. Vital Strategies, Driving Addiction: F1, Netflix and Cigarette Company Advertising, STOP, 2023
  57. J. Carlyle, J. Collin, M.E. Muggli et al, British American Tobacco and Formula One motor racing, BMJ 2004; 329:104, doi: 10.1136/bmj.329.7457.104
  58. abJ. Pint, Massive cigarette butt recycling program runs on fungus and people power, Mexico News Daily, 4 February 2022, accessed February 2023
  59. Ecofilter México (@ecofilterMexico). “Gracias a todos los estudiantes de la Prepa 4 que colectaron cerca de 55Kg de colillas de cigarro.”, tweet, 16 November 2019, 8:56PM
  60. Philip Morris International, Partnering up to tackle the littering problem through innovation in Mexico, PMI website, 17 May 2022, accessed February 2023
  61. J. Levario, Arranca procesadora de colillas de cigarro, El Diario NTR, 27 July 2021, accessed August 2023
  62. ExpokNews, Phillip Morris y Ecofilter inauguran en GDL primer planta de biodegradación de colillas de cigarro, ExpokNews, 29 July 2021, accessed February 2023
  63. Salud Justa, Interferencia de tabacaleras en México: reporte de índice regional, 2021, accessed February 2023
  64. Red Crucero, Reconoce Gobierno apoyo de movimiento “Unir y Dar” en pandema, 6 May 2020, accessed April 2023
  65. Sentidos con Valores, Empresas se solidarizan en Guadalupe; donan 8 mil apoyos alimentarios, 23 May 2020, accessed April 2023
  66. British American Tobacco, ESG Report 2019, BAT website, accessed February 2023
  67. British American Tobacco, Human Rights Report 2020, BAT website, accessed February 2023

The post Mexico Country Profile appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

Interference around COP 10 & MOP 3 Wed, 24 Jan 2024 09:09:42 +0000 Background The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is an international treaty that aims to reduce the supply and demand of tobacco. The WHO FCTC includes a specific obligation, Article 5.3, requiring Parties to protect public health policies from commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry. More information on Article […]

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The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is an international treaty that aims to reduce the supply and demand of tobacco. The WHO FCTC includes a specific obligation, Article 5.3, requiring Parties to protect public health policies from commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry.68

The Parties to the WHO FCTC usually meet every two years at the Conference of the Parties (COP). In 2023, the 10th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) was due to take place from 20 to 25 November in Panama, immediately followed by the third Meeting of the Parties (MOP 3) from 27 to 30 November, to oversee the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. This treaty was adopted at COP 5 and addresses means of countering the illicit tobacco trade. However, both events were postponed to February 2024. COP 10 took place from 5 to 10 February in Panama, immediately followed by the MOP 3 from 12 to 15 February.

COP 10 and MOP 3 provisional agendas are available on the website of the Convention Secretariat of the WHO FCTC.

In August 2023, the WHO released a statement indicating its concern that the tobacco industry and others working in its interest have approached some Parties. Accordingly, the statement calls for Parties to “remain vigilant” in preparation for COP 10 and MOP 3.69

This page summarises activities and interference by the tobacco industry and its allies in relation to COP 10 and MOP 3, as well as highlighting criticism aimed at the WHO and COP.

Tobacco Industry Activities

Discussion of COP 10 by the tobacco industry, industry associates, and industry media, began several months before the conference was due to take place. It focused largely on the topic of tobacco harm reduction, in addition to some lobbying activities documented in tobacco growing countries. Some examples are detailed below.

British American Tobacco

In April 2023 (during the Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum GTNF’s ‘In Focus’ online series), James Murphy, director of research and science at British American Tobacco (BAT), highlighted COP as an opportunity to discuss tobacco harm reduction.70

In May 2023 (at industry event TabExpo), Flora Okereke, head of global regulatory insights and foresights at BAT,  reportedly said that the nicotine industry should work together to fight for harm reduction and send a single message to governments ahead of COP 10: that newer nicotine and tobacco products have a role to play in smoking cessation.71 She added:

I think it is time for you to use your access to your government …Remember, the parties are the ones mandated to make decisions at this meeting. Countries have the mandate to raise their voice and their opinion.”71

Philip Morris International

In October 2023, The Guardian newspaper published an article based on a leaked internal email, sent the previous month by Philip Morris International (PMI) senior vice-president of external affairs Grégoire Verdeaux.72 The article points to a widespread PMI lobbying campaign against stronger regulation of “smoke-free”  products ahead of the COP. Verdeaux said that for the previous 18 months his company had worked to “leverage the right support” at the meeting but added: “At this stage we are not where we would like to be – in terms of intelligence, positions and delegations”.72

Verdeaux described the COP 10 agenda as “nothing short of a systematic, methodical, prohibitionist attack on smoke-free products”. He said that PMI would be at the event in Panama and intended to protest its exclusion, adding that it could be “the most helpful private partner the WHO could have in the fight against smoking”.72

During the week of COP 10, Verdeaux attended the launch event of a campaign by Crime Stoppers International that highlighted illicit tobacco trade in Panama.7374 Verdeaux stated “We can learn from examples in Europe where sensible regulations have been introduced to control, regulate, and tax alternatives to cigarettes. So, you don’t corner smokers into the black market”.73

Tobacco industry associations meet with government in Brazil

In June, a public hearing was held at the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil’s lower house of Congress, to clarify the country’s position at COP 10.75 It was attended by representatives from various government departments, as well as representatives of the Tobacco Growers’ Association of Brazil (AFUBRA), the Brazilian Tobacco Industry Association (ABIFUMO) and the Interstate Tobacco Industry Union (SindiTabaco).76 The Ministry of Health reportedly declined to attend.77

During the meeting, the president of SindiTabaco described the WHO FCTC as “the worst dictatorship” for not allowing the “the parties with the greatest interest to take part in the debates”. “We should monitor Brazil’s position in the next COP and warn of the consequences of a misguided approach”, he added.77

In July, representatives from several industry associations including SindiTabaco met with the Minister of Agriculture to ask for his support ahead of COP 10.78 A similar meeting was held with the Minister of Agrarian Development a few days later, in which the minister reportedly criticised initiatives to replace tobacco as a cash crop.79

In October there was a further meeting between industry associations and representatives of various government departments.80 In the meeting, industry representatives called for transparency on the Brazilian position at the COP and the inclusion of tobacco growers at every stage of the discussions.81

In February 2024, the Brazilian parliamentary committee, consisting of state and federal representatives from tobacco-growing regions in Southern Brazil, was denied entrance to COP 10.82 The committee held daily debriefing sessions that were moderated by the head of the Brazilian delegation, Carlos Henrique Abreu e Silva.83 84 Abreu e Silva also met with the Tobacco Growers’ Association of Brazil (Afubra) and the International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA) during one of the meetings.85

Tobacco Industry Media and Events

Filter magazine

In July and August 2023, Filter magazine published articles on COP 10. Filter is owned by The Influence Foundation, which receives direct and indirect tobacco industry funding, from tobacco companies and the PMI-funded Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW).

Written by the pro-tobacco blogger Martin Cullip, one article, titled “Time Short to Stop the WHO’s Assault on Tobacco Harm Reduction”, he described “threats” which could be posed by the COP 10 meeting, including prohibition of non-tobacco e-liquid flavours, and the extension of regulations on tobacco products to newer nicotine and tobacco products. He called upon “the public, the safer nicotine trade and tobacco harm reduction advocates” to petition key policymakers and national delegates.86

In another article, he stated that the WHO was “dishonestly railroading delegates toward a preordained outcome of heavy restrictions and prohibition” and that parties “make their decisions based on robust evidence, rather than a steady stream of propaganda”.87

Around COP, Filter magazine published several articles by Lindsey Stroud of the Taxpayers’ Protection Alliance (TPA), which criticised the WHO.888990 The Influence Foundation declared that it had received funds from the TPA “to support travel to Good COP”, a parallel meeting run by the TPA during COP 10.91

See below for more on the TPA.

Tobacco Reporter

Industry publication Tobacco Reporter, which is owned by the Tobacco Merchants Association (TMA), has a dedicated section on its website called ‘Special Report: COP 10’, where it published articles before, during and after COP. The stated aim was to examine COP 10 closely, arguing that the decisions to be made at the COP could have far reaching implications for the tobacco industry, suppliers, tobacco farmers, smokers and users of e-cigarettes.92

Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum 2023

The Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum (GTNF) is an annual tobacco industry-funded event, sponsored by major transnational tobacco companies including PMI, BAT and Imperial Brands.9394

On the final day of the 2023 conference, a session titled ‘Talking about COP 10’ was led by Derek Yach, former FSFW president and board director, and Flora Okereke of BAT.95 The discussion focused on the topic of tobacco harm reduction.96

Tobacco Industry Allies’ Activities


In April 2023, Knowledge-Action-Change (KAC), a FSFW grantee, published a COP briefing paper on the website of its Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction (GSTHR) project. The brief stated that the COP lacked transparency and accountability, and included instructions for how to engage with the COP and lobby officials.97

In October 2023, KAC published a further briefing on the COP 10 agenda, which described “The principal threats to THR [tobacco harm reduction] and consumer access to SNP [safer nicotine products]”.98

The following month, KAC published another briefing paper focused on tobacco harm reduction consumer advocacy groups, criticising their exclusion from COP 10.99100 This briefing has been referred to in industry media.101102103

Institute of Economic Affairs

The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), a “free market” UK think tank, has a history of collaboration with the tobacco industry, including receiving financial support from tobacco companies.

The Director of the IEA’s “Lifestyle Economics” unit, Christopher Snowdon, authored an article published by The Sun criticising the WHO’s stance on e-cigarettes as “unscientific and fanatical”, described it as a threat to global health, and said the UK had an opportunity to oppose proposals relating to e-cigarettes during COP 10. He also described the WHO as a “fundamentally corrupt and incompetent organisation”.104

Snowdon attended the Taxpayers Protection Alliance’s ‘Good COP’ event (see below for more information).105

International Tobacco Growers Association

The International Tobacco Growers’ Association (ITGA) is a front group set up and run by the major cigarette manufacturers.

ITGA held several meetings in the year leading up to COP 10 in which the COP featured as a discussion point, and ITGA criticised the WHO FCTC for “excluding” farmers from discussions.106107108 After its ‘Africa Regional Meeting’ in June, ITGA’s report of the event stated “ITGA President is in a crusade to raise awareness of the false claims raised by WHO about tobacco farming and about the economic viability of alternatives crops”.107

According to Mercedes Vázquez, ITGA CEO, the organisation applied for observer status at COP 10, though as of November 2023, it had received no reply.109110 ITGA’s applications to observe previous COPs were refused.109 It later released a statement ahead of COP 10 in February arguing for publicly attended sessions at COP, and for tobacco growers to be able to participate in the discussions.111

During of the week of COP 10, ITGA continued to criticise the WHO and FCTC.112 ITGA also met with the Brazilian ambassador to Panama, head of the Brazilian delegation.11385

Tobacco Institute of India

The Tobacco Institute of India (TII) was founded in 1992 by ITC Limited, Godfrey Phillips India and VST Industries Ltd. All three companies have affiliations with either BAT or PMI.114

At an awards ceremony for tobacco farmers, Sharad Tandan, TII director, said that he hoped that COP 10 would not take “ill-conceived policy measures on issues like tobacco crop diversification etc, which will have a devastating impact on India’s export performance and on the livelihood of millions of farmers, farm workers, and their families”.115

World Vapers Alliance

The World Vapers Alliance (WVA) is a US-based organisation funded by the Consumer Choice Center, which in turn receives funding from tobacco industry, and by BAT directly.116117

In September 2023, WVA published an article, arguing that “the WHO has neglected evidence” for the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid because “it has already taken a side in the vaping debate”. It also argued that prohibition would lead to “irreversible illicit trade”.118

During the week of COP 10, WVA then criticised the “exclusion of consumers from the decision-making process”.119

Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction

In October 2023, the Center of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR), a FSFW grantee, sent a letter to the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides. It stated:

Our hope is that, in light of scientific evidence, the FCTC and the European Union conduct a careful, balanced, and transparent review of the available scientific evidence regarding non-combustible products, compared to conventional cigarettes, to provide indispensable information for making decisions in the interest of millions of smokers.”120

We Vape

We Vape was founded in 2020 by Mark Oates, a fellow at Adam Smith Institute, a UK think tank that has a history of collaboration with the tobacco industry, including accepting funding.

In an article published in August 2023, Mark Oates highlighted what he called “big issues” with the WHO’s recommendations approaching COP 10, and stated that We Vape was running its “Back Vaping Save Lives campaign, to educate and embolden the millions of vapers in the UK whose freedom to use a life-saving tool is under attack”.121 He called upon “the vaping community and beyond” to write to their local MPand provided a template letter.122

In October 2023, Oates called for readers to oppose tax increases on e-cigarettes during COP 10.123

New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is a lobby group which has previously received funding from BAT.124 It ran a campaign entitled “Clear The Air” to promote newer nicotine and tobacco products, and has repeatedly opposed tobacco control measures, including plain packaging.124125126

In January 2024, it called upon New Zealand’s delegates to COP 10 to reject the WHO’s call to action on e-cigarettes which called for strong regulation and enforcement.127.128

Other Criticism of the WHO and COP

Taxpayers Protection Alliance

The Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) is a US-based not-for-profit which lobbies on tobacco related topics, including outside the US. (The US is not a party to the FCTC)

TPA announced that they would be running a parallel meeting called “Good COP” to counter the WHO’s “Bad COP”.105 It described the meeting as “a rapid response and fact checking conference in Panama City” that would “bring in experts and consumers, often ignored by WHO, to be heard during the discussion of tobacco and tobacco harm reduction”.129 The National Taxpayer’s Union and the Tholos Foundation, an affiliate of Americans for Tax Reform, were listed as partners of the event. See Lobby Groups for information on these ‘taxpayer’ organisations.130

Event speakers listed on the agenda included representatives from the TPA, JCIC International Consultancy, the Institute of Economic Affairs, We Vape and the Centre of Excellence for the Acceleration of Harm Reduction (CoEHAR).131130

In the run up to COP 10, International Fellow of the TPA, Martin Cullip, and Director of the TPA’s Consumer Center, Lindsey Stroud, authored several articles criticising the WHO. One  stated that “permitting commercial tobacco harm reduction products costs governments nothing” and urged them to “roundly reject the WHO’s advice”.132133134

Global Britain

Campaigns ‘Say No To WHO’ and ‘Save My Vape’ have similar objectives. Their websites invite visitors to sign a petition, though the websites and associated Facebook pages contain no details about the organisations or their funders.135136 Both campaigns have been linked to Global Britain Ltd, run by PR consultant Brian Monteith. Monteith has a long history of opposition to tobacco control.137

Smoke Free Sweden 2023

Health Diplomats, a health consulting company set up by Delon Human, a South African doctor with a history of collaboration with BAT, set up the Smoke Free Sweden 2023 campaign. Human is described as the “leader of the Smoke Free Sweden movement”.138

In November 2023, following the postponement of COP 10, Smoke Free Sweden published a press release, urging the FCTC to use the delay “to consider smoke-free success stories like that of Sweden.”138

UK All-Party Parliamentary Group for Vaping

UK Member of Parliament Adam Afriyie, vice chair of the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping, spoke at the industry-sponsored Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum (GTNF) in South Korea in September 2023, where he warned against handing over control of UK policy to the WHO.139 Afriyie was a member of a panel moderated by David Bertram from EUK Consulting, which has worked for BAT since 2000.140141

Afriyie’s expenses were paid, as in 2022, by the GTNF trust.142143 Afriyie has been accused of having a conflict of interest because of his connections to Elite Growth, a firm that sells disposable vapes, of which his wife is a shareholder.143 He has been closely associated with the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) while the Big Four transnational tobacco companies were members (UKVIA stated in September 2023 that it no longer has tobacco company members).144145146 For more information see the UKVIA page.

Afriyie has argued in Parliament that the UK should work more closely with the tobacco industry,147 and has lobbied for the legalisation of snus in the UK, on behalf of Swedish Match.

Other APPG members have also been critical of COP.148149 Mary Glindon MP, another vice chair of the APPG, called COP 10 “the biggest threat to the U.K.’s world-beating harm reduction strategy” with its “singular mission focused on actively encouraging countries to ban vaping as part of its tobacco control approach, purposefully flouting the evidence of vaping’s success.”70 Glindon was speaking at the GTNF’s In Focus webinar in April 2023. Other keynote speakers included Delon Human, James Murphy of BAT, and Derek Yach, former FSFW president.70150

The APPG for Vaping closed down in November 2023, reportedly because no-one was able to take over Mark Pawsey’s position as chair.151

Relevant Links

Tobacco Tactics Resources


  1. World Health Organization, WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2003
  2. abUnited Nations, Chapter IX Health, 4. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, treaty record and status, accessed February 2023
  3. abcL. Zavala-Arciniega, L.M. Reynales-Shigematsu, D.T. Levy et al, Smoking trends in Mexico, 2002-2016: before and after the ratification of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2020, Tobacco Control, 29(6), 687–691, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055153
  4. L.M. Reynales-Shigematsu, H. Wipfli, J. Samet et al, Tobacco control in Mexico: A decade of progress and challenges, Salud Publica Mex. 2019;61:292-302. doi: 10.21149/9360
  5. abcdOrganización Panamericana de la Salud, La reforma a la Ley General de Control de Tabaco en México implementa ambientes 100% libres de humo de tabaco y emisiones, press release, 17 December 2021, accessed August 2023
  6. abW. Grant, México endurece sus leyes antitabaco con la prohibición total de fumar en lugares públicos, BBC News, 15 January 2023, accessed February 2023
  7. World Bank, Population, total – Mexico, The World Bank Data, 2021, accessed August 2023
  8. abT. Shamah-Levy, M. Romero-Martínez, T. Barrientos-Gutiérrez et al, Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2021 sobre COVID-19. Resultados nacionales., Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, 2022
  9. M.B. Reitsma, P.J. Kendrick, E. Ababneh et al, Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Lancet 2021; 397: 2337–60. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01169-7
  10. A. Palacios, B. Llorente, L. Reynales et al, ¿Por qué aumentar los impuestos al tabaco?, Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria, 2021, accessed August 2023
  11. abL. Cruz-Jiménez, I. Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L. Zavala-Arciniega et al, Heated tobacco product use, its correlates, and reasons for use among Mexican smokers, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 232, 2022, 109283, doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109283
  12. I. Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L. Cruz-Jiménez, K. Gallegos-Carrillo et al, Aceptabilidad de diferentes propuestas de regulación de los Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina (SEAN) entre consumidores de nicotina en México, Salud Publica Mex. 2023 Jan 2; 65(1 ene-feb): 36–45. doi: 10.21149/12896
  13. Laura Lucía Romero Mireles, Utilización de vapeadores, problema de salud pública, Gaceta UNAM, 30 May 2022, accessed August 2023
  14. Euromonitor International, Market Sizes 2017-2022, accessed May 2023 (paywall)
  15. Euromonitor International, Company Shares 2017-2022, published May 2023 (paywall)
  16. Euromonitor International, Brand Shares 2017-2022, published May 2023 (paywall)
  17. Euromonitor International, Cigarettes by Standard/Menthol/Capsule 2012-2022, published May 2023 (paywall)
  18. abC. Kyriakos, M. Zatonski, F. Filippidis, Marketing of flavour capsule cigarettes: a systematic reviewTobacco Control, 2023;32:e103-e112, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2021-057082
  19. G. Grilo, L.P. Lagasse, J.E. Cohen et al, “It’s all About the Colors:” How do Mexico City Youth Perceive Cigarette Pack Design, International Journal of Public Health, Vol 66, 2021, doi: 10.3389/ijph.2021.585434
  20. abUN Food and Agriculture Organization, Tobacco Production, 1961 to 2020, Our World in Data, 2022, accessed February 2023
  21. UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Tobacco production, 1961 to 2020, Our World in Data, undated, accessed March 2023
  22. N. Lakhani, Mexico: children toil in the tobacco fields as reforms fail to fix poverty, The Guardian, 27 June 2018, accessed February 2023
  23. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
  24. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
  25. abcL. Huesca, H. Sobarzo, L. Llamas, A general equilibrium analysis of the macroeconomic impacts of tobacco taxation, Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, 18 May 2021, accessed February 2023
  26. abDescartes Datamyne™ global trade analysis, accessed September 2023 (paywall)
  27. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
  28. B. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, L.M. Reynales Shigematsu, M. Stoklosa et al, Measuring the illicit cigarette market in Mexico: a cross validation of two methodologies, Tobacco Control, 2021, 30:125-131. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055449
  29. abB. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, L.M. Reynales Shigematsu, El consumo de cigarros ilícitos en México. Una estimación robusta y transparente para apoyar la toma de decisiones, The American Cancer Society, 2019, accessed February 2023
  30. B. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, M.A. Rodriguez, L.M. Reynales, Measuring illicit cigarette consumption with tobacco surveillance data: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey for Mexico, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2018, 16(Suppl 1):A132. doi: 10.18332/tid/84167
  31. Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios, Cofepris avanza en aseguramientos de vapeadores y suspensión de establecimientos, Gobierno de México, 12 July 2022, accessed February 2023
  32. Salud Justa, Tabaco, una amenaza para nuestro planeta, 2022, accessed February 2023
  33. United Nations, Chapter IX Health, 4. a Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, UN Treaty Collection, 2023, accessed May 2023
  34. Secretaría de Salud, Comisión Nacional Contra las Adicciones, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, The Union, Tabaquismo en la Ciudad de México: información para tomadores de decisión, undated, accessed February 2023
  35. abEstados Unidos Mexicanos – Presidencia de la República, Ley General para el Control del Tabaco, Diario Oficial de la Federación, 30 May 2008, accessed February 2023
  36. E. Crosbie, E.M. Sebrié, S.A. Glantz, Strong advocacy led to successful implementation of smokefree Mexico City, Tobacco Control, 20(1), 64–72, doi: 10.1136/tc.2010.037010
  37. Comunicación Diálogo y Conciencia S.C., México a nada de ser 100% libre de humo de tabaco y emisiones, Códice S.C., 7 December 2021, accessed February 2023
  38. abAnimal Político, La Secretaría de Salud busca prohibir la exhibición de cigarros y productos de tabaco; el sector privado ve golpe a la economía, 23 August 2022, accessed April 2023
  39. A.I. López, Ley antitabaco: ¿en qué lugares no se puede fumar en México?, El País, 17 January 2023, accessed February 2023
  40. abcTobacco Control Laws, Legislation by Country: Mexico,  website, updated 23 January 2023, accessed August 2023
  41. Global Tobacco Control, Policy Scan: E-cigarettes, Mexico, website, updated May 2022, accessed August 2023
  42. Global Tobacco Control, Policy Scan: Heated Tobacco, Mexico, website, updated May 2022, accessed August 2023
  43. The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Mexico Bans Import of E-Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products, 24 February 2020, accessed February 2023
  44. Expansión, México aprueba la importación y venta de los dispositivos calentadores de tabaco, 19 July 2021, accessed April 2023
  45. WHO FCTC Secretariat, Mexico prohibits the import of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products, undated, accessed April 2023
  46. D. Rodríguez, Illegal and dangerous: Mexico bans vaping, El País, 1 June 2022, accessed February 2023
  47. COPARMEX, ¿Quiénes Somos?, COPARMEX website, 2023, accessed April 2023
  48. Philip Morris International, Participation in Business and Trade Associations 2021, PMI website, accessed April 2023
  49. COPARMEX, Letter to National Commission for Regulatory Improvement Restricting, undated, accessed April 2023
  50. A. Alegría, Cambios al reglamento sobre tabaco ponen en riesgo inversiones: Conainta, La Jornada, 20 December 2022, accessed April 2023
  51. El Universal, Habrá lluvia de amparos contra ‘censura’ a tabaco,, 13 January 2023, accessed April 2023
  52. Secretaría de Salud, Encuesta Nacional de Consumo de Drogas, Alcohol y Tabaco 2016-2017: Reporte de Tabaco, Dirección de Encuestas, 2017, accessed February 2023
  53. abcdefgS. Rincón, Los influencers de la nicotina: así enganchan las tabacaleras a los jóvenes, Proceso, 1 June 2020, accessed February 2023
  54. Sin Fuero, Tabacaleras Violan la Ley al Usar a Influencers para Enganchar Jóvenes, 25 March 2021, accessed April 2023
  55. I. Barrientos-Gutierrez, K. Gallegos-Carrillo, L. Cruz-Jimenez et al, Exposure to e-cigarette advertising and provaping websites, and the social acceptability of their use among nicotine users. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2022 May 10;46:e87. doi: 10.26633/RPSP.2022.87
  56. Vital Strategies, Driving Addiction: F1, Netflix and Cigarette Company Advertising, STOP, 2023
  57. J. Carlyle, J. Collin, M.E. Muggli et al, British American Tobacco and Formula One motor racing, BMJ 2004; 329:104, doi: 10.1136/bmj.329.7457.104
  58. abJ. Pint, Massive cigarette butt recycling program runs on fungus and people power, Mexico News Daily, 4 February 2022, accessed February 2023
  59. Ecofilter México (@ecofilterMexico). “Gracias a todos los estudiantes de la Prepa 4 que colectaron cerca de 55Kg de colillas de cigarro.”, tweet, 16 November 2019, 8:56PM
  60. Philip Morris International, Partnering up to tackle the littering problem through innovation in Mexico, PMI website, 17 May 2022, accessed February 2023
  61. J. Levario, Arranca procesadora de colillas de cigarro, El Diario NTR, 27 July 2021, accessed August 2023
  62. ExpokNews, Phillip Morris y Ecofilter inauguran en GDL primer planta de biodegradación de colillas de cigarro, ExpokNews, 29 July 2021, accessed February 2023
  63. Salud Justa, Interferencia de tabacaleras en México: reporte de índice regional, 2021, accessed February 2023
  64. Red Crucero, Reconoce Gobierno apoyo de movimiento “Unir y Dar” en pandema, 6 May 2020, accessed April 2023
  65. Sentidos con Valores, Empresas se solidarizan en Guadalupe; donan 8 mil apoyos alimentarios, 23 May 2020, accessed April 2023
  66. British American Tobacco, ESG Report 2019, BAT website, accessed February 2023
  67. British American Tobacco, Human Rights Report 2020, BAT website, accessed February 2023
  68. World Health Organization, Guidelines for implementation of Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC, 2013
  69. World Health Organization, Call for Parties to remain vigilant in preparation for COP10 and MOP3, 14 August 2023, accessed November 2023
  70. abcFocus on Harm Reduction, Tobacco Reporter,  26 April 2023, accessed August 2023
  71. abInnovative Focus, Tobacco Reporter, 2 June 2023, accessed August 2023
  72. abcS. Marsh, Philip Morris lobbying to stop WHO ‘attack’ on vapes and similar products, The Guardian, 12 October 2023, accessed October 2023
  73. aballAfrica, Africa: COP10 – The Apparent Link Between Taxation And Illicit Trade, allAfrica, 9 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  74. They promote dialogue to combat cigarette smuggling, Soy502, 3 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  75. Câmara dos Deputados, Comissão de Agricultura debate compromisso do Brasil no controle do tabaco, Agência Câmara de Notícias, 15 June 2023, accessed November 2023
  76. Comissão de Agricultura, Pecuária, Abastecimento e Desenvolvimento Rural, Resultado da Reunião Extraordinária Audiência Pública em 15/06/2023, Participantes, accessed November 2023
  77. abSindiTabaco, Tabaco é tema de audiência pública em Brasília, 15 June 2023, accessed November 2023
  78. Brazil Ag Minister Asked for Support Prior to COP, Tobacco Reporter, 14 July 2023, accessed August 2023
  79. Brazilian Minister Voices Supports for Tobacco Farming, Tobacco Reporter, 18 July 2023, accessed August 2023
  80. Comissão de Agricultura, Pecuária, Abastecimento e Desenvolvimento Rural, Resultado da Reunião em 26/10/2023, Participantes, accessed November 2023
  81. Câmara dos Deputados, Setor produtivo pede transparência do governo nas discussões sobre controle do tabaco, Agência Câmara de Notícias, 26 October 2023, accessed November 2023
  82. L. Wacholz, COP 10: Comitiva parlamentar divulga nota de repúdio no Panamá, Folda do Mate, 6 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  83. In one of the sessions, representatives of various Brazilian tobacco industry associations were present.152COP10:  Deputados e secretário de Estado questionam divergências de posicionamento do Brasil, Ola jornal, 7 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  84. J.Da Silva, Federação denuncia a invisibilidade do trabalhador da indústria do tabaco, Expansão, 8 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  85. abEmbaixador do Panamá levará pleito dos trabalhadores do tabaco ao Itamaraty, Ola jornal, 9 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  86. M. Cullip, Time Short to Stop the WHO’s Assault on Tobacco Harm Reduction, Filter, 12 July 2023, accessed August 2023
  87. M. Cullip, The WHO’s COP10 Takedown of Tobacco Harm Reduction Takes Shape, Filter, 3 August 2023, accessed August 2023
  88. L. Stroud, WHO Renews Tobacco Harm Reduction Attacks in Runup to COP10, Filter, 11 January 2024, accessed February 2024
  89. L.Stroud, WHO Renews Tobacco Harm Reduction Attacks in Runup to COP10, Filter, 11 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  90. L.Stroud, The WHO Prioritizes Youth Who Don’t Smoke Over Adults Who Do, Filter, 23 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  91. K. Sidhu, At Hostile COP10, Threats to Tobacco Harm Reduction Postponed, Filter, 20 February 2024, accessed April 2024
  92. Special Report: COP10, Tobacco Reporter, 4 September 2023, accessed September 2023
  93. Global Tobacco & Nicotine Forum, GTNF 2015: Welcome to Bologna: the city where ideas and information meet, 2015, accessed January 2024
  94. GTNF, GTNF Sponsors, website, undated, accessed June 2023
  95. Global Tobacco and Nicotine Forum, 2023 Agenda, GTNF website, accessed November 2023
  96. Fireside Chat: Talking About COP10, 24 October 2023, Tobacco Reporter, accessed November 2023
  97. Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction, The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the Conference of the Parties (COP): an explainer, April 2023, accessed August 2023
  98. Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction, The FCTC COP10 Agenda and supporting documents: implications for the future of tobacco harm reduction, October 2023, accessed August 2023
  99. Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction, Tobacco harm reduction consumer advocacy organisations, November 2023, accessed January 2024
  100. Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction, New GSTHR Briefing Paper focuses on tobacco harm reduction consumer advocacy groups – and notes their exclusion from COP10, November 2023, accessed December 2023
  101. S. Rossel, Persistence Pays, Tobacco Reporter, 10 November 2023, accessed January 2024
  102. K. Sidhu, Excluded Tobacco Harm Reduction Consumer Groups Fight On, Filter, 15 November 2023, accessed November 2023
  103. Consumer Groups Critical to THR: Paper, Tobacco Reporter, 10 November 2023, accessed January 2024
  104. S. Blanchard, UP IN SMOKE UK to defy calls for vaping ban – as ministers defend ‘swap-to-stop’ quit aid for smokers, The Sun, 9 October 2023, accessed October 2023
  105. abTaxpayers Protection Alliance, COP10 – Experts, 28 July 2023, accessed August 2023
  106. The International Tobacco Growers’ Association, ITGA Americas Regional Meeting 2023, ITGA, 30 August 2023, accessed September 2023
  107. abITGA President re-states his commitment during country visits in Africa calling to attention growers’ viability in a key message to Governments, ITGA, 28 June 2023, accessed January 2023
  108. On 30th October 2023, Tobacco Growers from around the world meet in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to call on governments’ support to the sector, ITGA, press release, undated, accessed January 2024
  109. abL. Mullaney, ITGA calls for understanding of the challenges faced by tobacco growers, Tobacco Intelligence, 23 August 2023, accessed September 2023
  110. Growers Demand Voice, Tobacco Reporter, 2 November 2023, accessed November 2023
  111. ITGA, Message from the ITGA president for COP 10, Afubra, 2 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  112. E. Bustos, Fuerte defensa de la producción de tabaco en un foro internacional, NAP, 7 February 2024, accessed February 2024 [translated from Spanish]
  113. L. Wacholz, COP10 deputados e entidades confirmam agenda com embaixador do brasil no Panama, Folha do Mate, 5 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  114. STOP, The Tobacco Institute of India, website, undated,  accessed 6 December 2023
  115. S.N. Samdani, Tobacco Institute of India demands export incentives for tobacco, Times of India, 23 August 2023, accessed September 2023
  116. R. Sollenberger, W. Bredderman,  Guess Who’s Secretly Backing This ‘Anti-Smoking’ Vape Group, 09 January 2022, The Daily Beast, accessed January 2024
  117. B. Kenber, Revealed: how tobacco giants are bankrolling secret pro-vaping campaign, 14 December 2023, The Times, accessed January 2024
  118. L. Katsiashvili, Standing for harm reduction: The EU’s duty to smokers worldwide, The Parliament Magazine, 4 September 2023, accessed October 2023
  119. World Vapers’ Alliance, WVA Condemns FCTC COP10’s Exclusion of Consumers and Misguided Harm Reduction Policies, GlobeNewswire, 4 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  120. CoEHAR, Open Letter for a Redefinition of Anti-Smoking Policies, 10 October 2023, accessed November 2023
  121. BackVaping, #Back Vaping Save Lives, archived 7 September 2023, accessed September 2023
  122. Mark Oates, Guest Post From Mark Oates Founder Of We Vape – Stand Up For Vaping At COP10!, Ecigclick, 11 August 2023, accessed August 2023
  123. Mark Oates, Guest Post: Mark Oates – Vapers Must Unite Against WHO Tax Plan!, Ecigclick, 4 October 2023, accessed October 2023
  124. abS. Sachdeva, Taxpayers’ Union backed by tobacco giant, Newsroom, 30 January 2019, accessed January 2024
  125. Taxpayers’ Union, Clear The Air, undated, archived September 2023
  126. STOP, New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union,, undated, accessed January 2024
  127. World Health Organization, Taxpayers’ Union Calls On NZ COP10 Delegates To Reject Misguided WHO Vaping Call To Action, 10 January December 2023, Scoop, accessed January 2024
  128. World Health Organization, Electronic Cigarettes: Call to action, 14 December 2023, accessed January 2024
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  130. Taxpayers Protection Alliance, Good COP/ Bad COP: Experts, website, undated, accessed January 2024
  131. M. Cullip, The EU and the WHO’s sinister collusion against vaping, CAPX, 10 November 2023, accessed November 2023
  132. M. Cullip, COP Must Respect Science, Consumers, Tobacco Reporter, 22 January 2024, accessed February 2024
  133. L. Stroud, WHO Renews Tobacco Harm Reduction Attacks in Runup to COP10, Filter, 11 January 2024, accessed February 2024
  134. #SayNoToWHO, archived 8 November 2023, accessed November 2023
  135. Save My Vape, archived 8 November 2023, accessed November 2023
  136. S. Das, J. Ungoed-Thomas, Lobbyists with links to Big Tobacco fund pro-vaping Facebook campaigns, The Guardian, 18 June 2023, accessed August 2023
  137. abExperts recommend seizing the COP 10 delay as a catalyst for tobacco control innovation, 21 November 2023, Smoke Free Sweden, archived January 2024, accessed January 2024
  138. D. Maddox, Brexit Britain must not escape the EU only to fall under the WHO’s control, Tory MP warns, The Express, 24 September 2023, accessed November 2023
  139. M. Davey, Australian politician’s speech at tobacco conference in September allegedly in breach of WHO treaty, The Guardian, 27 October 2023, accessed November 2023
  140. EUK Consulting, Current Clients, website, accessed November 2023
  141. UK Parliament, Register of Members’ Financial Interests, as at 30 October 2023, accessed November 2023
  142. abP. Wood, Tory MP Adam Afriyie who repeatedly promoted vaping didn’t declare wife’s shares in vape retailer, 12 May 2023, accessed November 2023
  143. UKVIA, Trade and consumer groups from around the world call on World Health Organisation (WHO) to support harm reduction, press release, 28 October 2021, accessed November 2023
  144. UKVIA, Highlights from the UKVIA Forum 2022, accessed November 2023
  145. UKVIA, Vaping Industry Develops ‘Greenprint’ for Environmental Action, archived March 2023, accessed November 2023
  146. UK Parliament, Smoke-free England, debate transcript, Hansard, 29 March 2022, accessed March 2022
  147. M. Pawsey, Mark Pawsey: At COP10, British delegates must champion vaping as a primary means of reducing tobacco harm, ConservativeHome, 29 May 2023, accessed November 2023
  148. A. Lewer, M. Glindon, Britain must stand up to the WHO on vaping to save millions of lives, Daily Express, 25 April 2023, accessed November 2023
  149. GTNF, In Focus: THR, 25 April 2023, accessed January 2024
  150. B. Kenber, Tobacco giants linked to attacks on World Health OrganisationThe Times, 15 December 2023, accessed December 2023 (paywall)

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Tobacco Industry Interference with Endgame Policies Wed, 20 Dec 2023 11:32:34 +0000 The tobacco ‘endgame’ is the concept of moving beyond a focus on tobacco control, towards implementing policies and strategies that could phase out tobacco products entirely.

The post Tobacco Industry Interference with Endgame Policies appeared first on TobaccoTactics.


The World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is an international treaty that aims to reduce the demand and supply of tobacco. It entered into force in February 2005, and as of 2023, there are 183 Parties to the treaty.153

Article 3 of the WHO FCTC establishes that “the objective of this Convention and its protocols is to protect present and future generations from the devastating health, social, environmental and economic consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke by providing a framework for tobacco control measures to be implemented by the Parties at the national, regional and international levels in order to reduce continually and substantially the prevalence of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke”.154

What is the endgame?

The tobacco ‘endgame’ is the concept of moving beyond a focus on tobacco control, towards implementing policies and strategies that could phase out tobacco products entirely.155 According to Cancer Research UK, among others, this would require systemic changes, including:

initiatives designed to change/eliminate permanently the structural, political and social dynamics that sustain the tobacco epidemic, in order to achieve within a specific time an endpoint for the tobacco epidemic.” 156157

This could involve the reduction of prevalence of smoking to – or very close to – zero.

Policy Options

Research conducted into potential endgame strategies has identified plausible new policies for reducing smoking to minimal levels. These include:

  • A tobacco-free generation policy, which precludes the sale and supply of tobacco to individuals born after a certain year158159
  • A ‘sinking-lid’ strategy, which involves establishing steadily decreasing quotas on the sales or imports of tobacco products158159160
  • Substantially reducing the number of tobacco product retailers, which could include restricting retailer density, location, type, or licensing, or restricting tobacco sales to government run outlets158159161162
  • Mandating low-nicotine levels in tobacco products158163
  • Banning the sale of one or more tobacco products162158
  • Shifting control of the supply and distribution of tobacco products away from tobacco companies155164

Implementation of endgame policies

National goals and policies

The first countries to propose tobacco endgame goals, and start developing legislation to achieve these targets, were Finland,165166 New Zealand,167 Ireland,168 Scotland,169 Sweden170 Canada,171172 and Malaysia.173 Other countries that have more recently adopted endgame goals include the Netherlands,174175 Australia,176 and the UK.177 Typically, the goal is to have a smoking prevalence of less than 5% of the population.

As of 2023, the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (CTFK) policy database shows that 13 countries have banned the sale of waterpipe tobacco products, and 19 countries have banned the sale of smokeless tobacco products.178 A review carried out in 2020 showed that 40 countries had active or pending flavoured tobacco product policies that ranged from banning flavoured tobacco, to banning flavour descriptors and images on packaging.162179 No countries have yet implemented mandatory denicotinisation, substantial retailer reductions or the sinking lid strategy at a national level.

In 2010, Bhutan was the first country to ban the sale, manufacture and distribution of tobacco products.180 However, the legislation was reversed in 2021 due to concerns that increased tobacco smuggling could result in cross-border transmission of COVID-19.180

Subnational policies

Several US cities have also implemented endgame strategies. Brookline, Massachusetts introduced a generational tobacco ban in 2021 which prohibited the sale of tobacco products and e-cigarettes to anyone born after 1 January 2000.181182 Despite litigation brought by retailers in Brookline, which argued that the policy was pre-empted by state law, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court upheld the generational ban in 2024.183 Some cities in California have prohibited the sale of tobacco and nicotine products within their jurisdictions,184 and others have restricted the number or types of retailers permitted to sell tobacco products.185

In 2016, Balanga City in the Philippines banned the sale and use of all tobacco and nicotine products to those born after 1 January 2000. It also expanded the coverage of an existing smoking ban in the city’s University Town to cover a wider radius. However, both measures were overturned in 2018 after the tobacco industry pursued litigation.186187

Tobacco industry interference

As of 2023, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK are the only countries that have announced plans to adopt a generational endgame policy. New Zealand also proposed introducing mandated denicotinisation and substantial retailer reduction.

Tobacco industry interference to prevent, delay or undermine the legislation has been observed in each of these countries, and is detailed below.


Proposed legislation

In 2022, Malaysia proposed the ‘Control of Tobacco Products and Smoking Bill 2022’ which aimed to phase out tobacco products and e-cigarettes by introducing a generational endgame policy, prohibiting their use and sale to everyone born on or after 1 January 2007.188

However, when the latest version of the bill was tabled in 2023, the generational ban clause was omitted for all products.189

Interference from industry and associated organisations

Prior to the bill being tabled, several organisations lobbied against the inclusion of e-cigarettes in the generational endgame policy.190191192 One of these organisations, the Malaysian Vapers Alliance (MVA), is a member of the World Vapers’ Alliance,193 which has received funding from the Consumer Choice Center and BAT. The MVA urged the government to exclude e-cigarettes from the generational ban, and stated that it had conducted a survey of 5000 adult vape users, 96.6% of which did not agree with the ban.194

When the generational endgame clause was removed from the bill, Malaysia’s former health minister stated that this was due to strong lobbying from tobacco companies.189 According to local advocates the bill had seen an “unprecedented level of industry interference, some of which have been done in clear violation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control”.195

It is not clear what actions were taken by the tobacco industry to oppose the bill, however industry interference in government activities in Malaysia is high, and has continued to rise in recent years.196197

New Zealand

Proposed legislation

In December 2022, as part of its ‘Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan’,198 New Zealand passed the ‘Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products’ Amendment Act’ into law, which would have implemented several tobacco endgame policies.199 The legislation included three key approaches: a ban on tobacco products being sold to anyone born on or after 1 January 2009, a significant reduction in the amount of nicotine permitted in tobacco products (an 0.8mg/g nicotine limit, compared to 15-16mg/g present in full strength cigarettes), and a huge reduction in the number of retailers allowed to sell tobacco products across the country (from 6000 to 600).199200

The legislation was due to be implemented progressively starting with the reduction in retailer numbers from July 2024, however in November 2023, as part of an agreement between parties forming a new coalition government, it was announced that all three endgame proposals would be repealed. The new finance minister stated that the additional tobacco tax revenues resulting from repealing the smokefree legislation would be used to finance tax cuts promised during the election campaign.201202 The repeal was later confirmed in February 2024.203 It was reported that health officials had urged the coalition government to maintain elements of the bill and suggested compromises such as introducing a purchase age of 25, however the Associate Health Minister, Casey Costello, rejected this.204

In February 2024, public health experts published a briefing pointing to channels of potential tobacco industry influence on the new coalition government.205 The briefing highlighted past connections between coalition politicians and tobacco companies or industry linked organisations, and noted that the arguments used by the coalition government against tobacco endgame policies aligned with those used by tobacco companies.205206 It also called for all government members to declare any past and current industry connections.205207

Interference from industry and associated organisations

In 2021, following the release of the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan, Imperial Brands, BAT and JTI all submitted responses to the government consultation opposing the major endgame policies.208 Industry linked organisations and individuals also submitted responses opposing the legislation. These included submissions from Centre for Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty and Smoking (COREISS),209 which is funded by the Foundation for a Smoke Free World, and The New Zealand Initiative,210 a think tank whose members include BAT and Imperial Brands.211

In June 2021, BAT reportedly facilitated a protest amongst convenience store owners to contest the proposed tobacco product restrictions.212 BAT supplied the dairy owners with postcards which opposed the measures, including the comment “If nicotine is slashed, filters banned and price goes up, many people will go to the black market – these will badly hurt my business, increase risk of robbery to personal safety and could force store to close.” Thousands of these postcards were reportedly delivered to the New Zealand Parliament.212

In August 2023, the ‘Save our Stores’ campaign, another seemingly grassroots initiative supported by convenience store owners,213 called for users to sign a petition urging the government to repeal the latest Smokefree 2025 laws. The campaign website stated that it was “supported by” BAT New Zealand and Imperial Brands New Zealand. The campaign website argued that “A ban on normal strength cigarettes will just mean the illicit trade in tobacco products will boom and be controlled by criminal networks”. It also stated that the legislation would destroy small businesses, and that taking away the tax revenue raised by tobacco sales would “hurt families who are already struggling to make ends meet”.214 These narratives were repeated in a series of Facebook adverts published as part of the campaign between August and November 2023, with one advert also stating “tobacco taxes pay for 35,000 police officers”.215

This kind of astroturfing is a well-documented industry tactic.


Proposed legislation

In October 2023, the UK Prime Minister announced plans to introduce a generational endgame policy. The new legislation would prohibit the sale of tobacco products to anyone born after 1 January 2009. All tobacco products, cigarette papers, waterpipe tobacco and herbal smoking products were included in the proposal.177216 Later that month, the Westminster government opened a four nations consultation on the tobacco endgame policy, as well as on potential measures to curb the rise in youth e-cigarette use.217

The consultation closed on 6 December 2023.218 In response to the submissions, the Westminster government confirmed its plans to introduce a generational tobacco ban, ban disposable e-cigarettes and bring forward new powers which would allow the government to restrict e-cigarette flavours, packaging and retail display.219 The Scottish and Welsh governments stated that they would also be introducing the new legislation.220221

Interference from industry and associated organisations

After the generational policy was announced, tobacco control researchers outlined arguments that they anticipated the industry would use to in an attempt prevent or undermine the UK legislation, based on previously used tactics. These included invoking libertarianism and arguments around personal freedom; claiming that the policy would be unworkable and impossible to police; and that it would have unintended consequences, such as increasing cigarette smuggling.222

In December 2023, there were reports that the tobacco industry was lobbying the government to increase the age of smoking to 21, instead of introducing the new generational endgame legislation.223 An industry source quoted by The i newspaper stated that the generational ban was “unenforceable, and the inevitability of such a ban leading to a black market run by dangerous criminal gangs, there’s a large number of libertarian Tory MPs that do not like the idea the government is limiting people’s free choice…if the Prime Minister does cancel the plan, then [the industry] won’t object to him raising the smoking age to 21”.223 The illicit tobacco trade has often been used by tobacco companies to promote key misleading narratives that advance their own business goals.  See also Arguments and Language.

The i also revealed that the tobacco industry had been “inundating MPs with lobbying material in a bid to persuade them to oppose the changes”. It also reported that a letter was sent to MPs, seemingly from constituents, but in fact drafted by employees of tobacco companies, which called the generational ban “ridiculous” and “impractical, illiberal and untested”.223 Andrea Leadsom MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department of Health and Social Care, warned that the industry was working behind the scenes to block the policy.224

Tobacco company lobbying

Tobacco companies lobbied the UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) directly, using many of the same arguments, although only Philip Morris International (PMI) went as far as to issue a legal threat.

In November 2023, PMI sent a pre-action protocol (PAP) letter to the DHSC.225226 The PAP letter argued that the consultation was predetermined and that it failed to give adequate reasons regarding the inclusion of heated tobacco products (HTPs). It also argued that  the consultation period was not long enough did not allow the submission of sufficient additional evidence.225 In a preliminary response (December 2023), the government stated that it was already possible for organisations to upload supporting documents, but to make this clearer, this instruction had been added to the consultation landing page.227

The government’s full response a week later stated that the legal challenge was “misguided and wholly without merit” and would be “an unjustified attempt to delay or derail important legislative change”.228 With regard to HTPs, it stated that some of PMI’s claims were “highly subjective and lack supporting independent evidence”. The response concluded that:

“The Government does not intend to enter into any negotiations with the tobacco industry…and will not as you propose “discuss, on an urgent basis, the potential removal of HTP from the scope of the proposed legislation”…the proposed claim has no merit and your client is urged to reconsider its intention to pursue the claim”.228

The Telegraph newspaper reported that PMI later withdrew the threat, stating “We notified the government of procedural flaws in the consultation process. They subsequently amended the consultation procedure to allow substantive responses and answered other enquiries. As such, we withdrew the claim on 15th January”.226 PMI told the newspaper  that it agreed with the UK’s smoke-free 2030 plans, but did “not believe that reduced-risk smoke-free products—including heated tobacco—should be included alongside combustible cigarettes in any potential legislation”.226 In December 2023, PMI reportedly held roundtable events with UK MPs in to lobby for its heated tobacco products (HTPs) to be exempt from future smoking bans.223

In November 2023, a law firm acting on behalf of British American Tobacco (BAT) contacted the DHSC, arguing that  the proposals would “materially impact the rights of our clients and others”. It also argued that there was not enough information “regarding the impacts and costs and benefits of the proposals to permit intelligent consideration”, and – as had PMI – stated that consultation period was not long enough, and did not allow the submission of sufficient supporting evidence.229 BAT were reported to be sponsoring a roundtable due to be hosted by MP Graham Brady on behalf of the Centre for Policy Studies in December 2023 to “discuss the Government’s smokefree ambitions, what policies could support the goal, and what a Conservative approach to public health should look like.”223230 BAT stated that the proposed legislation would be difficult to enforce, and risked creating a new category of “under-age adults”.231 It also published briefing in response to the consultation, which outlined its stance on e-cigarette restrictions.232

Imperial Brands and the Tobacco Manufacturers’ Association also reportedly engaged with MPs and government officials regarding the proposals, with a spokesperson for Imperial Brands stating “We understand the Government’s desire for new tobacco control measures, because of the health risks associated with smoking. But, like any prohibition, the proposal to ban the legal sale of cigarettes over time threatens significant unintended consequences.”223

In December 2023, Imperial also wrote to the DHSC, arguing that the consultation was “materially deficient and unfair in several important respects”. As with PMI and BAT, Imperial stated that the consultation period was not long enough, and did not allow the submission of sufficient supporting evidence. It also argued that the evidence base for the proposal should be shared.233 Imperial published a summary of its response to the government consultation. It said it opposed the generational ban, as it would be “unworkable and unenforceable, and would see an explosion of illicit trade in tobacco”. It also argued that it would not reduce smoking rates.234 Imperial’s UK head of corporate and legal affairs stated in the retail press in January 2024 that it was having “direct conversations with government” and talking to MPs “to make them aware of illicit trade that is already a problem in their constituencies” including highlighting “loss of revenue for the average retailer”. Imperial also stated that it did not support e-cigarette restrictions including plain packaging, device standardisation, or flavour bans.235

In November 2023, Japan Tobacco International (JTI) carried out a survey of 1000 convenience retailers in the UK, and reported concerns that a smoking ban would harm business, increase illicit trade, make ID checks more complicated for retailer staff and impact staff training around underage sales.236237 A JTI feature in Talking Retail, ‘The Generational Ban: Explained’, described the ban as “an experimental policy not supported by evidence”, and encouraged retailers to respond to the government consultation.238

Lobbying by industry-linked organisations

The Institute of Economic Affairs, a British think tank with a history of tobacco industry funding, published a briefing paper in November 2023 titled ‘Prohibition 2.0: Critiquing the Generational Tobacco Ban’.239 The report echoed the industry narrative that a smoking ban would drive illicit trade and “bolster criminal gangs”. It also stated that a ban would “lead to a grey market in sales between friends” and that it “infantilises one cohort of adults, discriminates on the basis of age and raises issues of intergenerational unfairness.”239 The report disregarded figures published in a review commissioned by the UK’s Department of Health in 2022 relating to the cost of smoking to the NHS, and stated “The reality is that smokers pay far more in tobacco duty than they cost the state in healthcare, while nonsmokers cost the state more, on average, in both healthcare and social security payments”.239 Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) published an analysis in December 2023 which found that smoking costs England £49.2 billion each year in lost productivity and service costs, plus an additional £25.9 billion lost quality adjusted life years due to premature death from smoking – far outweighing the money brought in from tobacco taxes.240

The Consumer Choice Center (CCC), a US lobby group with a history of tobacco industry funding and links to the Atlas Network, launched a campaign titled ‘No2Prohibition’ which urged the public to contact their MP to oppose the new legislation.241 The campaign used the argument that the legislation would result in an increase in illicit trade and stated “Discriminating against adult consumers, depending on what year they were born, is unheard of and would set a dangerous precedent for future regulations. What’s next? Alcohol? Sugar? Fat? We can only imagine”.241 The campaign included a series of social media adverts centred on messages of freedom of choice and prohibition.242 These ads were removed by Meta as they did not include verified “paid for by” disclaimers.242

Forest, a British based Smokers’ rights group with a history of tobacco industry funding, stated that it had urged the government not to introduce a generational ban, ahead of the government consultation deadline in December 2023. It also commissioned a consultancy to carry out a survey, which it states found that “58% of respondents think that if a person can vote, drive a car, buy alcohol, or possess a credit card at 18, they should also be allowed to purchase tobacco”.243

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) is an organisation that represents local stores in the UK. Its “Premier Club” members include BAT, JTI, PMI, Imperial Brands and JUUL.244 ACS stated in December that it had responded to the government consultation, and in its submission “set out a number of concerns about the practical implications of the [generational endgame] policy”. It also stated that it did not support a ban on disposable e-cigarettes.245

The Scottish Grocers Federation (SGF), a trade association for convenience stores with tobacco company members, published an article opposing several possible new retail regulations, which included the generational tobacco policy and restrictions on the sale and visibility of e-cigarettes, stating that it would harm retail businesses.246 Regarding the disposable e-cigarette ban, the SGF Chief Executive warned against “unintended consequences such as an increase in illicit trade” and said that it would “engage with both governments to ensure the best outcome for retailers and their communities”.247 SGF also protested its exclusion from the government’s response to the consultation, due to SGF’s connections with the tobacco industry.248

The World Vapers Alliance (WVA), which has links to BAT, criticised the generational smoking ban. It argued that the UK should instead be “doubling down on its harm reduction strategy”.249 WVA also urged the public to respond to the government consultation to oppose e-cigarette flavour restrictions, the disposable e-cigarette ban and inclusion of heated tobacco products in the generational smoking ban.250 After the consultation closed, WVA published a press release which urged the government to reconsider its stance on banning disposable e-cigarettes.251

The UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) published a press release opposing the e-cigarette regulations, stating “the tobacco industry and illicit markets will be the only winners from bans on disposables and flavoured vapes”.252 (UKVIA stated in September 2023 that all of its tobacco company memberships had ended. For details see the UKVIA page).

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Sunak’s smoke-free generation: spare a thought for the tobacco industry, G. Hartwell, A.B. Gilmore, M.C.I . van Schalkwyk, M. McKee, BMJ, 2023; 383 :p2922 doi:10.1136/bmj.p2922


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  22. N. Lakhani, Mexico: children toil in the tobacco fields as reforms fail to fix poverty, The Guardian, 27 June 2018, accessed February 2023
  23. UN Comtrade Database, Trade Data, United Nations, 2022, accessed August 2023
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  239. abConsumer Choice Center, No2Prohibition, website, undated, accessed December 2023
  240. abMeta Ad Library, Consumer Choice Center, accessed December 2023
  241. Poll: Adults Should be Allowed to Buy Tobacco, Tobacco Reporter, 5 December 2023, accessed December 2023
  242. Association of Convenience Stores, Premier Club, website, undated, accessed December 2023
  243. Association of Convenience Stores, ACS Calls for Better Regulation of Vaping Market and Explains Practical Challenges of Generational Tobacco Ban, website, 5 December 2023, accessed December 2023
  244. Scottish Grocers Federation, Rising tide of regulation could drown thousands of local retail businesses, 17 January 2024, accessed January 2024
  245. Scottish Grocers Federation, SGF respond to disposable vaping ban on behalf of Scottish grocers, 29 January 2024, accessed January 2024
  246. Scottish Grocers Federation, Views of convenience retailers omitted from government’s vaping & tobacco consultation, 31 January 2024, accessed January 2024
  247. World Vapers’ Alliance, The Flawed Logic of the Generational Smoking Ban, 23 October 2023, accessed February 2024
  248. World Vapers Alliance, UK: Save Flavours Save Disposables, undated, accessed January 2024
  249. World Vapers Alliance, WVA Criticises UK Government’s Proposed Ban on Disposable Vapes, 28 January 2024, accessed February 2024
  250. UKVIA, Press Release: Research Shows Adult Vapers Rely On Flavours And Disposable Vapes As Government Consider Bans To Address Youth Vaping, 6 December 2023, accessed February 2024254 UKVIA also sent a letter to the Prime Minister urging the government to reconsider.255UKVIA, UKVIA Response to Government’s Vaping Announcement, letter, 29 January 2024, accessed February 2024

The post Tobacco Industry Interference with Endgame Policies appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

BOTEC Analysis Thu, 02 Nov 2023 10:03:51 +0000 Background BOTEC Analysis is a research and consultancy firm based in the US, which works on nicotine and tobacco harm reduction, cannabis, drug policy, transportation and community corrections.  Its website states that “BOTEC combines the capabilities of a consultancy and a think tank, resulting in service that is nimble and responsive but also grounded in evidence […]

The post BOTEC Analysis appeared first on TobaccoTactics.


BOTEC Analysis is a research and consultancy firm based in the US, which works on nicotine and tobacco harm reduction, cannabis, drug policy, transportation and community corrections.259  Its website states that “BOTEC combines the capabilities of a consultancy and a think tank, resulting in service that is nimble and responsive but also grounded in evidence and ethical accountability”.260

BOTEC Analysis has received funding from Philip Morris International (PMI) and the Foundation for a Smoke Free World (FSFW).


Samuel Hampsher-Monk has been the Managing Director of BOTEC Analysis since 2017.261262 BOTEC Analysis has developed its tobacco harm reduction work since he took on this role.263

A list of other current employees can be found on the BOTEC Analysis website.

Relationship with the Tobacco Industry

Funded by the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World

BOTEC Analysis has received funding from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW) since 2019.

In 2019, It received a grant of US$299,767 to “Investigate the drivers of smoking cessation in five countries with alternative nicotine delivery device markets”.264

In 2021, it received a further two grants totalling US$401,349 to “Further develop the drivers of smoking cessation in five countries with legalized alternative nicotine delivery systems (ANDS) through a series of additional journal articles, econometric studies, and a full-length book on optimal nicotine regulation” and “Conduct an investigation and analysis and develop recommendations regarding the (i) literature addressing the relationship between COVID-19 and tobacco and nicotine products; (ii) the impact of various tobacco/nicotine related COVID restrictions around the world on smoking and alternative nicotine delivery system (ANDS) use”.265

In 2022 BOTEC received its largest grants to date, two grants totalling US$937,023 to “Investigate the drivers for smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction in five countries with alternative nicotine delivery systems markets” and “Develop journal articles, econometric studies, and a full-length book regarding the drivers of smoking cessation in five countries with legalized alternative nicotine delivery systems”.266


BOTEC analysis received a grant from PMI through its PMI IMPACT initiative in 2017 to conduct research on the “Impact of e-cigarette regulation on illegal trade in tobacco products in the European Union”.267

As part of this project, a paper found that “the more available e-cigarettes become, the less ITTP [illicit trade in tobacco products] market share rises in response to tax-driven price increases for conventional cigarettes”,268 an argument beneficial to PMI’s business strategy of pushing heated tobacco products, not as an alternative but a supplement to its cigarette business.

For more information see List of Successful PMI IMPACT Applicants.

Other activities

Hampsher-Monk and Jamer Prieger, Senior Researcher at BOTEC Analysis,261 are listed as co-authors of a book due to be published in 2024 titled ‘Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction, Volume I: Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health’.269 The other co-author is Sudhanshu Patwardhan, Medical Director of the Centre for Health Research and Education (CHRE).

Hampsher-Monk was listed as a speaker at the 2023 ‘New Approaches’ conference, held at the Harvard Club of New York City, in the same week as the United Nations General Assembly.263 For more details see Healthy Initiatives (a FSFW grantee).

Relevant Link

TobaccoTactics Pages


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  227. Herbert Smith Freehills on behalf of BAT, Consultation on Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping, letter, 3 November 2023, accessed February 2024. Available from the UKHSA website
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  236. Advertisement feature from JTI: The Generational Smoking Ban: Explained, Talking Retail, 20 November 2023, accessed January 2024
  237. abcC. Snowdon/ Institute of Economic Affairs, Prohibition 2.0: Critiquing the Generational Tobacco Ban, 29 November 2023, accessed December 2023
  238. Action on Smoking and Health, New figures show smoking costs billions more than tobacco taxes as consultation on creating a smokefree generation closes, press release, 6 December 2023, accessed December 2023
  239. abConsumer Choice Center, No2Prohibition, website, undated, accessed December 2023
  240. abMeta Ad Library, Consumer Choice Center, accessed December 2023
  241. Poll: Adults Should be Allowed to Buy Tobacco, Tobacco Reporter, 5 December 2023, accessed December 2023
  242. Association of Convenience Stores, Premier Club, website, undated, accessed December 2023
  243. Association of Convenience Stores, ACS Calls for Better Regulation of Vaping Market and Explains Practical Challenges of Generational Tobacco Ban, website, 5 December 2023, accessed December 2023
  244. Scottish Grocers Federation, Rising tide of regulation could drown thousands of local retail businesses, 17 January 2024, accessed January 2024
  245. Scottish Grocers Federation, SGF respond to disposable vaping ban on behalf of Scottish grocers, 29 January 2024, accessed January 2024
  246. Scottish Grocers Federation, Views of convenience retailers omitted from government’s vaping & tobacco consultation, 31 January 2024, accessed January 2024
  247. World Vapers’ Alliance, The Flawed Logic of the Generational Smoking Ban, 23 October 2023, accessed February 2024
  248. World Vapers Alliance, UK: Save Flavours Save Disposables, undated, accessed January 2024
  249. World Vapers Alliance, WVA Criticises UK Government’s Proposed Ban on Disposable Vapes, 28 January 2024, accessed February 2024
  250. UKVIA, Press Release: Research Shows Adult Vapers Rely On Flavours And Disposable Vapes As Government Consider Bans To Address Youth Vaping, 6 December 2023, accessed February 2024271 UKVIA also sent a letter to the Prime Minister urging the government to reconsider.272UKVIA, UKVIA Response to Government’s Vaping Announcement, letter, 29 January 2024, accessed February 2024
  251. BOTEC Analysis, Our Work, website, undated, archived March 2023, accessed October 2023
  252. BOTEC Analysis, About Us, website, undated, archived May 2022,  accessed October 2023
  253. abBOTEC Analysis, Our Team and Network, website, undated, archived March 2023, accessed October 2023
  254. Samuel C. Hampsher-Monk, LinkedIn Profile, website, undated, accessed October 2023
  255. abNew Approaches Conference, 18 September 2023, Harvard Club of New York City, website, undated, accessed September 2023
  256. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2019 Tax Return, 15 May 2020, accessed May 2020
  257. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2021 Tax Return, 16 May 2022, accessed May 2021
  258. Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, Form 990-PF, 2022 Tax Return, 15 May 2023, accessed May 2023
  259. Philip Morris International, Selected Projects: First Funding Round, PMI IMPACT website, undated, accessed January 2019
  260. J.E. Prieger, M. Kleiman, J. Kulick, A. Aziani, M. Levi, S. Hampsher, C. Manning, R. Hahn, The Impact of E-Cigarette Regulation on the Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in the European Union, SSRN, 15 June 2019
  261. S. C. Hampsher-Monk, J. E. Prieger, S. Patwardhan, Clearing the Air on E-Cigarettes and Harm Reduction, Volume I: Tobacco Regulation, Economics, and Public Health, 2024, Palgrave Macmillan

The post BOTEC Analysis appeared first on TobaccoTactics.

India Country Profile Thu, 14 Sep 2023 14:58:55 +0000 Key Points India is a country located in South Asia, part of the World Health Organization’s South-East Asia Region. It had a population in 2022 of 1.42 billion. Amongst those aged 15+, tobacco use prevalence is 28.6%. Smoking prevalence in India is 10.7%. However, the most popular form of tobacco in India is smokeless tobacco, […]

The post India Country Profile appeared first on TobaccoTactics.


Image source: SavoryCrowdad/CC BY-SA 4.0

Key Points

  • India is a country located in South Asia, part of the World Health Organization’s South-East Asia Region.
  • It had a population in 2022 of 1.42 billion. Amongst those aged 15+, tobacco use prevalence is 28.6%.
  • Smoking prevalence in India is 10.7%. However, the most popular form of tobacco in India is smokeless tobacco, with use prevalence of 21.4%.
  • India ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2004, and the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in 2018.
  • The Indian cigarette market is dominated by four companies, which together accounted for 98% of sales in 2022. ITC Limited holds by far the largest market share, at over 73%.
  • The tobacco industry has deployed a wide range of tactics in India in recent years, including mobilisation of front groups and third parties; litigation against tobacco control measures such as graphic health warnings; and corporate social responsibility, including in partnership with government.

Since the early 2000s, India has made significant progress in tobacco control, introducing a comprehensive tobacco control law in 2004, reducing the affordability of tobacco products, and introducing graphic health warnings (GHWs) consistent with best practice worldwide.276277 However, major challenges persist. The wide range of tobacco products available in India makes regulation and enforcement particularly complicated. The Indian state is also a major shareholder of ITC Limited, which has by far the largest share of the Indian market. This means that the government has an interest in socio-economic issues – such as ensuring the welfare of farmers and manual labourers working in the Indian tobacco industry, and protection of exports – as well as in public health.278

India remains the world’s second largest consumer, producer and exporter of tobacco.279280

Tobacco Use in India

In 2022, the population of India was 1.42 billion.281 In the 2016-17 Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), approximately 29% of the population aged 15+ reported current tobacco use – over 42% of males, and over 14% of females.277282 This means that in absolute numbers, there were almost 267 million tobacco users in India aged 15 and over.279 In the 2019 Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), amongst adolescents aged from 13 to 15, 8.5% reported using some form of tobacco – nearly 10% of males, and over 7% of females.277283

Amongst India’s smokers, the most popular product was not factory-made cigarettes but bidis: cigarettes rolled by hand in a dried leaf of the tendu tree. 7.7% of Indian adults reported smoking bidis, compared to 4% who smoked cigarettes.282

However, the most popular tobacco product in India overall is smokeless tobacco (SLT). More than 21% of Indians aged 15 and over reported being SLT users, compared to less than 11% who smoked, whether cigarettes, bidis, or both.277282 SLT use is also significant amongst women and girls: nearly 13% of females aged 15 and over were SLT users, compared to 2% who smoked.277282 The majority of female tobacco users in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are SLT users in India and Bangladesh.284 However, amongst adolescent tobacco users, smoking is more common than SLT use. Over 7% of adolescents reported current smoking, compared to just over 4% who were SLT users.277283

India has the second highest number of oral cancer cases globally, accounting for a third of the total.285 More than 90% of India’s oral cancer cases are caused by tobacco use and of these, more than half are caused by SLT.286 The poor and less educated are worst affected, with much higher SLT use prevalence amongst these sections of the population.286 There were also over a million deaths attributable to smoking in 2019, accounting for nearly 11% of all mortality in India that year.287

A 2020 study put the economic cost of all illness and death attributable to tobacco use between 2017 and 2018 for those over 35 years of age at US$27.5 billion.288 Smoking accounted for 74% of this cost; smokeless tobacco 26%.288 Direct medical costs alone amounted to 5.3% of all health expenditure.288 However, the excise tax revenue from tobacco the previous year was just 12.2% of its economic cost.288 In simple terms, the economic burden of tobacco use is more than eight times the value of revenue the Indian government receives in excise from tobacco products.288 This economic burden accounts for over 1% of India’s GDP.288

Tobacco in India

Market share and leading brands

The Indian cigarette market is dominated by four companies:  ITC Limited, Godfrey Phillips India Limited (GPI), VST Industries Ltd., and Philip Morris International (PMI), which together accounted for 98% of sales in 2022.15

India banned foreign direct investment in tobacco manufacturing in 2010, which means that the transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) can only access the Indian market via shareholdings and licensing agreements with local producers.289290

ITC Limited

ITC Limited (formerly India Tobacco Company Limited), dominates the Indian tobacco market, with a share of over 73% in 2022.15 Its largest shareholder is British American Tobacco (BAT), which held just under 30% of shares until March 2024.291292 The Indian state is also a major shareholder, via various state-owned insurance corporations and investment portfolios.292 Its products include India’s three bestselling brands of cigarettes: Gold Flake, Wills and Scissors.16

In a presentation to investors in June 2023, BAT CEO Tadeu Marroco stressed the importance of the company retaining at least a 25% shareholding in ITC, given that this provides BAT with seats on the ITC board and the right to veto company resolutions.293 Marroco also highlighted the potential of the vast Indian market in terms of newer nicotine and tobacco products, particularly oral products such as nicotine pouches.293 In March 2024, BAT reduced its holdings in ITC to 25.5%.294For more details see ITC Limited.

Godfrey Phillips India Limited (GPI)

GPI had a market share of almost 10% in 2022, the second largest after ITC.15 PMI is the second-largest shareholder with a stake of just over 25%.295 Major brands include Four Square, Cavenders and Tipper.16

VST Industries Ltd

VST, formerly Vazir Sultan Tobacco Company, had a market share of over 9% in 2022, the third largest.15 With a stake of over 32%, BAT is its largest shareholder.296 Its major brands include Total, Charms and Charminar.16

TTCs’ licensing agreements

PMI has a licensing agreement with GPI, under which GPI manufactures and sells the brands Marlboro and Red & White in India, though PMI retains brand ownership internationally.1516297 This gives PMI a 5.4% market share from a global ownership perspective.15 Similarly, ITC manufactures and sells the brands Berkeley and Benson & Hedges in India, though Japan Tobacco International and British American Tobacco are the global owners, respectively.1516 Both companies have a market share of less than 2%.15

Smokeless tobacco and bidis

The Indian smokeless tobacco industry is based largely on small scale, rural production, for which accurate data is not available.298 Local manufacturers account for significant segments of the market in several regions of India.298 Similarly, bidi production depends largely on small home-based manufacturing operations and accurate data is not available.298

At the national level, the biggest companies in the chewing tobacco/gutkha (see section “Undermining the gutkha ban”) market are believed to be Dhariwal Industries, Dharampal Satyapal (DS Group) and Som Sugandh Industries, which together accounted for around a quarter of sales in 2010.298 There is also interest from the big cigarette companies in smokeless tobacco; Godfrey Phillips launched its own range of chewing products in 2010.299 A 2021 paper found that 93% of SLT products bought in India were non-compliant with packaging regulations: either they did not have graphic health warnings, or the warnings were too small.300

Tobacco farming

India is the world’s second biggest tobacco producer after China, producing over 766,000 tonnes of leaf in 2020.301 This accounts for 9% of all global production.280 Though tobacco production in India has increased significantly in recent decades – from 438,500 tonnes in 1980 – it has fallen slightly from a high of 830,000 tonnes in 2011.302

Child labour

Indian bidis feature on the U.S. Department of Labor’s 2022 List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor.303 While information on child labour in the bidi industry is not widely available, a study published in 2009 found that more than 1.7 million children worked rolling bidis in India.304 This disproportionately affects girls, who are often drawn into the industry to support their families. Bidi rollers may work 10 to 14-hour days to produce over 1,000 bidis, in what a BBC report from 2012 described as “slave-like working conditions”.304

Tobacco and the economy

India is the world’s second largest exporter of tobacco leaf, after Brazil.280 According to UN Comtrade, India exported nearly US$816 million in raw tobacco in 2022, compared to nearly $21 million in imports.305306 Export figures for 2021-2022 from the Indian Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) – a trust established by the Indian Department of Commerce – were slightly higher, at US$842 million.280

India exports tobacco to more than 115 countries around the world, the biggest recipient of which is Belgium, which accounts for around 18% of India’s total tobacco exports. Other major export destinations for Indian tobacco include the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and the United States.280

India is also a major net exporter of cigarettes. According to UN Comtrade, it exported over US$100 million in cigarettes in 2022, compared to nearly $26 million in imports.307308

According to IBEF, the tobacco industry in India employs about 36 million people in farming, processing, manufacturing and export activities.280

Illicit trade

The Tobacco Institute of India, an industry body established by ITC, GPI and VST in 1992, puts the scale of the illicit tobacco trade at a quarter of the market.309 However, independent studies put that figure much lower, at around 3% to 6%.310 This makes illicit trade in India relatively small by global standards.311 A 2018 study, which found that 2.73% of the empty cigarette packs collected in India were illicit, noted significant differences across the country.312 Areas with greater illicit trade penetration are often targeted by studies funded by the tobacco industry to exaggerate overall levels of illicit trade.313

Studies have also cast doubt on industry claims that tobacco tax increases have led to expansion of illicit trade. For example, according to ITC, tax increases during the period 2012 to 2017 resulted in rapid growth of illicit trade, making India the fourth largest illicit market globally.314 However, a study published in 2020 by experts from the WHO and the Indian government put the illicit cigarette trade at 6% of the market in 2016-17 – an increase of just 0.9% from 2009-10.311

Similarly, a joint report published in 2017 by the accountancy firm KPMG and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) argued that illicit trade – driven in part by higher taxes on cigarettes – was providing funds for terrorism and organized crime.315 However, both ITC and GPI are members of FICCI, which has a history of opposing tobacco control measures in India (see Influencing policy: graphic health warnings). Similarly, KPMG has strong ties with the tobacco industry going back decades, and its work on illicit trade has been strongly criticised elsewhere. Critics argue that KPMG’s research has exaggerated the scale of illicit trade and has been used to oppose tobacco control regulations such as plain packaging.

Tobacco and the environment

A 2018 study estimated that in order to produce 100 billion cigarettes, nearly 67,500 tonnes of CO2 equivalent were emitted in India in 2010 – the equivalent of 14,544 petrol-powered vehicles driven for a year.316317 The industry has also been a major cause of deforestation: it is estimated that 680 square kilometres of scrub forest were destroyed and degraded for tobacco curing and the manufacture of cigarettes and other smoking consumables between 1962 and 2002.318

A 2022 study estimated that 170,000 tonnes of waste is produced by the packaging of tobacco products annually in India, two-thirds of which correspond to smokeless tobacco (SLT) products.319 Analysis of segregated waste revealed that 73,500 tonnes of plastic, 6,100 tonnes of foil and 1,350 tonnes of used filters are discharged annually into the environment.319 Cleaning up this waste costs Indian taxpayers roughly US$766 million every year.320

Roadmap to Tobacco Control

India was the eighth country to ratify the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) in 2004.321 It ratified the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in 2018.322323

The Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COTPA), passed in 2003, is the main comprehensive tobacco control law in India. Amongst other provisions, it banned smoking in most public places, prohibited the advertising of cigarettes and other tobacco products, and banned sales to anyone under the age of 18.324 Since then, a number of rules have been introduced to aid implementation of COTPA and provide definitions.276 In 2007-08, the government launched the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP), which aimed to reinforce COTPA and facilitate implementation of the tobacco control strategies contained within the WHO FCTC.325

In 2020, an amendment to COTPA was drafted by the Ministry of Health.326 Aiming to further strengthen the original legislation and boost compliance with WHO FCTC, it will abolish designated smoking areas, prohibit the sale of individual cigarettes (single sticks), and raise the legal age required for purchase of tobacco products from 18 to 21.326327 However, as of September 2023, this amendment has yet to become law.

Citing concerns about the health impacts of vaping on young people, the Indian government introduced a ban on electronic cigarettes in 2019. The law prohibits the production, manufacture, import, export, transport, sale, distribution, storage and advertisement of e-cigarettes.276328 Though their use remains rare in India as of 2023, the law closes off a huge potential market for e-cigarette companies.329

For more details, please see the following websites:

Tobacco Industry Interference in India

Tobacco industry tactics in India include mobilisation of front groups and third parties; litigation against tobacco control measures, such as graphic health warnings; and corporate social responsibility, including in partnership with government.

Delaying rollout of larger graphic health warnings

In October 2014, the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare announced its intention to increase the area covered by graphic health warnings (GHWs) on tobacco products, from 40% to 85%.330 GHWs are a well-established, evidence-based and cost-effective measure of reducing tobacco use.331 They may also be particularly effective in India, given both the country’s linguistic diversity and its literacy rate (as of 2018, over a quarter of the population was unable to read or write).332333

The tobacco industry deployed various tactics in an attempt to block this legislation. These included mobilising third parties and front groups, spreading misleading information, and submitting more than 30 legal challenges in state-level courts throughout India.334335

Third parties and front groups which mobilised against the legislation included the following:

These groups wrote letters to and met with policy makers, launched campaigns in the media against the proposal, and filed legal challenges.334335

For example, FAIFA bought full-page advertisements in leading national newspapers, claiming that larger GHWs would be detrimental to the livelihoods of tobacco farmers and fuel the illicit trade.334336 FAIFA, CII and FICCI all wrote letters to the Minister of Health, J.P. Nadda, echoing these arguments.337338 The Tobacco Institute of India filed a legal challenge against the government in the High Court of Karnataka.339 Finally, ASSOCHAM addressed a communiqué to the government, stating that the GHWs would endanger the livelihoods of more than 45 million people and lead to a flood of illicit imports.340

These industry strategies succeeded in delaying the rollout of the 85% GHWs for a year, from April 2015 until April 2016.341 However, the legal challenges continued even after implementation. In 2017, the High Court of Karnataka ruled that India should revert to the pre-2016 40% warnings. This decision was overruled in 2018 by the Indian Supreme Court and the 85% warnings have remained in force ever since.335

The eventual introduction of the 85% GHWs saw India jump from 136th to third position in the global ranking for size of health warnings on tobacco products.342

Undermining the gutkha ban

Gutkha, one of India’s most popular smokeless tobacco (SLT) products, is a mix of crushed Areca nut (a well-known risk factor for several cancers even when consumed without tobacco), with tobacco, catechu, paraffin, slaked lime and flavourings.343344 Highly addictive and very cheap, gutkha is popular amongst women and young people.345

Since 2012, there have been state-level bans throughout the country in an attempt to reduce its prevalence, but it remains widely available.346347 Producers have found ways to circumvent the bans, such as by packaging and selling the constituent ingredients of gutkha separately.347348

In the state of Tamil Nadu, gutkha remained widely available despite being banned in 2013.349350 In 2016, officials from India’s Income Tax Department discovered details of a series of suspected bribes worth nearly US$6 million made by leading manufacturer MDM to public officials, allegedly to facilitate the storage, transport and sale of gutkha.334349351

Alleged recipients of bribes included a government minister, police officers and senior civil servants.352 In November 2022, after four years of investigations in three states, India’s Central Bureau of Investigation filed charges against 21 individuals.352349

Corporate social responsibility: partnerships with government

Tobacco companies often use corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives to enhance their public image and corporate reputation.

In the implementation guidelines for Article 5.3 of the WHO FCTC, the WHO states that these activities fall within its definition of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship – and should therefore not be endorsed by Parties to the treaty.353 However, in India, under the Companies Act 2013, all large corporations are required to spend at least 2% of their average net profit in the previous three years on CSR.354 This helps to legitimise tobacco industry CSR, as companies argue they are only fulfilling their legal duties.278In its sustainability reporting, ITC states that its CSR initiatives fall within the scope of the 2013 legislation.355

ITC has contributed frequently to government programmes and has worked with government institutions.278 For example, in 2017, ITC contributed to a fund set up by the Indian government to attract funding from corporations and private donors for the provision of sanitation and clean drinking water; and to the Clean Ganga Fund, established by the government to rehabilitate the River Ganges.355 In his speech to shareholders at the 2017 AGM, the then ITC CEO cited several public-private partnerships with state governments in India on water management projects, stating that they aligned with a national programme which aimed to expand irrigation coverage and improve efficiency of water use.356357

This type of public-private CSR was particularly widespread during the COVID-19 pandemic. In total, between March and June 2020, the Indian tobacco industry contributed around US$36.7 million in donations to various government funds, both at federal and state level.354 The industry also partnered with other stakeholders, including NGOs, other private sector actors and even popular Bollywood singers. ITC was the biggest cash and in-kind contributor.354358

Corporate trademarks were widely visible during these CSR activities, and the initiatives were publicised in leading newspapers and by senior politicians.354359360

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  1. World Health Organization, WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2003
  2. abUnited Nations, Chapter IX Health, 4. WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, treaty record and status, accessed February 2023
  3. abcL. Zavala-Arciniega, L.M. Reynales-Shigematsu, D.T. Levy et al, Smoking trends in Mexico, 2002-2016: before and after the ratification of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, 2020, Tobacco Control, 29(6), 687–691, doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055153
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  9. M.B. Reitsma, P.J. Kendrick, E. Ababneh et al, Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019, Lancet 2021; 397: 2337–60. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01169-7
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  12. I. Barrientos-Gutiérrez, L. Cruz-Jiménez, K. Gallegos-Carrillo et al, Aceptabilidad de diferentes propuestas de regulación de los Sistemas Electrónicos de Administración de Nicotina (SEAN) entre consumidores de nicotina en México, Salud Publica Mex. 2023 Jan 2; 65(1 ene-feb): 36–45. doi: 10.21149/12896
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  14. Euromonitor International, Market Sizes 2017-2022, accessed May 2023 (paywall)
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  19. G. Grilo, L.P. Lagasse, J.E. Cohen et al, “It’s all About the Colors:” How do Mexico City Youth Perceive Cigarette Pack Design, International Journal of Public Health, Vol 66, 2021, doi: 10.3389/ijph.2021.585434
  20. abUN Food and Agriculture Organization, Tobacco Production, 1961 to 2020, Our World in Data, 2022, accessed February 2023
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  26. abDescartes Datamyne™ global trade analysis, accessed September 2023 (paywall)
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  28. B. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, L.M. Reynales Shigematsu, M. Stoklosa et al, Measuring the illicit cigarette market in Mexico: a cross validation of two methodologies, Tobacco Control, 2021, 30:125-131. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-055449
  29. abB. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, L.M. Reynales Shigematsu, El consumo de cigarros ilícitos en México. Una estimación robusta y transparente para apoyar la toma de decisiones, The American Cancer Society, 2019, accessed February 2023
  30. B. Sáenz de Miera Juárez, M.A. Rodriguez, L.M. Reynales, Measuring illicit cigarette consumption with tobacco surveillance data: evidence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey for Mexico, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2018, 16(Suppl 1):A132. doi: 10.18332/tid/84167
  31. Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios, Cofepris avanza en aseguramientos de vapeadores y suspensión de establecimientos, Gobierno de México, 12 July 2022, accessed February 2023
  32. Salud Justa, Tabaco, una amenaza para nuestro planeta, 2022, accessed February 2023
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  77. abSindiTabaco, Tabaco é tema de audiência pública em Brasília, 15 June 2023, accessed November 2023
  78. Brazil Ag Minister Asked for Support Prior to COP, Tobacco Reporter, 14 July 2023, accessed August 2023
  79. Brazilian Minister Voices Supports for Tobacco Farming, Tobacco Reporter, 18 July 2023, accessed August 2023
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  84. J.Da Silva, Federação denuncia a invisibilidade do trabalhador da indústria do tabaco, Expansão, 8 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  85. abEmbaixador do Panamá levará pleito dos trabalhadores do tabaco ao Itamaraty, Ola jornal, 9 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  86. M. Cullip, Time Short to Stop the WHO’s Assault on Tobacco Harm Reduction, Filter, 12 July 2023, accessed August 2023
  87. M. Cullip, The WHO’s COP10 Takedown of Tobacco Harm Reduction Takes Shape, Filter, 3 August 2023, accessed August 2023
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  90. L.Stroud, The WHO Prioritizes Youth Who Don’t Smoke Over Adults Who Do, Filter, 23 February 2024, accessed February 2024
  91. K. Sidhu, At Hostile COP10, Threats to Tobacco Harm Reduction Postponed, Filter, 20 February 2024, accessed April 2024
  92. Special Report: COP10, Tobacco Reporter, 4 September 2023, accessed September 2023
  93. Global Tobacco & Nicotine Forum, GTNF 2015: Welcome to Bologna: the city where ideas and information meet, 2015, accessed January 2024
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  97. Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction, The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and the Conference of the Parties (COP): an explainer, April 2023, accessed August 2023
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The post India Country Profile appeared first on TobaccoTactics.
